It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Attention Vladimir Putin PLZ SIR what your Cat and her freak are doing

Hayley Orrantia and her freak Greg Furman who needs to have everything explained to him in detail on a daily basis continously take my bank account and blame everyone under the Sun for what they are doing. They are pulling sleeper cells out in the open and exposing them and ruinning their cover as they ask them to help attack me including rape. Greg never stops running his mouth in my house I contantly hear many yelling Greg shut-up Shut-Up he says the stupidest things calling it gaslighting and it is not anything close to that it is stupid and obnoxious He says things like Dwyane Johnson is a reptilian and Slyvester Stalone is a REP and hates me. He tells me that I am not allowed to say the word Reptilian or the men in black will kill and the council will lock me up. Greg is telling the world that I am cutting on the bible and that I call people Sovereign and use the word too much and then he calls people of authority telling them I need to be sent to the moon because I am using the word Sovereign and then I pick up a novel to read and the title is Sovereign. So when I am reading my bible am I suppose to skip over the word Sovereign and not fully and completely read the passages? Greg and smelly Cat that no one likes got the attention of the Royal Family. Did you notice how often they said Sovereign leader and Sovereign King and they used Sovereign as much as they possiblly could? Because Smelly dumb cat and moron Greg created such a stir about me using the name Sovereign the Royal Family stepped up to the call to show that it is perfectly OK and your nasty spies Hayley and Greg are complete idiots. Your Smelly Cat Hayley Orrantia and dumb as a box rocks Greg Furman have me trapped in California as long as I am in this state I will be flipping over tables and creating chaos your people will be exposed and all operations here in the states will be ruined thanks to this disgusting Cat Hayley Orranitia and her freak rapist boyfriend Greg Furman. He needs to stop raping and get away from me they are clowns and idiots that destroy everything they put their hands on. They destroyed Amtrax, their operations their reputation and they are creating lawsuits for Amtrax as they manipulate employees and they lie about trains being cancelled then I go to the platform and the trains are running. I have videos pictures and docunmentation and your freak clowns are too stupid to stop. Kyle caused a train to derail in Ohio and he was tampering with a train in San Diego when it was headed to Sana Barabara the train had to be stopped and an emergency evacuation was done. He was seen on the platform of the train before I boarded it in San Diego. Thank God there are cameras on all the platforms for the trains and thank enland that they knew it had been tampered with. You can bet Kyle Jacob will be doing this again with that Grey they are desperate to stop me. I filed complaints with Amtrax and Shanna Wurm and Daniel Nagel are stopping all my communications from being recieved and they are unlawfully accessing my accounts trying to keep their mess of crimes contained. THey took my bank account again today March 25th 2023 I have not eaten since yesterday and there is no hope I will be able to get a meal any time soon. When they were starving me in Minnesota I found a food pantry a box that people put food in for the needy and to be exchanged. Hayley Cat and Jenna Cat found the box and wanted to make sure I didn't have food or healthy food. They filled the box with poison soy milk and granola they took all the other food and clothing from the box and put in poison. That's how sick your Cats are that's how reckluse and obvious they are everyone knew what they did and no one can stand them. Look at the social media I built these diva nasty cats pulled hundreds of your people out in the open and exposed them for what they are. These are morons and they don't care who they ruin in an effort to torture me and starve me to death. I STAYED AT THE HYATT PLACE IN ST. PAUL AND TOOTHPICK BOY WAS IN THE LOBBY. HE WAS STANDING THERE WITH THE THINEST ANKLES I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. IT LOOKED LIKE HER BOYFRIEND BUT THOSE TOOTHPICK ANKLES REALLY THREW ME OFF. I stayed for 6 nights and used my bank account without introruption until Hayley and Greg showed up. Andrea came in from Florida and I got pictures of her plates and her man. They then went in and out of my Hotel room steal papers and taking pictures. When Greg went in the Hotel room I thing some more freaky stuff was happening like rubbing his junk on the bedding that tooth pick is strange. You see I don’t have access to the videos that were captured when Greg was in the room those loop directly to investigators. I guess he is too daft to see the six cameras that were positioned around the room when he went in. We got all lot of famous people on camera and when I start selling these videos maybe I will be able to eat again. Then when I tried to get another night Thomas Wurm was working as an Audit and he refused to give me another night and he used the Hyatt Place systems to access my bank account. When I went to my bank they gave me a print up that showed the Hyatt Place had taken 28,000.00 dollars from me. When I was leaving the Hyatt Place I asked to talk to a manager and Thomas Wurm said that he was busy and I couldn’t talk to him. Then the half witt claimed that I didn’t pay for my six nights and he was trying to collect a couple thousand dollars from me. What an idiot I wouldn’t have been able to stay if it wasn’t paid for that is how stupid the team is that the Gecko and Smelly Cat have put together MORONS They framed the Hyatt Place that’s how stupid the Gecko and Hayley Smelly Cat are. The money was returned to the account and then Rory Vance and his nasty wife Michelle took the money the moment it hit my bank account they have been doing this for years. No matter what I have they work to gain access. Shanna Salazar Wurm was having my pay checks and monies paid by fares transferred to her bank accout. She accessed

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