It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, July 26, 2018


FBI AGENT HEATHER she calls police officers in San Antonio and all surrounding cities these Olmos Park Police were sent by her to harass me she lied to them and said I was locking into peoples windows trespassing I was walking on the street no where near windows. See the truck pulling up behind the Officers? That's sick FBI AGENT HEATHER. She instructed the officer to invade my personnel space that's what she instructs them all to do and he actually did it too, no couth no integrity. It went so far with this tactic he moved me 20 feet across a drive way, I would step back to maintain my space and he would step back into my space and so on. As you can see from her instagram post there she calls herself LOREN and her name is actually HEATHER

Cheryl Sculley

Cheryl Sculley, city manager who breaks laws and refuses to do her job. I called, emailed, faxed, and walked into her office trying to tell the City Manager all the crimes Chief McManus and his dirty officers committed against me. She refused to hear me and refused to do her job. The Castro Brothers and FBI Director Christopher Wray was telling her to do nothing but obviously this is a grown woman and can make choices for herself and she listened to the dirty politicians and dirty FBI Director and now a criminal record is in her future

Mayor Ron Nirenberg of San Antonio

MAYOR RON NIRENBERG this man is a common criminal he is a thing running this city like he is a MOB BOSS he sends hundreds of residents to follow and stalk me. He sends criminals to sexually assault me and keep me from using accounts like this he hacks into my phone and every computer I use he calls up local businesses and instructs employees to do his evil bidding stalking me. Those are not your owned businesses and you have no right to manipulate the employees of all these businesses. But all these businesses have every right to sue the city of San Antonio and now you and yours just crippled the city.

Church minions

CASTRO BROTHERS JULIAN AND JOAQUIN CASTRO: IN ALAMO HEIGHTS THEY CALLED EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THEIR CHURCH AND ASKED THEM TO FOLLOW STALK AND HARASS ME. These are not god fearing people they are wolves in sheeps clothing. They were chasing me down when I took pictures of their plates. Taking pictures is not against the law. Stalking and harassing a woman fighting for life and fighting for her life very much against the law and your getting upset about the pictures of the plates because you know the operatives are cross referencing the plates and the messages that Castros, Christopher Wray, and Mayor Nirenberg are sending out to all San Antonio residents. I haven't even touched on the fact that Joaquin and Julian got their hands on naked pictures of me and some videos and they were sending them to the sick predictors they were sending at me. Trying for a moment to put yourself in my shoes and try to imagine how it would feel to have this many people on you! Now imagine them laughing and having fun when you are falling out from exhaustion and starvation that's sick sociopaths. Now they are looking at intimate pictures from my marriage that was suppose to be for his eyes only.

Anna Flores Castro

ANNA FLORES CASTRO Both Castro Brothers sucked their wives into this mess to help them attack a mother fighting for her children who has never done anything to harm anyone and has not broken laws. This woman was in the Media industry in San Antonio and she enjoys calling all the TV channels and magazines in San Antonio and telling them not to cover my story. She went so far with the Current magazine that she told Michael Marks to send everything I sent him to her husband and all the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign he lost his job isn't she a peach? A selfish Narcissistic who cares about no one but herself. Perfect pair.


Cheryl Sculley covering crimes of Chief McManus

Chief William McManus is the most unstable sociopath that you ever want to meet. I am not the only one who he has committed huge crimes against look at what he did with all these assault charges and the investigations that were never done. Cheryl Sculley covering his crimes again, never reprimanding him or replacing him. A public apology?? and what good does that do these victims was anything done in these case was anyone brought to justice? You know why McManus did this right? So he could say the crime rate went down during his ranee of terror!! I bet these victims were never helped because that is how he does things.........There's so much more

Detective Helle

Detective Helle and I feel the same pain trying to get the Mayor to do his job. I went to the Detectives office in OCT. 2017 and NOV. 2017 when McManus learned I was going he did everything he could to stop me. He stopped a VIA Bus, he sent dozens of messages in my phone trying to stop me. He then sent officers to stalk and harass me attempting to scare me into submission. They were Olmos Park Officers not even his own officers. They have their own police chief but when McManus called them they were more than willing to break the law and stalk and harass a woman on foot. Of course all this harassment affected me and I have healing to go through but that isn't enough to stop me remember I am fighting for my babies and these sociopaths don't have what it takes to stop me from the righteous battle.

Olmos Park

This was very upsetting the way this Officer was acting apparently when a FBI Agent instructs Officers to stalk and harass a victim that means they loose ALL civil rights? He has told control of the situation and I have no control and no say so in what happens to me? As daddy would say he needs a swift kick in the head. This is America and I have rights you were sent at me and told to harass me I didn't do anything wrong and I was not guilty of any crime. You had a sociopathic FBI AGENT HEATHER lying to you on the phone and you were dumb enough to believe the lies and you tell me I don't have control anymore and I am not allowed to speak up for myself and your moronic partner thinks I am not allowed to maintain my personnel space you boys need help. First of all Officer there is no such thing as control and secondly I don't have to legally give you mine ID!! I did nothing wrong and you accuse me of committing a crimes I didn't commit I will fight back. Your breaking the law as I said according to how the law is written you don't have the right to ask for my ID. GET RIGHT NOW OR IN A COURT LAW YOU WILL BE CORRECTED.
Isn't it amassing exactly 4 weeks before this happened I was sitting in their Chief's Office discussing all the harassment I was subjected to the previous year because of calls from McManus and dirty FBI (Christopher Wray), and the Castro Brothers. He took care of the issue. He was angry and here's another reason he was angry McManus has been in my phone for years and when I decided to go to the Olmos Park Police Chief he called officers and told them to get rid of the statements I had just left at the front desk of the Chief's office when I went back I found that he never got the statements and lists of events. I looked at him and said I just left it for you two hours ago? Then at that moment I remember as I drove through Olmos Park after dropping it off I watched three different officers pick up their phone as I drove through. It also accrued to me at that moment that the half dozen emails I sent to the Chief last year never go to him because Chief McManus was either stopping it at my end or instructing his officers and staff to get rid of them before Olmos Park Police Chief could see them and do something about the situation like for example sue city of San Antonio for collusion and obstruction of Justice.
In the Officer's defense they didn't know my name when they came to harass me they were given a description including the fact I was carrying a painted bag HEATHER has serious issues. So although the Chief told his Officers to never harass me again they didn't know it was me when they responded to the call

