It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Mayor who can't do his job

Look how the Mayor is claiming to read his emails and letters from constituents...has everyone seen the hundred emails I have sent him begging for help? Do you know that I physically went into to city hall and delivered detailed accounts of official oppression and many other crimes committed by Chief McManus and several other offices. So if he i reading his emails I guess he is just ignoring me when I am begging for help and telling him my life is in danger and lets not forget the dozens upon dozens of phone calls made to his office

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Roger Davidson and his cowboy friend

Roger Davidson and his cowboy friend were in town staying at the Hyatt Regency and they kept me busy driving them all over San Antonio on Friday and Saturday before mothers day. I can not be sure what their agenda was but one possibility is that they may file a complaint with ETI taxi telling them I did something wrong when I did not. They would stay at a bar for 15 minutes and then call me to come back and get them because they didn't like it I took them to 4 bars and then back to the Hyatt regency on Saturday they kept me busy and I did not make any posts on Instagram maybe that was their underlining agenda I plan on asking them.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Not even church is safe when these men rain terror

Image result for chief mcmanusRelated image

It's so very sad that I can't feel safe at my own church and I find it hard to attend a church service because of the phone calls these men make..............Welcome to the new San Antonio there is no Sanctuary there is no peace and law abiding officers as long these men have any power at all.