It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, January 31, 2019

negativity in nation

There is a lot of negative talk and false accusations. I am listening to Tom and he is accusing you of promoting violence in this nation. You and I both know that is Hillary Clinton’s doing in an effort to frame you for this. When will we set the record straight? Are we going to continue to allow these misinformed people announcing you are doing the things that Hillary needs to own?
They say you caused the boarder crisis and the separation of families and once again we know that Hillary Clinton and Castro Brothers have caused this with the effort to make you look bad. Look how many of thousands of people they are hurting simply to make you look like the bad guy the demon and we both know it is them who have done this. We can’t let her keep doing this she is hurting so many people. We have to stop her and set the record straight with the american people. 
We know that you can and should remove Nancy from her position. She is guilty of so many crimes and she could be removed based on conduct unbecoming alone without even mentioning the serious crimes she is guilty of. 

Kirsten Gillibrand

I emailed her informing her that I have been steadily contacting her office for two years telling her that I have been forced to the streets of San Antonio by the Castro Brothers, Mayor Ron Nirenberg, Chief William McManus, and Hillary Clinton, I am a mother fighting for her children and several attempts have been made on my life. I informed her that my children are trapped in an abusive situation because dirty politicians have been manipulating the system.
She got on a talk show on January 15th and claimed she is fighting for all children of this nation. So you plagiarize my lies and you claim you don’t know what is happening to me? Please stop lying to the american can’t do your job as a Senator and you think you can do the job of President?
You turned a blind eye to the serious crimes of your fellow democrats and turning a blind and doing nothing is the same as collusion it is the same as committing those crimes yourself. If you are not apart of the solution you are a part of the problem. 
You are fighting for our children's’ future? By eliminating millions of jobs when you shut down private insurance companies? How is that helping our children’s future do tell!!!! 
You say you care about global warming so why don’t you do something about it using your current place of power? Your pals Hillary Clinton, Julian Castro, and Joaquin Castro are major contributors of Global Warming and when contributing they are breaking the law, How about showing the American people you know how to do the right thing, you know how to do your job and call them out on the crimes they are committing? Upholding holding the Constitution? How are you doing that I hear you say it with no actions to back up your words. 
President Trump manufactured the boarder crisis? Then why have all Presidents said there was a crisis for decades? Did he create the caravans? Did he spread word through all these other countries that they could come into America and have asylum? No he did not Hillary Clinton and Castro Brothers did this to make the President look bad. You are speaking and it is not even facts you are telling lies already, what kind of President will you be.? I don’t see anything good coming from this.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Steve Snake in grass

