It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 11, 2018


August 22 2018 at the mall with minion Dave Jones and many other minions come in to harass and be strange. The Mayor is acting careless panic sending in as many as possible. Before arriving at the mall he sent dozens of police officers to follow and drive by harass and stalk

Dave told me to give up on life, told me to stop trying to get justice, don't fight for children don't try to save them from their abusive situation and don't try to be apart of their lives. Mind you this is the Mayor's minion and Christopher Wray was helping me sending dozens upon dozens of minions at me. Then this non-human told me that my story isn't unique and that this thing happens in cities all over the nation. I think the mayor may be ignorant enough to believe that other mayors commit crimes to this capacity. Well I guess that's how he sleeps at night believing he isn't the only sociopathic bully who is a mayor in the nation. If this is happening in other cities I have found my lifes' mission to bring many mayors to justice. Our mayor just happens to be a simpleton, I have nearly lost my life more than four times at his hand and he thinks other mayors are doing this. I have been on the streets since I got to san Antonio because of the Castro's and I have been homeless and attacked since officer flores tried to kill me and he single handedly did that. He is in my phone listening to me cry and begging for life. Begging to let me see my children one more time before I die and the Mayor is listening to me all this and it makes him smile and laugh he is empowered when I am weak and giving up on life he is not a human there are little to no human qualities there.

When I was living at the GI Forum Dave use to come to get me and tell me there were more police officers outside the forum waiting outside for me to walk out the door so they could follow me I thought he would be my witness in a court of law for what I had been put through by San Antonio and all Local Police agencies. I had homeland security here on this day the mayor was able to get officers at a federal level to join in? No silly me that was Christopher Wray perverted Sociopath.

Papa John's employees were all contacted and they all joined in with ridicule and harassing I am sure they thought they were special doing a favor for the mayor and Christopher Wray they didn't put any more thought than that into who they were hurting and how many. They also didn't put any thought into the law suit against Papa John's their actions were causing I am sure they just don't like their jobs anyway and it's going to be great to have this behavior to show up on their work history if I saw this I would not hire them. I guess this nation learned absolutely nothing when all those young people killed themselves after being bullied on Facebook? Or maybe the entire nation is full of sociopaths who don't have empathy or compassion for human life. I wonder which it is I think the nation is full of bullies with no hearts and in my situation why would I see anything but that?

tom arnold

Is amazing a few months ago I watched people tell Tom Arnold that he needed help that he needed a psychiatric evaluation that he was in la-la land fantasy world because of the tapes.
I saw these trolls in these nasty people sending him messages telling him that he needed a psychiatric evaluation and that he needed serious help. Not much longer what happened OG look Tom was right there are tapes so the whole time you morons are making yourself look like complete and utter fools complete illiterate dysfunctional waste of Flesh so you go right ahead and you voice your opinion you say what it looks like and what you thinking as if your opinion matters.
In the end everybody will see you for the fools that you are The Monsters please continue to give me your opinions with your fake identities on your fake social media IDs I'm going to go ahead and publish those and they'll be tracked in the end you will have the short end of the stick.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Gerald (Jerry) Alexander

This is the story of Jerry Alexander and what isn't listed here is the fact that his criminal history tampered with the fact that he is a pedophile that had been in prison for sexual assault of a 14 year old had been removed from his record so when I did a back ground check it didn't show up. The Castro Brothers and McManus did this. Not even his parole officer knew her and I sat in my dinning room on computers trying to figure out how this happened. He wasn't suppose to be around children. She would not have let him rent a room in my house had she had the information. My ex-husband called the principal of my kids school and told her there was a pedophile living in our house I stood there saying I don't know what he is talking about I did back ground checks. He knew think about a father who colluded with the mayor of san antonio to put a pedophile in the house with his children how sick is that? He put us in harms way with the help of the Castro Brothers. 
I bet he didn't go to Jackson prison like he was suppose to go. I bet they got him out of that too.
The other thing not listed here is he was getting monthly checks to do this to my children and I and he was instructed to be abusive and he yelled at me in front of my aadyan and told me he was going to knock my teeth down my throat my Aadyan was very upset he had bonded with Jerry and really thought a lot of him and you can imagine with all the abuse we had survived to be hurt by another man like this was horrible and it was all set up by his father and the Castro Brothers. They made his whole record disappear and I stood in the Principles office with the printed copies of the back ground checks I did and pedophilia wasn't there I didn't know what to tell her other than my ex-husband was lying through his teeth. It was much more complicated than that more than I knew. 

