It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, January 14, 2019

Lisa Whore

Keep running your mouth about a slander suit and it will be your undoing. I will pull all the neighbors who watched you going in and out of my house when my children and I were in Michigan and you were having a regular honey moon with my husband while we were away. I will pull in all the employees you had in your office that were more than aware you were having an affair with my husband. I will pull the office manager from your husbands’ chiropractic office and his wife that you were having an affair with. You keep bouting your mouth off about what you are going to do to me and I will paint a vivid picture of what you really are. This woman runs a business teaching the employees of large corporations employees how to be more healthy to reduce health care costs. She drinks excessively, smokes, and she eats a box of wheat thins in one sitting think that because they have the word wheat on the box it is health food. No sorry that is not healthy and if you aren’t living it and walking in it how are you going to teach others to do it. She was so intoxicated on the day my last child was born she could not drive us to the hospital it was 4pm. At least she was responsible enough not to drink her husband has several DUIs. 
Christopher Wray FBI director called her and asked her to participate in gang stalking last year. She jumped at the chance to break the law and attack me. She is an attorney and you would think she would have enough brains to understand these crimes she was committing. She surely should understand collusion and obstruction of justice which she is guilty of as well. Now this thing person whatever thinks she is going to threaten me with slander go right ahead see what happened to stormy that and more will be your fate.  

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