It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, February 24, 2023

Janet Neering

I was told that my mother died and she was killed brutally beaten in the head in Frederick Michigan in my father's cabin. Jessica wongsko Maria Perez and that CIA Asian gecko told me that they were holding the shovel helping to bury my mother in a shallow grave in Frederick Michigan. I made several phone calls to check on the health and well-being of my parents to police departments asking them to do a wellness check on my parents. my calls were rerouted to idiot sapd officers and criminals. nobody actually did a wellness check on my parents at all and I didn't actually talk to the Essexville Police Department that Hampton Township Police Department or the sheriff's department of Crawford County. then all of us who walk with me received images of how Janet nearing was killed and how she was dragged out of the house and buried in a shallow grave and Donald nearing was the one who did it. all of us saw it and all of us have been talking about it ever since we saw it I was given information on a app called it was built by one of the spies that caused himself Christopher deck and he calls himself a web designer I went to his home and did an interview with him and Seth helped him to be cooperative with the interview that I videotaped recorded. that man is the one who built the many of the images and the information that I got on the was actual truth. some of the information I got was the fact that Janet nearing was last seen in February of 2021 in Frederick Michigan at the cabin owned by her and her husband Donald Nearing I believe that is the truth. then I talked to somebody who I thought was my cousin Connie Leggett who said that she never went to a funeral because there wasn't a funeral. now that could have meant that Janet nearing wasn't dead or it could have meant that nobody knew where Janet nearing was. the person I was talking to who I thought was my cousin Connie Leggett told me that nobody had seen Janet nearing since February 7th 2021 I talked to somebody who I thought was my son Aiden Marshall who said he was told that she was in a nursing home and he wasn't allowed to see her . he didn't know that she was dead. so as you can see in the fake obituary they are claiming that she didn't die until March of 2022 I was in Michigan in March of 2022 then I traveled to Minnesota where they arrested me so if Janet nearing my closest living relative died in March of 2022 why wasn't I told that she had died wasn't why wasn't I given the opportunity to go to a funeral? as if my lawsuit against the Dakota County jail and Sergeant Jalen snedeker wasn't already big enough now we have this that stupid piece of s*** didn't inform me that my closest living relative had died and he didn't give me the opportunity to go to a funeral and Tabitha Decker can go to prison with him for this. so now I'm being told that my sister-in-law Jackie nearing is the one that will end up with the estate well that is what Jackie nearing does she walks in and takes over his States and puts like her brother in a homeless shelter as she takes everything of value and she probably thinks she's going to do it again but I've said it a hundred times and I'm going to say it again Jackie nearing is going to prison for the crimes that she committed against me Jackie nearing is going to prison because she stole my estate and she helped Greg Marshall and Carol Hurley to steal my identity walk into an attorney's office and take $450,000 that was mine ever since I was informed that my mother had been killed I have been trying to inform the authorities and get an investigation started. I was unsuccessful I couldn't even get a wellness check done on my parents when I was in Michigan in March of 2022 the black pickup truck with the chrome rims was sitting in the driveway it was sitting right in front of the garage door exactly where Donald nearing always parks. that black pickup truck had made several attempts on my life it had tried to drive me off the road it had tried to ram my vehicle as I drove down I-25 towards my parents home. when I was staying at the Hamilton Inn on Wilder Road in Bay City Michigan and drove away from the hotel that black pickup truck was chasing me down Wilder Road just inches away from my bumper the man that was driving it didn't look anything like Donald nearing at all. then the black pickup truck was parked at my parents home I am told that the man that drives the black pickup truck has been terrorizing my son Aiden Marshall with the blessing of Jackie Nearing. Jackie nearing was in San Antonio Texas she knew I had an apartment she stayed at the Sheridan she was the guest of Lady Gaga Lady Gaga claims that she paid for all of these people to stay at the Sheraton in downtown San Antonio when they came to Texas to help attack me but I assure all of you it was our tax dollars paying for it. then Jackie nearing made several trips to my apartment building going in and out of the unit above my unit playing little games. that alone puts you in prison so I suggest you stop screaming and yelling and stop threatening me you fat cow you disgusting Pig. I had talked to a sheriff in Crawford County Frederick Michigan he said his name was Keith and he went to the cabin to do a wellness check on my parents because I was being told that they were both dead this is a little game Lady Gaga likes to play. so Keith went out to the cabin and he called me back from his cell phone he told me there was no Fresh Tracks and it looked like nobody had been there in a while it was April 22nd possibly 21st of 2021. there is no snow there or very little snow in April of each year in Michigan. so what was Keith trying to tell me there was supposed to be tracks in the mud? I don't know who the idiot was on the phone pretending to be a sheriff and Frederick Michigan but I was able to see through the lies and the idiots banter immediately. he told me that he had gone to a master bedroom window and the bed had been stripped and there was a big red stain on the mattress. I was told my mother was killed on that mattress her blood made the big red stain and then she was dragged out of the house and as if it wasn't bad enough I was delivered with this story there was also images in nightmares if you know what I mean. there are many members of the NSA and the CIA that know how to create images . why don't you go ahead and Converse with them about what the truth is and when it is that Janet nearing died not even my brother David or his fat disgusting Pig wife contacted me to tell me that my mother had died I don't see a funeral listed did anybody go to a funeral? maybe we should go ahead and call all of the relatives of my parents and ask them if they attended the funeral maybe we should call Connie Leggett maybe we should call Shelley Lincoln and ask her if she went to the funeral. from what I understand George nearing died the same month February of 2021 let's converse with urine we'll put his picture up in a minute he's the one that told me that buck nearing went missing in February of 2021 that means that if he was killed and he was murdered you're an accessory you had knowledge of the murder you're screwed

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