It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Greyhound bus ticket not real

when I was in the Dakota County Jail I was trying to get veteran services I didn't have legal representation and I wasn't offered veterans court . I had to talk to Morgan who had just started working there I couldn't stand Morgan I still can't she can't do her job she's nasty and very familiar. Morgan was coming into the unit talking to all of the inmates telling them that the nonprofits don't have any funding and their escrow account is empty now that's a very familiar phrase that's been used on me before I had a woman leaving a message on my phone claiming to be Lisa Griffin then I talked to her on the phone and she told me well the fiscal year is July 1st so none of the nonprofits that provide services for veterans have any money in the Rascal account so don't try to call all of the nonprofits in San Antonio for help with your rent. you see I was being charged more rent than any other person in the apartment building. it's subsidized housing. just my veteran status alone means that I should have got the price for subsidized housing but I didn't because these are a group of idiots. Lisa Griffin they say is the owner of the non-profit that owns the apartment building and as an owner of the apartment building she doesn't know that the fiscal year is October 1st always has been always will be she's telling me that the fiscal year is July 1st like a complete and total moron who the hell is Lisa Griffin and does she really own the non-profit that Alamo community group? so while I was in the Dakota County Jail they just hired this new woman and brought her in her name is Morgan and she supposed to be an advocate for the inmates she is supposed to be a communication route between an inmate and a non-profit group in other words she's useless and they made up a position for. she comes in to the 8100 unit and tells all the females that first of all people's Incorporated won't help you unless you've received sentencing then Lexie Miller received services and talk to the nonprofit three times and she had not been sentenced so Morgan gets called out on her lies. after Morgan started working there nobody is able to use the emergency relief fund for their bail. she tells everybody that they don't have enough money and then she doesn't fill out the paperwork she doesn't communicate with the non-profit she doesn't try to get the inmates connected with them so they can bail themselves out. Morgan is a piece of crap right to the freaking core you need to go check Morgan's head see who's there I think it's a dog. Morgan doesn't know the law I asked her if she could help me get connected to the veterans administration she literally got in my face and said the Veterans Administration Washington DC it doesn't matter where you are the Veterans Administration is Washington DC dumbass. they're saying that it's the Veterans Administration Dakota County the Veterans Administration in Dakota County and the idiot employees I talk to received their grant money from Washington DC they are a part of the larger Corporation Veterans Administration. she connected me to a Joel Henderson or Hendrix something like that I'll find it in a minute. that moron got on a zoom video and started talking stupid to me telling me that he doesn't work for the US government and he doesn't work for the veterans administration he works for Dakota County. your money comes from Washington DC you work for the veterans administration that means you're an employee of the US government you moron. so Joel is on a recorded Zoom video hey go look for the recording you'll be able to find it let's see who's in Joel's head . Joel doesn't seem to know how to say his name either isn't that amazing. Joel told me that I was denied veterans court yeah we have veterans court it's for drug addicts only oh so veterans that are on drugs get rewarded for using drugs and US veterans that have never used drugs in our lives well then we get punished and we don't get services and we don't get veterans court. then Jewel claims that the VA veteran services in Dakota County only helps people get compensation and helps them get housing that's all they do . well that's a waste of our tax dollars that's all you do. but you'll get legal services for people that are using drugs and you'll put together veterans court for people that are using drugs but veterans who don't use drugs don't get any Services it's on the recorded Zoom video you don't have to take my word for it it was the most idiotic conversation I've ever had then he asked me if I needed help getting compensation he didn't even ask me if I already have compensation I do I already have compensation moron do you think that's the proper procedure and then he got rude and snappy with me. I asked him if Morgan was the one that connected him to me and told him to call me he said no I just have a list of veterans in front of me and then I start calling them so he didn't even talk to Morgan Morgan didn't even connect me to this guy Joel that works for the Dakota County veteran services that's how lousy she is at her job that's how much she sucks then she gets a bad attitude in my face starts snapping at me she's not the right person for the job so finally my second time in the Dakota County Jail I'm finally connected to McVie because Joel that I talked to on the phone from the VA Dakota County refuse to connect me to the nonprofit Max V apparently they didn't have their own people working at MC so they couldn't connect me to Mac V. I was denied veteran services while in the Dakota County jail because Jalen Smith Decker is that much of a creep he's that much of a criminal and he needs to go to prison. so when I finally got connected to Mac V they told me that they were going to help me get housing apparently I was