When he started planning his divorce he decided to start playing psychological games with his wife’s head. This man has severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder and these demons can take perfectly sane people and make them loose their minds. I know because I was married to one. He started by telling lies to everyone that would listen telling people that his wife had bipolar disorder she never had any such thing. Then he was lying to people saying she wouldn’t take her medication because it was based on the lies he was telling doctors. She was emotional and struggling with those emotions because she was married to cheater who had most likely been cheating on her from the beginning of the marriage and then he would be nasty to her and their two girls behind close doors. Out in the public he was putting on a show of being a good guy, a lie!
He kept playing with her head telling her things like no one will ever want her she is going to be alone for the rest of her life. Telling her she has no skills and then he would tell her that she was dragging him down in all ventures. He kept gong until she finally tried to commit suicide. That was exactly what he wanted because he would have to give up the home the autos, he wouldn’t have to pay child support because he could go into a court of law and claim a mental disorder she wouldn’t get custody. All of this worked out dashingly for him. 
This soul less monster is the entire reason that the Castro Brothers and my ex-husband thought they could do the very same thing to me and they could drive me to suicidal tenancies like this monster did to his wife. He shared with Gregory Marshall and the Castro Brothers everything he did to drive his wife into a deep state of depression and they started to use the same tactics on me. 
There was a huge flaw in their plan. His wife still loved him and wanted to make the marriage work. I couldn’t stand my husband and had been trying to end the marriage for years. I could get him out and started filing divorces per se and every time my ex-husband found out that I was filing for a divorce he would lock me in the house literally so I couldn’t get to the court house and finish the divorce on me. When he would catch me on the phone with attorney’s he would grab our children and explain to them very loudly that mommy is trying to get a divorce she is going to divide the family. He pulled the children in the middle for our fights as well. One particular day he pinned me up against the wall screaming “hit me”. The children were coming in and out the back door and I was terrified they would see this. I hit him so he would release me and let me off the wall. I was riddled with guilt for months and Dr. John Strange had to explain to me he did this on purpose. Then he explained why. He knows you and he knows that raising a hand to anyone goes against your belief system and goes against your efforts of walking with in the lords word. he knew he could regain control of you and keep you in the marriage because of your guilt. 
All of this is the mind set of the dirty politicians the Castro Brothers because the monster Steve successfully caused his wife to have suicidal tenancies they think they can do the same thing to anyone they choose to victimize. 
This is the snake that lived across from me in Stone Oak he thought it would me so cool to do a favor for the Castro Brothers and help to attack a innocent woman help to close her daycare and make sure an abusive man was not prosecuted for his crimes. He was making calls to the HOA and telling them to harass me because I painted my garage and then they were giving me a hard time about have my fence painted in the back yard. The woman that showed up was lying about the paint on the garage there were four other homes with that color this was the plan of the castro brothers. 
Steve also called CPS lied and said he saw me being abusive. 
When I was in Michigan my ex husband gregory marshall was using my name on the computer making false IDs and he was using Steve’s website using my name and I started receiving emails from his business I was not happy at all as you can imagine I did not want anything to do with this snake in the grass. 
When I came back to Texas to fight for my children I saw this snake driving pass me several times. You can just imagine what he was up to with the living hell I have been through and considering all the perverts the Castro Brothers and Hillary Clinton have sent at me trying to get lucky and various piggish requests that have been made and how many times I have been forced to succumb. Steve is yet another of the scum bags that was going to try to make me succumb. 
Anybody in the market for a house I advise you to steer clear of this snake if he is going to do the terrible things he did to attack a mother fighting for her children what do you think he will do to get your money in real estate sale. Lie to you of course and write things into the agreement failing to explain or even tell you that’s right that is what a snake this is.  
He is also a moron he took all the ceiling fans out of the house and put it on the market with no ceiling fans charging 50,000. more than it is worth. Why didn’t you put in more ceiling fans moron those lights you put in cost ten dollars and are notorious for shorts and causing fires. As I said before do not trust this snake with your real estate needs. Lazy is as Lazy does. 
Your dirty deeds are going to come back to you ten fold and the dirty deeds of your pals Melissa and Bruce O’Neal. Your day is coming and you will get t your just do for the crimes you committed.

