It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 2, 2024

New York public library policies rewritten

according to these policies you're not allowed to walk into a library without an identification you're not allowed to sit in the library and it just gave the library employees the right to identify you. it's saying that it's required for you to have a library card or your identification on you. libraries are open to the public it doesn't matter if you're from out of town and you want to go in sit down and read a book or use their Wi-Fi you shouldn't have employees coming up harassing you and requiring you to show identification it's not legal to ask somebody for identification if they have not committed a crime and if they have committed a crime you better be a member of law enforcement when you are forcing somebody to identify themselves. you cannot identify somebody just because they're getting loud in the library you cannot identify somebody just because you feel that they didn't meet your dress code you cannot do this you're violating your civil rights and their constitutional rights what the hell do you think you're doing

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