going to get an apartment downtown St Paul. I had to go through a lot of painful conversations and recorded Zoom videos I had to file complaints against Joel and call every single employee of the veteran services Dakota County and tell them every word Joel said including that he's going to interrupt my compensation and then I got Carly on the phone she said that she is Joel's supervisor which she is not. and Carly and some woman named Amanda told me they're going to interrupt my compensation my veterans compensation they're going to stop it I've been put in jail for times and my veterans compensation didn't ever stop. now all of a sudden it's going to stop because Carly at the veteran services Dakota County is stopping it and she shouldn't have her hands in my personal information I never signed over a release for her to have any of that. why don't your idiots know the law. so the first conversation I had that was a zoom video after talking to Joel twice and being accosted verbally with him saying stupid things that didn't make any sense nothing even remotely close to factual I had to talk to Carly from the VA Services Dakota County and it was a three-way call with someone named Amanda and Jenny from Mac V. I was asking Carly about veterans court over and over again and she told me the attorney decides whether or not somebody gets veterans court I had to ask three times I kept saying Carly you're talking about some attorney making the decision and the veteran services of Dakota County doesn't make the decision some attorney does which attorney is it that's making the decision. then she would break into some stupid spiel about what they do with the VA or talking about something that was completely unrelated trying to divert the questioning and she never answered the question I said which attorney if it's the prosecutor then say Catherine Kathleen whatever her name is. that's a pretty easy question to answer but she kept double talking me. finally Jenny broke in with Dawn I think it's the prosecuting attorney I'm sorry that she's unable to answer the question properly and is highly unprofessional and knowledgeable. everybody was irritated with Carly because she didn't know how to talk right she didn't know that answers to the questions and she's the one that was talking about some attorney decides who gets veterans court what attorney Tabitha Decker what attorney you brainless b**** so interacting with Jenny then was a good thing and I actually liked Jenny and she was very professional unfortunately during our next Zoom video things took a turn. Jenny was treating me like I was supposed to be taking medication that I wasn't taking she said things like can I go ahead and access the jail records and see what medication they tried to prescribe you I'm suing the jail for malpractice I don't have a prescription and they don't have the legal right to write a prescription for me then they tried to force the s*** down my throat. so Jenny started to act like it's a prescription that's legal it's a prescription that I've been taking for years and she tried to treat me like I was lying like I was hiding something like I was crazy I wonder who was in Jenny's head talking stupid. I told her that I didn't want HIPAA violated and I didn't want my rights violated then all of a sudden she piped in with a very good statement about of course we don't want to violate your rights and we don't want to invade your medical records unless you release them to us and it was like she was two different people all of a sudden and at some point in time it was like she was three different people. then Jenny said that she wanted my emergency contact because she was going to contact my emergency contact and ask about medicines. she didn't say medication she didn't say prescriptions she didn't say my diagnostic history she said medicines. when I talked to Jenny the next Zoom video and decided that I was upset because my rights have been violated and she was doing a lot of things that were illegal she got snippy and snappy with me telling me will agree to disagree about your rights being violated oh you don't decide what my rights are because our founding fathers decided what my rights are I work you're going to decide to agree to disagree no Jenny no you don't make that nasty comment to me with no repercussions this is going all the way to the VA where you get your grant money and that might non-profit is done we'll agree to disagree. Shana says it's our warm again let's talk about Shannon how she gets in my face screaming at me telling me that I have an emotional disorder and she's the one screaming she's the one raising her voice and I have an emotional disorder. so Jenny sent paperwork to the Dakota County Jail and she wanted me to sign all these releases there was four of them one of them was medical release one of them was criminal history release why does a nonprofit need this much information to provide housing for a veteran? so as I was reviewing them and looking through the paperwork I was told by a trustworthy source that none of it was legal it's not legal she doesn't need my medical history or my diagnostic history to provide housing for me what are you people think you're doing? why do you keep trying to dip into my medical or diagnostic history here's my history I have no history no surgeries never been in the hospital never had a mental disorder until dirty San Antonio police officers decided to walk around lying and saying I do. Chief McManus was even lying saying that I have prescription meds that I refuse to take I don't have any prescription meds that's how stupid your chief of police is Joaquin Castro goes way too far with this and his stupid brother Julian I suggest you shut your mouth now so my next Zoom video after having a two Zoom videos with Jenny and one of them she was so