It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 26, 2024


I was told my card would work Yahoo / Sent Dawn Marshall From: To: Dawn Neering Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 4:26 PM I was told by Officer Christopher deck who I call Popeye that my card would work and I could get a room he kept saying okay fine go ahead you can get a room your car to work go into this hotel and try your card of course, as usual my card did not work and I slept on a park bench that evening August 14th. It was the day after I had taken pictures of several license plates because I became upset about the games that they play constantly batting back and forth the card will work and then the card does not work over and over again I have to hear this. They lie telling me they released the hold on my bank account. Then on the evening of August 14th officer Christopher deck and constructed me to go take pictures of license plates then he called the local police officer and informed the police officer that I was in a parking lot taking pictures of license plates. They act as if I'm doing something wrong he also likes lying to local police department telling them that I'm the problem however I'm doing exactly what he instructs me to do. Then officer Christopher deck instructs me to go to hotels and meet him there and he will sit down and negotiate with me compromise with me so that I can have my bank account back from him. When I go to these particular hotels I go to the desk and ask if officer Christopher deck is a registered guest, he is never a registered guest at any of the hotels that he tells me to go to. Then he calls the local police department and claims I'm harassing him because I'm going to the desk asking for him I'm going to the desk asking for him because he told me to be there officer Christopher deck is unstable and completely insane he's a cold-blooded killer and I have no other choice but to deal with him. He holds my children hostage he traps them in abuse I went three to four years without knowing where my children were because of Officer Christopher death running and controlling my owned technologies. Currently officer Christopher deck is in control of my bank account he put a hold on it I went more than 15 days without eating one single morsel of food and that's exactly the way he designed it every time I get any food he becomes irate and angry and he sends people to attack me to chase me down. I get punished when I eat food. I have not stayed in a room bathed or stayed in a bed since July 21st. Officer Christopher deck is telling me that I'll never stay in a hotel again he's not going to give my bank account back. I continuously go to One Police department after another giving my story expecting police officers to actually do their job and they don't they do favors for officer Christopher deck and they attack me chasing me down the man continuously lies to people and because of his lie that he is an NSA agent they continue to do him favors breaking the law attacking me harassing me and even bringing me up on charges of harassment that man is in Minnesota because of me he's chasing me down he's trying to kill me. You better stop listening to his lies it's going to end very badly for you. Officer Christopher dech manipulated the bus systems. Last night the last rail that was going to the airport was stopped. It was stopped in front of the depot in St Paul. He was all proud of himself because he had me stranded in St Paul and he had all kinds of plans for me. There was four police officers that were waiting at the Depot downtown St Paul. I went the other way and those officers attacked some homeless people that had just gotten off the bus. The plan that he had was for me to be attacked for me to be taken away. I walked the other way went into the depot so that I can catch a bus going to the airport or Mall of America. Officer Jack manipulated the system and took all the list of buses off the screen. When I walked into the depot he had no clue that it even existed and started swearing what the heck is this. I won again but he just never stops never learns. And ambulance came and took some of those homeless people away and police officers arrested the rest of them but I didn't get arrested like officer Christopher deck arranged and planned.

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