This man is guilty of rape. He did not beat me until I bruised and bleeding but what he did is rape. The psychological warfare as usual as Julian Castro instructs them all to partake in. He couldn’t stop himself from boasting about having a special and personnel relationship with Julian Castro. It was SAPD Officer Diaz that went out and found this man who is medicated for his psychosis and instructed him to attack me as a favor to the Castro Brothers. I lot happened when I was in the grasp of this man and one of the most upsetting things was when Julian and Joaquin Castro instructed him to make a video of me indisposed without my knowledge. And that is Stephanie’s Law and I am going to make sure the castro brothers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for this. They had videos of me or that they claimed were me they were sending to all their pals on facebook and yes it was the pals they were sending to chase, stalk and harass me. They perverted friends of the Castro’s would position themselves so they were in ear shot of me talking to each other about a video of me they were watching. The agents convinced me that it was someone who looked like me that they passing off as being me, but knowing how sick my ex-husband is you never know what the video was. And that ladies and gentleman is how very sick the Castro Brothers are do you want them controlling any aspect of our government? Do you want these highly sick men running our country I assure you what one does the other follows suit. There is more to the J.R. story and I will tell it and it will turn your stomachs.
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