It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Text messages with Jenny from Mac V

so as you can see in these text messages with Jenny the last one I'm referring to a phone number that's in the Dakota County Jail phone book a list of attorneys that they give inmates. I'm telling her that this phone number is listed in there and she wants pictures of it why would Jenny assume that I have that phone book or any pieces of that phone book why is she asking me for pictures of it? why does Jenny know all of these things that she probably shouldn't know and shouldn't be privy to will I find her IP address in my phones will I find her IP address and all of my phones? who am I really talking to is it really Jenny? instead of paying for a hotel room for me like other veteran inmates had hotel rooms paid for I received a phone call and messages about going to a shelter. there is a bald man who is muscular who might be officer Thomas Boyle screaming and yelling that he's going to make me homeless and force me into a shelter. he was told over and over again that you don't force me you don't get Gruff with me abrasive and you don't tell me what I'm going to do. so now I have this woman Jenny who's trying to make me go to a shelter. I think she called the crisis hotline for the VA because I received a phone call from some guy named mom he said that he was calling from the Veterans Crisis Line and he told me that I made a phone call to the Veterans Crisis Line. I didn't make a phone call to the crisis line I did it two weeks ago or more they were supposed to call back within 24 hours and they didn't no phone call back was made. so about 3 days ago I received a call from Mom and he gave me all kinds of information so they have been trying to convince me that I have to go into the shelter as you can imagine after everything I experienced at the Haven for Hope shelter and the Salvation Army shelter in San Antonio Texas I'm a bit apprehensive to utilize the services of any shelter in Minnesota you can bet the same things going to happen to me I'm going to have other members of the shelter getting combative abrasive and aggressive they're going to be yelling at me verbally and then they're going to get my personal space and try to start a fight with me. as they do these things Ted Cruz is still hell bent on getting me committed to a psychiatric facility so they will spend the story and write incident reports that make me look like I'm crazy and a danger to myself and endangered others. one of the other things that they are trying to do is get me an apartment here in Minnesota they want me to stay here so that I can continue to be controlled and tortured. I was told that they packed up the contents of my apartment 1500 North Saint Mary Street Apartment 206 and they put it in a trailer and they brought it to Minnesota. now of course this is a rumor and it's hearsay it doesn't mean that they actually did it but I do hope somebody will go look. so all of you who have been privy to the contents of this blog know all of the stories about what happened to me in these homeless shelters in San Antonio Texas. you know that there was fake emergencies and police officers showing up claiming that people tried to commit suicide when in fact they did not. you know that I'm denied services at all of the shelters and when it comes to housing I'm also denied housing watching everybody else receive housing benefits and being placed in apartments while I stay at the shelter and get no Services these are the games they play and I don't feel like playing today

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