It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

email to Governor Greg Marshall accessed Library Network and stopped the emails

 Dear Governor; 

My name is Dawn Neering Marshall I reside in San Antonio and my life is in danger and I am in fear for my life. I reside at the Museum Reach Lofts owned and appropriated by Alamo Community Group non profit. The building manager is Paula Carroll she is colluding with my ex husband Gregory Marshall, Officer Christopher Dech, Joaquin Castro and several various agents. She was sharing my personnel information right the being of my business with her. When I told her to please stop sharing my personnel info with my ex husband and dirty city officials she threatened me telling me that she was going to rip up my lease agreement and kick me out she even went so far as to call my veterans case manager at the homeless shelter Janine Albrighton telling her that she wasn't sharing personnel information that is illegal. She then said she was kicking me out after I had already taken possession of the apartment. That's not legal either of course.  I find it amazing that Paula shared she knew what she was doing was highly illegal and she lied about what she had done. It was a law enforcement official that told me what she had done and she was not going to be able to lie as they collected the evidence of what she was doing. 

Paula had the closet for the water heater locked and the fire marshall will not be happy about that. She had no water in the unit when I took possession and that was the instruction of Greg Marshall, Joaquin Castro and Officer Dech. I requested to have it turned on. Every unit has running water when new tenants take possession. She put a lock on the window and then she tried to claim that I was violating the lease agreement when I opened the window she was pounding on the door very violent and combative it was terrifying. She shared my master key with all the predators attacking me. They entered my apartment almost every day, they were breaking my things, spraying black substance all over the walls and my belongings. They were taking the valve covers from my auto leaving them lay next to my door so I would know they had been tampering with my auto letting air out of the tires. Those people doing that do NOT have a lease agreement and should not be in a secure building. Officer Christopher Dech was entering a secure building walking past my door knocking on it at ungodly hours in the morning. He knew that it would scare and terrify me because while in the shelter his girlfriend Stephanie Walker had been combative slamming locker doors screaming profanity and I had suffered post traumatic stress because she is completely insane.  Officer Christopher Dech, Greg Marshall, Officer Anthony Flores and many others had access to the apartment above mine and they would spend time upstairs delivering attacks, they are special!!

I was taking pictures of plates at the apartment building because Officer Dech, Greg Marshall and dozens upon dozens of others were showing up and spending time helping to attack me. Paula was renting units to Special individuals that she was told to rent to by Greg Marshall, Joaquin Castro and many others. Almost every tenant in the apartment building are participating in attacks on me. They are all members of an app that was developed by agents designed to give these attackers instruction to attack me. They use facebook and Joaquin Castro was able to obtain photos and videos of me indisposed and shared them to all the pervert attackers. Greg Marshall used a government owned website to develop erratic videos putting my face on women sharing it as if it was sex tapes of me. 

Greg Marshall has been at my apartment building his black audi was in the parking garage running when I walked threw and I was told to go to the garage to take pictures because he was trying to temporizer me trying to create an emotional break down. He instructed our 17 year old son to do the same thing. That is child abuse and criminal. He abducted our children and he is willfully hiding our children. The sick Joaquin Castro is helping him to hide our children and all of SAPD. I try to get police reports and officers refuse to write police reports. 

Paula accessing my apartment frequently and she does not ask permission she does not give notice and she then announces loudly that she is my authority and she will enter my home when ever she deems necessary I have copies of the emails and text messages. I complained to the Alamo Community Group about her unlawful behavior and the violation of my civil rights and they did absolutely nothing. They sent the email to Paula and she came to my apartment beating on my door for 30 minutes demanding that I open it. She is insane and she has no ability to treat people with respect and dignity. She is there to serve the tenants not to treat them as though they are inmates and she is the jailer. 

My vehicle was towed when calls were made to Paula by Officer Christopher Dech and Gregory Marshall. I am the only tenant in that building who has ever had their auto towed and she did it to help attack me. That cost close to 300.00 and officers told them to add extra charges to the bill which they tried to do. I have a lawsuit against Bexar Towing and I can thank SAPD criminal officers and my ex husband. Joaquin Castro is authorizing everything they are doing. When I first moved into my apartment Paula was collecting all the federal mail for all the tenants and being that she has proven herself to be a criminal she most certainly has no right to be handling our mail. She was sending my mail back to sender and she gave several pieces of my mail to Joaquin Castro and my ex husband Gregory Marshall. My stimulus check is missing because of Paula and I was told Gregory Marshall signed it and put it in his bank account. I can not confirm this information it could have been a lie. But when I try to do a lost check search with the IRS dirty officers and my ex husband access my accounts and stop the claim of lost check. 

Paula received one months rent for me from SAMMINISTRIES she never applied it to my account and she never told me that she had received it. now she is telling me that I had late charges and she was using it for late charges. If there was 1096.00 sitting there that she was unlawfully holding refusing to apply to my rent then how could I ever have late charges? Does that make any sense? This woman is a criminal and highly unstable. 

 I was trying to get my mail after the mail boxes were completed Paula was holding the mail box key for some check list that is not legal you can't hold my mail from me what does this woman think she is doing that is a federal offense. I am getting attorneys this non profit will loose their 501C status State of Texas will suffer

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