It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Reciepts and guest codes from Eagan Library Yahoo / Sent Dawn Marshall From: To: Dawn Neering Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 1:41 PM In the photos you will find guest codes for the computers being used in the Eagan Library. You can go ahead and use these codes to look at my user history and see the things that Roy Vance and his psycho wife were doing to stop my activity stop emails that were being sent. I tried to file a civil rights violation complaints and tried to file complaints with the State bar association of Minnesota and all of this activity was stopped and the computer were shut down. The first time that I made my way to the Eagan Library that actor from The Police academy movie was driving his brown pickup truck and speeding up ahead of me to get to the library before I got there. It is my belief that he went into the library to access their systems and gain access before I used the computers stop any emails that may have been going out to the San Antonio City officials any emails and complaints that I may file with the FBI the NSA or the CIA. I can't think of any other reason why he was speeding up ahead of me to get there before I got there when I was listening to the panic of Andrea Michelle Vance and Hayley. when I decided it was time to go to the library to get things done I was listening to all of those listed individuals talk about how they were going to take my bank account $15,000 and use the funds to fund their vacation here in Minnesota which is more than justification they have had hundreds of individuals coming to Minnesota to help with this attack. And those individuals are staying in hotels that are paid for by the FBI no tax dollars at work those are all criminals who are attacking me trolls that I call minions they are bullies and criminals many of them are rapists and have criminal records regarding assault. Every one of these individuals is guilty of treason and espionage they're colluding reform power and they have become a part of conspiracy to attack one mother fight ing for children fighting to keep herself alive fighting for justice and fighting for a reason to save obviously Lori Vance Christopher duck Michelle Vance Andrea the psycho are never going to be able to provide any reason to save humanity they are the reason from God is so angry and contemplating the end of all this chaos

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