Image result for jerrold alexander

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Three jobs ruined and apartment lost

I worked here from Sept. 2014 to Dec. 2014 I was selling health care atena. I was working with medicaid and medicare medi gap, part d, ect...
The Castro Brothers and most likely my ex husband was talking to he owner of the company. Mid employment they started acting funny. I can't say for positive all the things they manipulated while I was here but the thing I know they did for sure was collected the recorded calls of me on the phone with customers and my ex-husband was using those recording to splice them and he developed conversations that I never actually had and things I did not actually say.

I went from this company to CVS Caremark one of the best things about working here is it was private property and I knew if they continued to chase me onto this property the officers monitored the property would catch them quickly. It didn't take long before they got a hold of my boss and started to attack this employment as they did with all the others. I was making good money here and working a lot of over time. They were very worried that I would get an attorney and because it took them some time to get a hold of my boss this is when they attacked me at the three fountains making sure I was paying twice the rent I should have been paying making sure I couldn't save to get an attorney.
They did eventually get a hold of my boss Daniel and he started helping them to attack me and it didn't matter to him that I was a hard worker working more than 80 hours a week he did the Castros a favor anyway.
I went from this employment to Superior Health insurance I was a good fit for health insurance because I had a long back ground in medical field.
In May of 2015 they sent a minion at me her name of Isabel she was instructed to create chaos in my life and she did to. She had drug charges and that is how they connected with her. They saw that I had worked with her at Connexion and they connected the dots. They knew she was using crack and they thought she could get me hooked on crack as well. She moved in my apartment with me, she had a hard luck story of being abused by her boyfriend and needed a place to go to get away from the abuse.
I went to court with her for moral support and mysteriously when we were sitting in the court room her name had been removed from the list and she never had to go to court at all and she never had to go to jail for the drug charges that was her payment to cause problems in my life and boy did she create problems. When we were in the court I had wondered why the bailiffs had been paying me special attention. Now it is all too clear why that was happening.
 I ended up being a victim of her crazy physical behavior she started a fight with while I was driving and grabbed the steering wheel I was driving on the high way. I told her their was no drugs allowed in my apartment and I had to keep throwing away glass pipes I would throw one away and another would appear.  She had gotten into a physical altercation with me in my apartment she is highly unstable. She was on my back punching me in the back of the head I had no choice I had to hit her. I was able to stop her and get her off me. She was crying and winning I beat the crap out of her telling everyone that would listen. I only hit her once that was it yes there was abrasions and lacerations but I only hit her once. That evening she stole my van I had to call police officers. They wanted me to file reports but I didn't want those things on my name that would make me look bad in a court of law when I was fighting for my children. I found her and found my van. I went to her location and called police officers. I ended up having to tow the van and have a new key.
The person I bought the van from he too happened to be a close personnel friend of the Castro Brothers I paid more than the van was worth and it had a bad transmission that was going to need to be rebuilt very soon.
I bought the van on the corner of Culbera and I-410. It was a route 66 station or something like that another man who was treating me strangely and now that I look back it makes sense yet another man who was colluding with the Castro Brothers and the strange way people were approaching me and addressing me was all do to the Castro Brothers. I let that van go back to him in Sept. 2015 because the Castro Brothers ruined every job I was trying to turn into a career and it was difficult to keep my head above water. They are well versed at attacking people and I refuse to believe I am the first or the only person who has suffered because they are sick men. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

my ex-husband and the castro brothers are currently locking up my accounts and they have locked up mothersscorn account I can not get in it because it has vital information concerning the crimes they have committed I would like to know when we are going to the fat ex-husband and taking all his electronics and getting him out of my accounts i have had enough of having this monkey on my back do you know what it is like having to live like this?

