It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Jackie Neering the sociopath

 The first time I ever met Jackie y brother was active duty Navy and I was active duty army. I drove to Lemoore California to visit. She was drilling me asking questions about my family and discord or disagreements. When i was sharing with her she promised she would never repeat anything to anyone telling me I could trust her. She took everything I said to her and used it against my brother telling him she didn't want to move to Michigan and then he yelled at me for telling her anything. That is the woman you married and you are telling me I can not trust her. Think about that. She is a manipulator and during that entire marriage she was manipulating my family and constantly creating havoc.

The evidence of her emotional and verbal abuse to her three girls is all on facebook for the having

In 2013 I was at their home and the kids asked me to get something down from the attic of the garage. I stepped on David's 1957 auto. Many days later he claimed I had dented it and he was angry with me. I weighed 100lbs and everyone knows that autos made then are made solid there is no way I dented it. I would have felt it give under my foot and I felt no such thing happen. Suddenly he was furious with me and I had no idea why. There was a dent put in that car and it was much bigger that my foot could possibly make. To me that dent looked like someone going in the garage with a hammer making a dent and claiming I had done it. So David who pointed to the dent? Who came to you and said "Hey Dave what happened to your car?" I bet it was your wife the same person that put the dent in the car framing me for it so she c

Feb. 29th 2020 busy minion day

It has been a very busy minion day with lots of poison to stop me in my tracks

Friday, February 28, 2020

Bad Religion

Sugar Babies

These women are not always JUST college students.

I met some of these here in San Antonio they could not even speak english. I was told those were the ladies of the night that were brought here by rich spies. They were at the Crockett Hotel.

Singapore the founder is from Singapore
That there is a sugar baby and he lied to the reporter and said she is going to school. She is not in school at all. Zoey is just being trafficked

IC3 Complaint

Dirty FBI did nothing threw it under the rug

Ariel Jade Robertson trying to make me look badly

 In the highlighted area you can see my daughter's delusion. She says I missed it all her high school. She refused to answer the phone, answer my emails, she helped her father put restraining orders on me telling me that I could not communicate with my daughter and all these things are documented. She is throwing a fit about me not being there for her graduation. The investigating agents will show in the end how many times I contacted the school about her graduation. I planed on flying there and watching the commencements in secret because I was told I was not welcome. When I talked to the school I was told I would not be allowed into the commencements because I had to have an invitation. The students were each given five invitations and if I was not given one I would not get in. She never contacted me and told when it was and that I was invited. There are numerous email, instagram, tumblr, messages to Ariel that she refused to answer. On this blog you will see that she was leaving nasty messages accusing me of things that were not even true like my home being a mess and her sisters hair being a rats nest. Hillary asked her to do all this and she did it.
    I have never forgot she was my kid I cried everyday because of the attacks on me by my daughter. I have a recorded conversation with her telling me that she wanted to be apart of my life again, then she proceeded to ask me my mailing address and where I worked. She wanted the address of both the apartment and my place of employment she was retrieving this information for Gregory Marshall and Hillary Clinton. She did not and does not miss me and she is cold and callous. They call her and message her when they are desperate about stopping me from fighting.
She makes the statement that I am more concerned about myself than my children. I think that all the police reports, consultations with attorneys, contacting CPS, trying to find my children, send message after message to see them and talk to them, all this makes it obvious that my grown daughter is a monster and pathological liar. These are all the things that Gregory and Hillary were telling her to say. Joaquin Castro and Julian were talking to her on Facebook as well. She says I am paranoid about officers, and some strange statement about I should have paranoia for my kids. So with all the pictures and videos of my numerous confrontations with police officers more than three of them trying to take my life, stalking and harassing, false arrest and so on and so on Does everyone see how much of a delusional liar my daughter is? She told me at one point that I was always talking about the Castro Brothers with her. I don't talk to her about what I am going through here because she gets nasty just like that statement. These are the things she is instructed to do. While she is talking to me on the phone she is using facebook and receiving instruction from Gregory Marshall and the Castro Brothers telling her what to ask me and Gregory Marshall is recording these calls. She accused me of being a drunk telling me she never wanted to talk to me again. She says I was drinking a wine cooler. I did not say anything out of the ordinary I was not intoxicated while on face time with her. But she said all these lies believing that her word would out weigh mine in a court of law.
You know that sixth sense you get when you know you are being attacked and you don't know what to do about it? Every time my daughter answers an email or text I get that feeling it is a dread falls over me and I am sick to my stomach to even listen to her lies accusing me of ending our relationship when I was the one tried to hold it together. Ariel Jade Robertson is a very sick person. She attacked her own mother to be pals with Hillary Clinton and the Castro Brothers, Julian Castro telling her like so many others that he is going to be president some day. He is going to prison, he is never going to be president and my daughter fell for his lie and threw her mother under the bus.   

Dan Jones

He was attacked because of his father. It was a demonstration of what power they have over people in their way.


This medication is real and I have a good reason how this effects me and why the movie was personnel.

Ask Dech

CIA Botched Programs

President Bush was using CIA and it's operatives to kill the people behind the 9-11 attack. How ironic that person behind it is him. So why is he still alive. It is just an excuse to deliver to the American people to justify going into other countries and killing leaders suspected of being involved. It was about Oil and world domination. MONEY MONEY

Changing the Brain-brainwashing-brain smart program

Brain Smart Program Daniel Amen talks about what the benefits are and how it can improve health. Think what negative can be done.

The Brain scan of Adam showed he had a brain that was not healthy and functioning properly and if they had done or choose to a brain scan on other shooters I can bet you will find the same is true.

I knew they were causing the shootings and I believe it was so some psychological warefare but it is even more serious than that.

My Brain after torture by Hillary, CIA, NSA, ...

After being continuously poisoned and drugged by Hillary, CIA, NSA, Foreign Agents, Gregory Marshall, Joaquin Castro, and others. You can bet my brain has taken a beating. Two years ago I was announcing that my brain just wasn't working. I couldn't pull the simplest things from my long term memory.


Still sending helicopters and I have this unique vehicle from Minnesota. Chief McManus was a Chief of police in Minnesota.

Jennifer Lopez

Now I think the nasty messeages on instatgram were from her.
Apparently JLO has gotten herself mixed up in politics and she has been visting and doing shows for America's enemies.
She has even dissed the Latino community saying she is not a Latino like that! Everyone wants to know what kind of Latino you think you are.
I personnelly want to know if she will be charged with treason.

As I said I had someone trolling my instagram using J.Lo's ID I assumed it was stolen Idenity but I am not sure it was someone other than her.

Kara Dioguardi

What is the real reason Katy attacks Kara? Two teams fighting or is it the same reason she attacks Lady GaGa

Ellen Degeneres

Margot Robbie another Aussie spy

See how their own country is burning that is what these demons do

America's Got Talent and all the amatuer shows

This is how they find the additional members of the New World Order new spies and traders to manipulate the media and put in the New Order World in power causing famine, disease, fire, violence and war to get control of the entire population.