Sick CEO of Starbucks

Oh it is not just happening to African American’s Starbucks does this crap to everyone and anyone the employees are unfit. 
Did everyone see  how they closed their stores to teach their employees to treat people right? It’s nothing but a lie. These starbucks employees in the City of San Antonio are being nasty to every one and they are treating me especially nasty when Christopher Wray and Mayor Ron Nirenberg are instructing them to do so. I had gone 5 days without eating on I was on the streets starving to death because that is what Christopher Wray, Castro Brothers, Mayor Ron Nirenberg, and Hillary Clinton wanted they wanted my death by starvation and Kevin Johnson was more than willing to help them in their endevour this is a sick man. In July 2018 I had gone more than five days without food and I was using sugar packets to keep myself alive and to fight off the hunger pains. One of the employees was instructed to take all the sugar and put it behind the counter. Every time a customer wanted sugar they would have to go to the counter and ask for it. That’s convenience for you does Kevin Johnson care about his customers and their visit being pleasant look what his employees were doing that is not looking out for the best interest of the customers. But you do whatever you want to do a favor for the dirty politicians and I will get ready for my law suit. That same employee who did that actually walked up to me yelled in my face and he put hands on me I don’t care what your damn excuse is you do not put your hands on me it is bad enough I have these nasty employees yelling at me saying the stupidest things I have ever heard they are also getting in their autos following me and yelling absentees now they think they have the right to put their hands on me. 
Can’t wait to bring Kevin Johnson to a court of lie telling the nation how this non-sense is OK.  
Since we are on the subject of Narcissism Kevin Johnson has been pulled into this mess he was asked by Christopher Wray, Hillary Clinton, and Julian Castro to help with the gang stalking of a mother fighting for her children. 
Every employees of Starbucks in San Antonio was participating in the gang stalking when I was in the stores and then when got off work they would get in their autos and follow me all over this city. 
I was approached by the employees and told I couldn’t take pictures in their establishment because it makes them uncomfortable. Of course it makes them uncomfortable because they are breaking the law gang stalking and terriorizing a innocent woman. You can not tell people they are not allowed to take pictures and videos allow me to remind everyone I was told to take pictures of all those who are stalking me. 
In the downtown Starbucks there was an employee yelling at me and getting into my personnel space telling me I was not allowed to have sugar packets. The moron said that we have had this conversation before I had never talked to him before and this is a line the Mayor is feeding these morons to say. Don’t worry though Kevin Johnson gave complete permission to have his employees manipulated by Christopher Wray the Castro Brothers and Hillary Clinton. The employees are well versed in attacking people and being complete and told bullies.  That manager and employee downtown San Antonio would literally come to my table and swipe the sugar off the table almost hitting me. Shortly after they did this to me I watched several homeless people walking into the store and the manager was giving them free coffee isn’t that sweet. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Isaiah minion sent by London officer who drives patty wagon

  1. September 17th 2018 sent dozens of minions
    They were going crazy this evening sending dozens and dozens of minions Isaiah is a nurse at the VA Medical Center he is friends with a bike cop downtown, her name is London. She contacted him and asked him if he could come downtown to help with this situation. He offered to buy me food and he sat with me for a very long time having a in-depth conversation. I do my best to find out as much as I can about minions and how they are connected. Isaiah was a perfect gentleman each time I have seen him. I am not sure the objective of having him sent. As a matter of fact there was more than once I was very lucky he was there because some of the minions were aggressive and appeared to be ready to do me bodily harm. Not sure if I am suppose to thank London or be upset with her for collusion and obstruction of justice. Maybe she failed the Castro Brothers getting someone to get fresh with me. Not sure. Another thing he never did was tell me to give up on my kids and give up on justice. I didn’t share much of my story so he wouldn’t have the opportunity. But he didn’t press the subject I think he told London there was a limit to what he would do. Did London fail?  

darren smith

  1. Sundt construction company almost every single employee is involved in gang stalking when i was taking their plates they were confirmed as involved when i saw this it became clear to me it must of been somebody at the corprate level that was pulled in by Castro’s
    1. Sept. 15th 2018 2245 Darren Smith
      Minion Darren Smith was sent at me on the river walk under market street where I was most days. After a little persuasion I was able to get him to tell his story so I could figure out who dragged him into this mess. He was on a bus in Louisiana Baton Rouge he was drunk on the bus having an argument with a woman. Security was trying to detain him as they called police and you can bet they were going to take him to jail. He got away from them and hid for the rest of the night. The next morning he went back to the bus station with his ticket and said he missed his connection. The staff all knew the story and started questioning him about why he missed the connection. They knew what he had done and that he was suppose to be taken to jail. He talked to a bus driver that was from San Antonio and she allowed him to use the ticket and get him on the bus to San Antonio. Everyone in San Antonio was informed to watch him he was telling me that he was treated strangely with special attention. He went from the bus station to the Republic of Texas restaurant and bar. There he drank too much started causing a disturbance and police officers were called. He should have been ticketed and taken to the drunk tank but they sent him at me instead.
      When this man first approached me he was telling me that Trump is the greatest president ever he was telling me that he is one of the only presidents who isn’t a crook. He said that he felt he needed to sit with me and give me company and protection. He said he needed more beer (he did not need more beer), so I walked him to the store and back.  It was so annoying that Darren kept saying over and over again that he could prove everything on every subject matter I can prove it. That is classic of a liar. He has a off beat belief system in religion and how to honor our lord and he was trying to argue, to create arguments about it I it was an effort to convince himself of his off beat beliefs.
      When Darren fell asleep from all that beer he didn’t really need I high tailed it out of there. They sent three more minions at me that evening and after the Darren experience I wanted nothing to do with anymore I simply shut them down and kept going. After getting away from Darren it was a Centro employee who saw me and was sending text messages telling officers where I was and that I shook the leach off. After she did that their were minions every where approaching me being vulgar. 