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Oct. 4th

October 4th 2018
I just walked two miles so I could get food that was being given away so I don't have to die like the director of FBI Christopher Wray wants me to do. I was followed by an SAPD helicopter and 4 different SAPD officers were passing me over and over again. There were minions everywhere and they had theior lights on beeping there horns. Here by the college two of the minions got in a car accident the pick up truck that was driven by the fat perverted mexican man I see everyday almost all day long. Karma Hey pervert get a gym memebership and get a damn job you don't have anything better to do than follow me all day everyday you are awaste of flesh.
Those dirty looks I am getting from the large white SUV that says POLICE in black letters on the side....You can stick your dirty looks where the sun doesn't shine you are the one breaking the law and violating your oath and you have audacity to give me your dirty looks? Can you say emotional intelligence? You can't because you don't know what it is don't try. But you should try growing up. You think I am a bad person wait until the nation sees what you have done! Maybe you can exercise that God complex in the unemployment line. 

I can not use facebook or instagram they are hacking into a secure network it's my fat ex-husband

I can not use Facebook or Instagram they are hacking into a secure network it's my fat ex-husband

My extremely obese and stinky ex-husband is hacking into the secure network of the San Antonio Colleges

VA Medical Center Dr. Brian Writer ended his career

Cheif McManus had me unlawfully put into behavioral health on Dec. 1st 2017 simply because I asked him a question it was the plan of all these monster to convince the nation I was crazy. So if I am insane or have a slightest behavioral diagnosis then the crimes didn't happen? All the eye witnesses of the crimes are wrong? These are dumbest men in the country. They had been sending minions at me with the block of instruction to sleep with and they were knowingly sending men that had communicable diseases. They knew infected and it was their to have to have them infect me. While I was at the VA Medical Center in behavioral health they were talking to my doctor Dr. Brian Writer, DO
San Antonio, TX
(210) 617-5300
This man has ended his career to do a favor for them. When he returned the phone calls that were made by Mayor Ron Nirenberg and Joaquin Castro and all the rest of the demons the doctor using his cell phone and when he did this he allowed them access to his cell phone. The dumb doctor brought his cell phone with to everyone of the sessions and my enemies listened into all the sessions. So much patient doctor confidentiality and so much Hypocritical Oath. So while I was in the hospital the doctor was instructed to test me for STDs my moronic enemies actually thought I slept with those men that they sent at me with the instructions to sleep with me they thought they successfully infected me with a communicable disease. That's manslaughter charges that is how stupid your Mayor and Congressman are if they had successfully implemented their evil deed they would have been brought up on manslaughter charges.
One of the criminals with disease id Enoch Jeff Reynolds. They got a hold of him at drug court he had drugs charges and they decided to cut him a deal if he came at me and keep me off computers and kept me from going to city Hall to tell what had been to me then Jeff Reynolds wouldn't have to go to jail like he was suppose to. That's what they do a continuous basis since I arrived in Texas and they are still doing it to this very moment.
That is how sick your city officials are do you trust them to have a heart running this city? Why would you do that your sick perverted mayor is trying to get me to have sex and in the end kill me with it. That denotes this man can't perform if he has to sit around listening to other people have sex.

