It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Steve Snake in grass

When he started planning his divorce he decided to start playing psychological games with his wife’s head. This man has severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder and these demons can take perfectly sane people and make them loose their minds. I know because I was married to one. He started by telling lies to everyone that would listen telling people that his wife had bipolar disorder she never had any such thing. Then he was lying to people saying she wouldn’t take her medication because it was based on the lies he was telling doctors. She was emotional and struggling with those emotions because she was married to cheater who had most likely been cheating on her from the beginning of the marriage and then he would be nasty to her and their two girls behind close doors. Out in the public he was putting on a show of being a good guy, a lie!
He kept playing with her head telling her things like no one will ever want her she is going to be alone for the rest of her life. Telling her she has no skills and then he would tell her that she was dragging him down in all ventures. He kept gong until she finally tried to commit suicide. That was exactly what he wanted because he would have to give up the home the autos, he wouldn’t have to pay child support because he could go into a court of law and claim a mental disorder she wouldn’t get custody. All of this worked out dashingly for him. 
This soul less monster is the entire reason that the Castro Brothers and my ex-husband thought they could do the very same thing to me and they could drive me to suicidal tenancies like this monster did to his wife. He shared with Gregory Marshall and the Castro Brothers everything he did to drive his wife into a deep state of depression and they started to use the same tactics on me. 
There was a huge flaw in their plan. His wife still loved him and wanted to make the marriage work. I couldn’t stand my husband and had been trying to end the marriage for years. I could get him out and started filing divorces per se and every time my ex-husband found out that I was filing for a divorce he would lock me in the house literally so I couldn’t get to the court house and finish the divorce on me. When he would catch me on the phone with attorney’s he would grab our children and explain to them very loudly that mommy is trying to get a divorce she is going to divide the family. He pulled the children in the middle for our fights as well. One particular day he pinned me up against the wall screaming “hit me”. The children were coming in and out the back door and I was terrified they would see this. I hit him so he would release me and let me off the wall. I was riddled with guilt for months and Dr. John Strange had to explain to me he did this on purpose. Then he explained why. He knows you and he knows that raising a hand to anyone goes against your belief system and goes against your efforts of walking with in the lords word. he knew he could regain control of you and keep you in the marriage because of your guilt. 
All of this is the mind set of the dirty politicians the Castro Brothers because the monster Steve successfully caused his wife to have suicidal tenancies they think they can do the same thing to anyone they choose to victimize. 
This is the snake that lived across from me in Stone Oak he thought it would me so cool to do a favor for the Castro Brothers and help to attack a innocent woman help to close her daycare and make sure an abusive man was not prosecuted for his crimes. He was making calls to the HOA and telling them to harass me because I painted my garage and then they were giving me a hard time about have my fence painted in the back yard. The woman that showed up was lying about the paint on the garage there were four other homes with that color this was the plan of the castro brothers. 
Steve also called CPS lied and said he saw me being abusive. 
When I was in Michigan my ex husband gregory marshall was using my name on the computer making false IDs and he was using Steve’s website using my name and I started receiving emails from his business I was not happy at all as you can imagine I did not want anything to do with this snake in the grass. 
When I came back to Texas to fight for my children I saw this snake driving pass me several times. You can just imagine what he was up to with the living hell I have been through and considering all the perverts the Castro Brothers and Hillary Clinton have sent at me trying to get lucky and various piggish requests that have been made and how many times I have been forced to succumb. Steve is yet another of the scum bags that was going to try to make me succumb. 
Anybody in the market for a house I advise you to steer clear of this snake if he is going to do the terrible things he did to attack a mother fighting for her children what do you think he will do to get your money in real estate sale. Lie to you of course and write things into the agreement failing to explain or even tell you that’s right that is what a snake this is.  
He is also a moron he took all the ceiling fans out of the house and put it on the market with no ceiling fans charging 50,000. more than it is worth. Why didn’t you put in more ceiling fans moron those lights you put in cost ten dollars and are notorious for shorts and causing fires. As I said before do not trust this snake with your real estate needs. Lazy is as Lazy does. 
Your dirty deeds are going to come back to you ten fold and the dirty deeds of your pals Melissa and Bruce O’Neal. Your day is coming and you will get t your just do for the crimes you committed.

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