It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Speaking of CIA being watched by FBI and NSA

This sociopath here is from Colorado he came in several months ago and has been gang stalking me. Him and his comrades spend all day every day at Camp Ministries they manipulate the employees to attack me they are attacking other homeless people to this is a monster a sociopath. He was stupid enough to believe my ex-husband when he was told that my ex-husband was a victim of domestic violence. This moron doesn't have enough sense to read body language to read micro-expressions or to do the proper research needed to confirm whether or not my ex-husband is genuinely a victim of domestic violence. This sociopath sick man using his position to attack an innocent Mother fighting for her children a woman who has survived domestic violence was too stupid to do the research he was too stupid to talk to the counselors too stupid to talk to the doctors and the eyewitnesses of the abuse that I suffered. When somebody is abusive they have serious patterns in their life the abuse does not just stop one day and people can see those patterns people with a brain which this gay man does not have. This is a sociopath and I suggest to all of you keep your distance this is a killer he has no human qualities he has no beating heart he is keeping my children trapped in abuse and uses employees and pastors at cam Ministries to Gaslight me into believing that my children have been pulled to safety trying to create an emotional upset and make me look crazy because I'm repeating the lies that he feeds people. he told the pastor to Gaslight me into believing that my children have been pulled the safety and they most certainly have not been pulled to safety they are still trapped in abuse because of this sick man who defends murderers rapists child abusers that's exactly the opposite of his job and he is supposed to know how to investigate and profile people and the moron does not know how to do any of that. James comey's investigational team knows all of the stories of my marriage and they investigated by talking to teachers neighbors of every home that we lived at doctor's counselors therapists everybody at my church.  I initiated marriage counseling at my church after just a few sessions the counselors were able to determine that my ex-husband was a rapist and a violent man they started an emergency intervention counseling just him alone trying to get him to be more healthy father and husband they were trying to prevent the deaths of my children and myself they could see the serious problem with Gregory Marshall.  isn't it amazing how pastors and church counselors are able to see that Gregory Marshall is a rapist and murderer a sociopath and investigating agents are too stupid to see it that's exactly what their job is to research and find out they are supposed to find the serial killers here in America they are supposed to keep us safe and these morons are helping a murderer an abuser to torture his children and torture his ex-wife they are subjecting me to gang stalking and justifying it and they're sick Minds by thinking that I'm guilty of domestic violence..
 take a good look at the two sociopaths in this picture they're going to prison for every crime they committed I am still on the street so I need medical care my life was threatened last night and they made an attempt they showed intent I need to be pulled to safety and these two sociopaths do nothing to help me

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