There is so much more to this story and the things they told the doctor to do and say and the diagnosis they instructed him to give me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I was in my house pleading for my life dying and she was listening doing nothing. Her loyality to James Comey went out the window when I was able survive the very painful starvation and I survived the psycho officer A. Flores trying to break in my house and shoot me in the head I then needed to survive dozens upon dozens of police officers sent to my house to take me by force to the Chiefs' office and had they succeeded I would have never seen the light of day. I survived a bunch of agents and officers gas lighting me into thinking I had the help of the FBI and officers were being arrested and none of it was happening at all.
I then went ot Austin to talk to the FBI and my enemies sent the idiots Rell Rice in my path to keep out of FBI.
So I walked from there to temple Texas they sent more idiots in my path and I walked to RoundRock where I intercepted by an idiot named Mike who sells real estate. I got to Temple texas and all the VA Medical center employees were colluding with the Castro Brothers.
I walked from there to Waco Texas and the entire way I was being attacked by Castro Brothers monsters I was followed by some creeps from San Antonio every step of the way. It's a very long story this is the short of it.
It took me two days to be seen by Waco FBI because they too were colluding with the Castro Brothers when I finally got in that office I talked to an agent Mike who had been on the force for 28 years or something like he was retiring soon and good thing too because this is a dirty agent. There's a lot that happened there but I told Mike that the last agent I talked to was agent Jamie and she was beautiful, smart, down to earth, compassionate and so on. I believed all that about Jamie too. Boy was I wrong she is a monster who walks around convincing people she has human qualities. She has none. She is unfit to be a mother and unfit to be an agent this woman is unfit to be an american. So Agent Mike from Waco called Agent Jamie in San Antonio you can imagine the bullshit she told him she is crazy and you need to tell her to come back to San Antonio so they could attack and torture me here in San Antonio they didn't have nearly as much control in Waco you could have fooled me they had every Officer in Waco helping them and they had every VA police officer attacking me too. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Nice Tatoos

I am matching those tatoos at first glance it looks Russian to me

Oct. 1st

Sorry it is Oct 1st that all the morons have come at me like Jeff Reynolds and the extremely fat Latino circling around and around on loysa and Crockett streets with the beard and mustache

At approximately 1230 here at SAC I went outside and there was a helicopter flying over head. Still wasting resources it isn't going to let up and no one seems to want to stop the idiot Castro brothers and the sociopath Christopher Wray and help me so you can't see that no one should have to go through this crap. It accrues to me the couple that was putting the drone in the air were probably friends of the Castro brothers

