It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sick CEO of Starbucks

Oh it is not just happening to African American’s Starbucks does this crap to everyone and anyone the employees are unfit. 
Did everyone see  how they closed their stores to teach their employees to treat people right? It’s nothing but a lie. These starbucks employees in the City of San Antonio are being nasty to every one and they are treating me especially nasty when Christopher Wray and Mayor Ron Nirenberg are instructing them to do so. I had gone 5 days without eating on I was on the streets starving to death because that is what Christopher Wray, Castro Brothers, Mayor Ron Nirenberg, and Hillary Clinton wanted they wanted my death by starvation and Kevin Johnson was more than willing to help them in their endevour this is a sick man. In July 2018 I had gone more than five days without food and I was using sugar packets to keep myself alive and to fight off the hunger pains. One of the employees was instructed to take all the sugar and put it behind the counter. Every time a customer wanted sugar they would have to go to the counter and ask for it. That’s convenience for you does Kevin Johnson care about his customers and their visit being pleasant look what his employees were doing that is not looking out for the best interest of the customers. But you do whatever you want to do a favor for the dirty politicians and I will get ready for my law suit. That same employee who did that actually walked up to me yelled in my face and he put hands on me I don’t care what your damn excuse is you do not put your hands on me it is bad enough I have these nasty employees yelling at me saying the stupidest things I have ever heard they are also getting in their autos following me and yelling absentees now they think they have the right to put their hands on me. 
Can’t wait to bring Kevin Johnson to a court of lie telling the nation how this non-sense is OK.  
Since we are on the subject of Narcissism Kevin Johnson has been pulled into this mess he was asked by Christopher Wray, Hillary Clinton, and Julian Castro to help with the gang stalking of a mother fighting for her children. 
Every employees of Starbucks in San Antonio was participating in the gang stalking when I was in the stores and then when got off work they would get in their autos and follow me all over this city. 
I was approached by the employees and told I couldn’t take pictures in their establishment because it makes them uncomfortable. Of course it makes them uncomfortable because they are breaking the law gang stalking and terriorizing a innocent woman. You can not tell people they are not allowed to take pictures and videos allow me to remind everyone I was told to take pictures of all those who are stalking me. 
In the downtown Starbucks there was an employee yelling at me and getting into my personnel space telling me I was not allowed to have sugar packets. The moron said that we have had this conversation before I had never talked to him before and this is a line the Mayor is feeding these morons to say. Don’t worry though Kevin Johnson gave complete permission to have his employees manipulated by Christopher Wray the Castro Brothers and Hillary Clinton. The employees are well versed in attacking people and being complete and told bullies.  That manager and employee downtown San Antonio would literally come to my table and swipe the sugar off the table almost hitting me. Shortly after they did this to me I watched several homeless people walking into the store and the manager was giving them free coffee isn’t that sweet. 

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