offensive telling me that we're going to agree to disagree now how about we're going to agree that I'm going to file 100 complaints against you and go directly to Washington DC about you. then Jenny started telling me that I don't have an apartment it disappeared Into Thin Air she had found an apartment for me told me that she was starting the process to get me in an apartment in St Paul to help me with housing then she's telling me that I'm going to the Salvation Army then she decided to tell me that I'm going into some house where a church puts people in keeps them trapped for 2 months or so they're not allowed to contact the outside world they're not allowed to send out mail make phone calls and they have to be confined to this house and it's for women who are homeless are escaping abuse and it's also for women and their children. I've been through this a hundred times before in San Antonio Texas and Shanna is the one that manipulates all of these nonprofits and she learned so much about nonprofit she decided to open three fake non-profits collecting the grant money from Washington DC and collecting funding from private donors Shane is out of control. so Mack V the nonprofit for veterans isn't providing any services at all to me none . she told me to call her when I got released from the jail she told me that she called the prosecuting attorney which made me nervous why are you calling the prosecuting attorney you're not my Defender why are you making phone calls to attorneys as if you are an attorney or you have any legal capacity in my case I didn't complain about it because I figured she was going to cause a stir if she really did call the prosecuting attorney. the truth of the matter is if you're calling the prosecuting attorney to talk about my case and ask for information and they're giving you the information there's a lot of violations there they're not supposed to give you any information they're not supposed to converse with you if you're not a part of the case you're just a Veterans Administration social worker. why are you calling the prosecuting attorney? it's on the zoom video go ahead and get the same video she told me that she talked to Steph and grego she didn't say his name right when I called the prosecuting attorney and I want to talk to Steph and grego they tell me his name is Steven. so she didn't even use his name right she said that she talked to him that's funny because he's not in that office I went over there I have a video of it he doesn't have an office there they don't know who the hell he is but yet his names on my paperwork so Jenny's telling me that she talked to that prosecuting attorney and he said that I'm not going to be released from the jail unless I agree to do a rule 20.01 everybody know what that's called Henry doesn't because he doesn't know the law you know what that's called Henry that's called a lawsuit and Jalen's to decorate and you go to prison that's what that's called you're not going to release me from the jail unless I agree to do a rule 20.01 . I'm not going to tell you what it's called and what laws that you're violating there but I'm going to tell you about fat disgusting redhead police officer in San Antonio Texas that put handcuffs on me and told me that she wouldn't take the handcuffs off unless I agree to sign a ticket. do you understand what that is you're about to ask an attorney because you don't have a brain Henry so then they're scheduling some rule 20.01 with a doctor yurka I've got a copy of it I'll put it up later and we'll have a long conversation about it . I was released from the jail and I immediately used the emails that I received from Jenny to call her and let her know I was released from the jail she told me we don't want you to be homeless we'll get you in a hotel room she refused to answer the phone she refused to return the phone call. so then I was homeless on the streets after being released from the jail and jail instant Decker was getting in my face taunting me here's a bus pass and then he's telling everybody I didn't put any money on the bus pass how did she use a bus? I just gave her an empty bus pass why is there money on it? and you think Jalen Decker doesn't need to go to prison? So eventually I got my bank account back but I had to do a lot of screaming and yelling to get it done . and that person that did it for me you just remember I'm your charge. so when I was in Cottage Grove staying at a hotel all of a sudden Jenny's calling me out of the blue. she tells me that she can get me an Uber to get out of there and she's telling me that she's going to give me a Greyhound bus pass so that I can go to Chicago they have big plans for me in Chicago get ready everybody it's going to be quite a show isn't it Henry? so she genuinely followed through got me the Uber then I wasted a few hours and went to the bus station Jenny sent me a bunch of text messages and made a bunch of phone calls to me telling me that they might be canceled because of the snow storm we were getting 20 in here. lo and behold when I got to the bus station it was canceled they told me that no buses were going to go out until Friday evening or Saturday morning. here's a picture of the Greyhound bus ticket confirmation. Somebody went into my email and they deleted the bus pass the bus ticket. but I had already taken screenshots of it and I had to listen to some female voice saying don't do that then they'll know that you're leaving don't do that don't do that probably the same person that went into my email deleted it but there it is they didn't get it deleted successfully this time go ahead and look up that confirmation code I got a feeling that bus ticket isn't real. do you understand what you just did to that nonprofit? and there's more to this story to people

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