Sept. 30th

I was sitting at Market Plaza and there were several drones over head at this point I am hoping and praying some of them are the good guys but I have no way of knowing one way or another. Yesterday I walked to the gas station and there was a couple putting a drone in the air so I stopped to ask how far away they can get from the drone they said 3 miles I am assuming that the government drones are a bit more advanced but at the end of the day those people with the drones over my head are in fact some where down town when they are doing this.
I was at market square and literally dozens of people were walking pass and asking the same stupid question how are you. They were some of the same morons I always see one homeless man got way to close and was standing by me he stood at the table next to me and he opened his flip phone read something then he finally left he came two more times. Patrick showed up and wanted help to buy a pre-paid credit card. I went to 7/11 to help and they didn't have when I learned he is not allowed in there and he is not allowed in most establishments in downtown. We stopped at esquire so I could use the bathroom and one of the bartenders was looking out the window as if he was waiting for me to show up as if he received a call telling him I was heading that way and he too said the line "how are you". Of course we all know they could careless. We went to travis park Patrick was trying to use his phone to call someone he said he was trying to get a room. I sat with him for a while and when park police showed up I left. I walked down and went to the visitors center sat for a while until I saw one of the minions driving around and around I walked out to loysa and stood at the corner of crockett and loysa some man sitting in the window of his apartment whistled at me. He asked me to come up and so I met him at the door.
His name is Walter and he is a mortgage loan officer. His cousin is an SAPD officer who has been on the force for thirteen years. He shared that his cousins name in Ronnie and he works northeast side. He said that his cousin Ronnie is trying to become a detective. Hey Ronnie you think your going to make detective when you become involved in this sending your pervert cousin Walter trying to get me in bed asking if there was anything I would do oral or hand job. The man just met me and knew I was homeless and he knew that Chief McManus has issues with me nothing like making this encounter obvious. I slept on Walters' sofa but you can bet he will be telling lies about whether or not I slept with him. I was leaving his apartment this morning and received a sign not to leave at that moment and I waited in the lobby as long as I could. When I go outside it was clear what I was being warned about an obese Latino man with a beard and mustache was pacing back and forth in front of the the apartments he was looking for someone and I don't know what description he received because he walked right by me.
Then I went on the riverwalk to start heading towards the library and when I was nearly at the library I ran into Jeff Reynolds minion from last year and from January when I was freezing to near death and he was talking to Joaquin Castro on Facebook. That was when they were in my phone making fake mega bus sights and sending me on a wild goose chase when I was trying to get on the mega bus. Jeff made it obvious he was a minion he was trying to send a Facebook message indicating that he liked what they were doing to me with mega bus and he inadvertently sent it to me. 
This morning Jeff Reynolds was trying to keep me off the computer as he always does and we went to salvation army for food we came to sac and on the way to sac he shared that he was on Facebook just this morning. The dumb ass just keeps saying over and over again he is not a minion as if that will convince me after what he did in January he confirmed he was and is talking to Joaquin Castro on facebook when I brought it up he didn't even have the brains to realize his mistake after he had done it.   So that explains that the moron was sent at me again. He is trying to pretend how much he likes me and lying about any intimate encounters that we may have had in the past. Do you really think your hideous brain washing techniques work Joaquin Castro? You are a very sick man and I am happy to see you are still using Facebook thinking no one is watching you and no one is any the wiser to hideous plights to stop me from telling my story and taking serious action to put you in prison. Besides the fact you are a sick pervert exactly what is your objective trying to get all your Mexican friends to sleep with me? What do you hope to gain? I'll tell you what you are accomplishing the entire world will see what a sexual deviant you are what a pig and I am starting to wonder if you happen to be lacking in that area if you are trying to have your drug addict and obese friends get luckily where you can not.

Sept 29th & 30th

Saturday night I stayed at San Pedro park I was surrounded by drug addicts and it was real great sleeping on the park bench thanks to Christopher Wray, Mayor Ron Nirneberg, Castro Brother Monsters, Chief William McManus and Cheryl Sculley.
I was woke by minion Shawn who tried to get me to join a group of girls who I been watching do drugs the previous evening and their goes McManus trying to get me on guilt by association again. Then a SAPD helicopter flew threw and he was impressively flying low again.
I walked to the Valero Sunday morning it was 0915. I walked to the Church missed the meal but was able to shower and change I decided to stay as long as possible to hidden from all the idiots they are sending at me. So they sent a minion in to see if i was still in there. I stayed a while after this. I went out and then tried to decide where to go I was sitting on houston street for a spell and as usual I had all the same morons driving by with their lights on and police officers as well I was surprised there were no transit police driving by did my enemies finally wake up and realize Jeff Arndt has a huge law suit against the city of San Antonio  and each of you deviants as individuals? Or if she agreed to send all his employees to stalk and harass a mother fighting for her children violating every civil right I have it's me with the law suit against him and him and his employees can look foward to doing time I enjoyed having that VIA bus driver screaming in my face Mr. Arndt and I will be sure to tell the nation that you and your employees are the biggest bullies this world has seen you think your a mob boss?
Who owns the drones that are flying above my head JIM who has the government contract for the drones I call Julian Castro out on what Jim told me about Julian and how he knows him and the fact Julian is abusing government property and the moron doesn't have enough sense to stop.
I went to the riverwalk and just sat there getting away from the minion street side. I sat under a bridge so the helicopters flying over head couldn't see me and I was joined by three different group of minions. I got up and went to Walt's jewelry stand it was his brother mike that was working it and he immediately grabbed his phone to tell someone I was there. Soon after I was surrounded by ugly minions and their bully ways. I went to McDonalds to get a sandwich and