  1. Sundt construction company almost every single employee is involved in gang stalking when i was taking their plates they were confirmed as involved when i saw this it became clear to me it must of been somebody at the corprate level that was pulled in by Castro’s


  1. Cps energy Chief McManus was contacting employees to play with my bill i would make a payment and it would never show up as paid. then unfounded amounts of money were showing up on my bill and i didn’t even use that amount of service. There was deposits being required of me that were unjustified. I paid my bill when i left texas when i came back there was a huge amount of money they said i owed it was a lie. Chief McManus went to work for cps he left the police force it only lasted about two weeks before they figured out he is a sociopath and asked him to leave. The city let him right back in as chief; ridiculous.
    In November of 2017 I went to the corprate heads of CPS I had been struggling for years to fix the problem and I directed the chairs of the corporation to see the bills and my visits to customer service on my blog at the time i didn’t know no one could see the blog because the google CEO is dirty

park police contacted

  1. After taking pictures of these officers the castro brothers contacted them and told the young latino to grab me and arrest me. I was able to get out of there before they acted on the instruction. And these are the type of things they do daily for years that agents are watching them do.
  2. january 16th 0800

movie minion

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

starbucks dirty police

Dirty Police Officers have been chasing me around this city for years. They were playing a game of coming into the starbucks where I was and hanging out making their presence known to scare me Julian Castro desperately hoping I would give up on life when I was there were thousands in this city following me. It was upsetting surely but I was so happy to see him pull so many in that I know are going to loose their jobs and some will be looking at criminal charges. You can see my tumblr account from early 2018 the dirty police officers were using to implement psychological warfare hoping it would make me feel suicidal because they were being nasty and saying the most nasty things about my posts. Sorry you idiots don’t have the power to keep me from loving myself, you just don’t matter in my world. It’s amazing these social media sites were built and designed to give the agents what they need to do their investigation and every time one of these ugly people hit my account with their trolling madness the agents’ eyes focus right on to them. Proving yet again that San Antonio has the most dim witted individuals in the nation. WOW

JR Rodriguez

This man is guilty of rape. He did not beat me until I bruised and bleeding but what he did is rape. The psychological warfare as usual as Julian Castro instructs them all to partake in. He couldn’t stop himself from boasting about having a special and personnel relationship with Julian Castro. It was SAPD Officer Diaz that went out and found this man who is medicated for his psychosis and instructed him to attack me as a favor to the Castro Brothers. I lot happened when I was in the grasp of this man and one of the most upsetting things was when Julian and Joaquin Castro instructed him to make a video of me indisposed without my knowledge. And that is Stephanie’s Law and I am going to make sure the castro brothers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for this. They had videos of me or that they claimed were me they were sending to all their pals on facebook and yes it was the pals they were sending to chase, stalk and harass me. They perverted friends of the Castro’s would position themselves so they were in ear shot of me talking to each other about a video of me they were watching. The agents convinced me that it was someone who looked like me that they passing off as being me, but knowing how sick my ex-husband is you never know what the video was. And that ladies and gentleman is how very sick the Castro Brothers are do you want them controlling any aspect of our government? Do you want these highly sick men running our country I assure you what one does the other follows suit. There is more to the J.R. story and I will tell it and it will turn your stomachs.