It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

birthday home invasion thanks julian and mcmanus your real sociopaths

  1. Day after Birthday
    I can’t even call and report this crime because of my situation and when i thought of going to the man’s home and getting some of my things back Dech forbid it loudly. 
    Day after injury and I sat at my table and watch Ray’s car show up and stop at the rail road tracks. A older thin man jumped out and walked up the east side of my home. He collect a bike that was there and then he walked along my porch and came right in the door. I comforted him of course. Thank goodness he was a weasel what if had assaulted me who would I call for help can’t call SAPD and 911 only leads to help can’t get state, bexar county, or constable. Something else I learned during this adversity. 
    He claimed that he saw someone else robbing my home and he had their license plate number. Funny he was wearing my US Army lanyard around his neck but someone else robbed my house. Then he got sarcastic with me and said “I did FBI work for you getting the plate number”. He said this because he knew the games being played with my head by The Castro Brothers, San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign, and SAPD. Real funny to play with a woman who is struggling to survive and fighting relentlessly for her 3 small children.
    Another thing I had learned during this adversity is that there are some very cold hearten sick people in this city and I think they out weigh the god fearing folks I am desperately am seeking for.   
    I do understand that our lord gives us what we can handle and it all comes around ten fold if you keeping fighting the good fight, but I want to argue this is all a bit much for one woman.
  2. Happy Birthday to me
    I ventured out of the house for my birthday, I didn’t have much food left and needed to find more but my phone service was gone again and I had no money left I pawned all my jewelry that was worth anything and sold two phones just to keep myself going through this I sure wasn’t getting any help from Gilliman or McManus and the Castro Brothers were pinning for my death without actually doing it themselves like the cowards they are. 
    I didn’t find food or anything else when I walked around the city but a man kept asking me if I wanted a ride I said no twice but he kept coming at me. I finally gave in and excepted the ride. He said his name was Ray I don’t know if that is really his name but I gave his plate number and all this story to the FBI I wonder what happened to that info. 
    He acted weird and the things he was saying was just off. So he bought me a meal which was nice and then when I asked to be taken home he refused. I was worried he said he wanted to take me to the movies I didn’t want to go to the movies this man was acting weird. He made some sort of emergency call that was just off I figured everything out quickly. That call he made was to friends and they were instructed to go in my home and steal as much as they could of the most value. So while he had me at the movies they were in my house stealing my things. Then he left me at the movies and it was nine miles from my home.  I walked I had no money. 
    You see hind site is always 20/20 I had told my phone two or so days prior that I was selling everything in my house and I was leaving to a place where the Castro Brothers and McManus would never find me. So they came up with this plan to have the most valuable things taken from me so I couldn’t sell it. 
    At this time I was still being told the FBI was watching everything that was happening and all these officers were in trouble and they would be brought to justice. I was being lied to. Then they were playing games with my head and the officers would show up and act like they climbing in the windows and then being taking away by FBI agents so I would believe this huge lie. These Officers involved should think about starting their acting careers, pretty evil thing to do right? Well when you have the Castro Brothers coaching you these are the things you do. 
    The things that were taken were precious to me but no value to anyone else. They took my children’s pictures, social security cards, birth certificates, painting my kids made for me, they took a set of six dog tags that belonged to my close friends that died in combat. It makes me sick they have the social security numbers of my dearest friends, piping hot mad. These are the things that hurt everything else is replaceable. 

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