It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Moorhead Minnesota postal office

in Moorhead Minnesota I was using the postal office for shelter it was 10 below zero and as usual I was homeless starving to death with no shelter these police officers were sent to apprehend me accuse me of loitering which I was guilty. these are some of the same police officers that were accessing my bank account making sure that I was homeless. they took my identification and they were running my identification the young lady you see in the picture doesn't seem to have a lot of experience as a police officer she had to turn to the other officer's asking how long it takes to run somebody's identification to see if they have a warrant it took more than 20 minutes because they were manifesting a warrant while they were running that identification she didn't know how to frog walk somebody while they were in handcuffs she didn't know how to strip somebody and Pat them down my coat was off when she took me outside and freezing weather she didn't even allow me to put it back over my shoulders or allow me my scarf or hat. they had no empathy Compassion or understanding about the fact that dirty police officers from Texas were chasing me across the country accessing my bank account taking all of my funds causing me to be homeless causing me to starve to death. the two individuals that were working in the jail of the Moorhead Police Department the Moorhead jail we're very familiar one of them reminded me of the Christopher deck that decided to go to Alaska and the other one reminded me of Thomas worm I have seen those individuals many times my paperwork disappeared from my backpack. when the young lady who may or may not be a police officer was standing there questioning me she continuously repeated why are your hands in your pocket don't put your hands in your pocket my hands were not in my pocket and she continuously said it over and over again this is a statement that was used by Kyle in San Antonio Texas and he would say this statement over and over again. when he would send criminals and homeless people to confront me in San Antonio Texas they would repeat that line don't put your hands in your bag don't put your hands in your pocket what are you pulling out and act as though I was pulling out a weapon. so where she got her block of instruction to do what she was doing became very clear and obvious. the Latino police officer used the exact same line about rhetoric that I heard from a security officer at Mall of America who confronted me about handing out flyers at the mall about a 3-year-old little girl who had been abducted from San Antonio Texas and brought to the state of Minnesota. the Latino security officer called the flyer about the little girl rhetoric. that police officer the Latino one that showed up at the postal office said the exact same line about rhetoric. how coincidental is that at that particular post office there was a postal carrier that looked just like officer Christopher deck from San Antonio Texas it appeared as though he was working undercover as a postal carrier at the post office they've been doing this all across the nation it was probably officer Thomas Boyle who is an actual agent he claims to be a CIA agent or operative that's the man that has been stopping my mail and collecting it every time I put a piece of mail in a mailbox they stopped my mail collect my mail and keep it. the woman that was working posing as a manager at that postal office sounded like Shanna worm the same woman that was a supervisor at the Haven for Hope shelter in San Antonio Texas. they were there until 11:00 p.m. most nights and even a real actual employee of the United States Postal Service shouldn't be there at 11:00 p.m.. it became quite obvious they were waiting for me to show up to utilize the postal office as shelters so I didn't have to die of exposure so that they could continue to play their games and yet another state. there was a black pickup truck that showed up and was parked outside of the postal service on the street. when he was there I experienced excruciating abdominal pain. this is the same black pickup truck that ran me down in my hometown of Essexville Michigan the same black pickup truck that was parked at my parents' home in Essexville Michigan the same black pickup truck that chased me on Wilder Road in Bay City Michigan. the same black pickup truck that ended up at the Drury in St Paul Minnesota. the same black pickup truck that chase me through Lakeville Minnesota once again I was homeless and I had to walk 7 miles to find a bus dragging my luggage with me. he was joined by a silver pickup truck that kept circling me driving past me over and over again the exact same silver pickup truck that was parked at the postal service and the employee parking. I'm going to go ahead and assume and guess that it is driven and owned by the agent/operative that's working as a postal carrier in Moorhead Minnesota. I am told that the man that drives the black pickup truck is called Darren. I am told that Darren is friends with my father Donald Nearing. these are rumors I can't confirm it I don't have any evidence I'm not the one running these license plates I don't know. I am told that he's spending a lot of time at my parents home in Essexville Michigan and I am also told that my son Aiden Marshall is living there. I am told that my son Aiden Marshall is the executor of my parents estate. I am told that the man that drives the black pickup truck is controlling my son he is terrorizing him being abusive to my son to control the estate of my parents. I cannot confirm any of this these are the rumors these are the things that I'm being told of course I want to confirm it and I want to ensure the safety of my son but I am unable to get out from under these criminals these cold-blooded killers. I have been told that the man that drives the black pickup truck is the one that killed my mother. my mother was beaten in the head until she was unrecognizable and dead then she was buried in a shallow grave in Frederick Michigan. I am told and it is a rumor that my mother was buried in the yard of the cabin that my father Donald nearing owns in Frederick Michigan. both Andrea and Maria Perez continuously repeat over and over again that they were holding the shovel and hoping to bury my mother after she was killed. they told me that my mother was not wrapped in a sheet or a blanket when she was thrown into the Earth to be buried and covered up by the man that drives the black pickup truck. of course as I said before all of these are rumors Andrea continuously says it over and over again trying to create an emotional upset and a nervous breakdown I have every intention of finding my mother and finding out how she was killed where she was buried but I continuously am thrown in jail and attacked by these individuals Danielle Nagel Channel worm Thomas worm Thomas Boyle Andrea Boyle Christopher deck Timothy Wilson Tammy Miller Rory Vance Michelle Vance and many others I am about to list all of their crimes and detail one by one and then I will seek out detectives agents a private investigator and try to find the whereabouts of my mother

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