It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Someone did an interview with Greg Marshall

someone calling themselves writer in this document called my ex-husband and called him a collateral Witness he's a sociopath he was removed from the family home by CPS when he was found to be abusive. somebody without my permission called my ex-husband and disclosed all of my personal information they told him where I am they told him that they were pursuing a civil commitment even though I'm not a legal resident of Minnesota. they asked his opinion about it you don't call somebody's ex-husband who's been chasing them across the country and accessing their bank account taking all the money someone who threatens their life everyday. I was scared to death to leave the jail because he knew exactly where I was and what was happening in the Dakota County jail because some douchebag called Greg Marshall and gave him all of my personal information they even went so far as to ask my medical history of my ex-husband is he a medical professional do you understand what HIPAA is look at the lies that Greg Marshall told somebody on the phone and that phone call better be recorded and you better disclose who did it because you made yourself look like Jordan May and I'm sure Jordan May didn't call him if Jordan may had called him Jordan May would have wrote his name on the document this is incomprehensible it's illegal and it's inadmissible in a court of law I demand to know who did this stupid ass s***

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