It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 29, 2024

malpractice and civil rights violations at the shelter

they wanted a list it Yahoo / Sent Dawn Marshall From: To: Dawn Neering , Ariel Robertson , , Andrew Garza , Policechief and 4 more... Wed, Jun 12 at 4:30 PM I am currently at the Franklin Assessment Shelter it is almost 2 days I have gone threw a physical you will be happy to know. Today at noon when I went to the clinic for examination and a blood work up there are very serious issues that need to be addressed. It is not lawful for a Nurse Practitioner to be referring to herself as a doctor. If she wants to be referred as a Doctor then it is of the upmost importance she use proper terminology and call things what they are. when i was talking to the nurse she was referring me to their clinics knowing that I am a veteran. She then asked if I told the social worker and case worker that I am a veteran. She informed me in the state of New York has special services and shelters for veterans I was never offered any of these services. I was never directed to the Veterans Administration. I don't know where it is. They refuse to help people file for health and human services EBT and Medicaid. I have never been in a shelter that refuses to help people fill out all the necessary forms. When visiting the clinic today the nurse told me that she considers anxiety and depression to be mental illness and she labels people ill. I am here to tell you that is not mental illness and I don't take this labeling lightly you shelter employees should not be so judgmental belittling and ridiculing those asking for help. Telling someone that is depressed they have mental illness does not help their state of mind their depression in part is caused by low self esteem. There was a woman in San Antonio Texas working at a horrible abusive clinic they called "The Center", she labeled people and diagnosis them without a PHD. This woman is an international spy that has no business working in the medical field at all. The woman calling herself a doctor is Kadian T Forbes, NP the nurse was calling her a doctor she was calling herself a doctor. She was unable to say BLOOD WORKUP, she kept thinking she was correcting me by saying blood test. She truly had never heard the terminology BLOOD WORKUP. when i asked if they still do the intradermal test for TB she called it an insert or implant. That TB test is an intradermal injection that we call a wheel this nurse calling herself a doctor continued to call it an implant. Then she was very threatening when she said "I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS A LONG TIME", so for a long time this woman has been telling people she is a doctor with a PHD and she does not know the proper names for things. while I was trying to make the doctor understand the difference between intradermal injection and an implant she told me that the lab results do not arrive before a person is transferred to another shelter. She claims the lab is so slow that they can not get the results in 21 days time. You understand that the entire reason these tests are conducted so all others at the shelter are not infected with communicable diseases? For a Nurse lying about being a doctor to not be able to see how serious this is, that is an extremely serious issue. For many decades while we used the intradermal injection testing it only took 3 days to get the results now you have moved to a method that takes a month? How many people will be infected with in a month? This Ms. Forbes then said that a psychiatric evaluation would be conducted I was very surprised and taken back that a shelter clinic had the funding to do just an extensive test that is very expensive and labor intensive. There are usually 3 visits required to complete a full and through psychiatric evaluation. Then she was struggling between assessment and screening. That makes more sense then once again she called it a psychiatric evaluation again. I had to explain to a woman claiming to be a doctor that it is 450 questions, essay questions, 4 hour oral interviewing process, questioning if she wants people to believe she is a doctor shouldn't she know these things. Many of these tests will ask the same question worded differently several times in the process which I am sure you know. I don't mean in insult anyone's intelligence the way the nurse impersonating a doctor did to me. The doctor claiming to be doing psych screening is YuanFang Chen who claims to be a MD is he actually a psychologist or is it another criminal impersonating someone with an PHD? there are serious issues at your clinic. Danielle Nagel just announced she said it because she was not going to give me the results so I would be denied all services at this shelter any other shelter and the Veterans Administration, she lied because she has a bad habit of stomping on the floor crying "I don't want her to have services".

spies spies yummy spies


Daytran building dateland Florida Inbox Rise Sunshine Attachments Wed, Apr 17, 12:28 PM to partnerships, PD, Fake, General, me, Fake, malvarado, press, media, mbanks, mass, Mummx4, mummx3, mkirichenko, printandgo, pperez This is Mercedes this is the woman that was at the veterans administration that deleted all of my military records all of my medical records she deleted everything out of the systems and then stood up with a finger in my face starting to attack me telling me that I was denying a caseworker that doesn't make any sense she continuously made reference to Los Angeles and my visit to the veterans administration facility there and asking for help with my homeless situation she claims that I denied a husband she claimed that I denied a caseworker I didn't do any of those things. The first time in the daytron building she told me that the senator had not been a senator for a year and a half the second time I went there she said that it had been 2 years this time when I visited the daytron building she told me it's been 3 years apparently she can't make up her mind which lies the best life I see Jalen but there's more there than just jaylen. And jalen's the one that will tell a lie and then contradict that by he also will announce that somebody hasn't been there for years or 8 months and they don't they were there at that moment and there was witnesses that's how stupid Jalen is you people might want to take Jalen out of the men they'll ruin all of you


Joe serve me coffee in Long Beach California Inbox Rise Sunshine Attachments Wed, Apr 17, 12:30 PM to partnerships, PD, Fake, General, me, Fake, malvarado, press, media, mbanks, mass, Mummx4, mummx3, mkirichenko, printandgo, pperez Joe is not supposed to be in our country he was exiled from the country and if he comes back in the country he's supposed to be rested he supposed to go back to prison. But I'm telling all of you he is in our country he served me coffee and Long Beach California he likes to participate right and he's a bully that constantly runs his mouth pointing out anything that's wrong with me much of what he says doesn't even make any sense but we have to listen to Joe all the time nobody likes jokes he has severe narcissistic personality disorder which makes him dysfunctional he beat the heck out of his wife and children. He's supposed to be in prison but the CIA and the devil keep protecting him thinking he's a good tool and a puppet so I have to deal with Joe and so do all of you

attacking jesus christ crimes against humanity and crimes against all children nasty woman just nasty Inbox Dawn Marshall Attachments Thu, Apr 18, 1:24 PM to me,,, lady,, Aldrich, policechie

erica castro master of disguise whinning crying throwing her body weight around like an idiot Inbox Dawn Marshall Attachments Thu, Apr 18, 1:12 PM to me,,, lady,, Aldrich,,, PREA, Eagan, Police,, dwanye, Ariel, Christine, Tony archangel micheal doesn't know to pronounce arcangel with out an h he is a moron need the H Inbox Dawn Marshall Attachments Thu, Apr 18, 1:30 PM to me,,, Police, lady,,,, Aldrich, PREA, Eagan,, dwanye, Ariel, Christine, Tony,,, Los, Joel,, Mayor,,, Law


awn Marshall To:Dawn Neering Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 3:52 PM They filled up the casino and then Shanna worm a woman who works for the CIA named Susan agent Andrea FBI sapd supervisor named Andrea and a few others threw a fit because I was at the casino they instructed their husbands their boyfriends and some very special criminal agents to find a rapist so that I would leave the casino. I always dig in my heels and I'm not going to reward bad behavior I don't care how much it hurts if you want me to leave then I'm not leaving it was amazing how I watch these people who are supposed to be spies who are supposed to be the elite throwing a fit running through the casino yelling and waving their arms about yelling at their husbands because they were supposed to force me to leave the casino. Just to get me to leave the casino. They had their special security officer named Crystal harassing me stalking me attacking me verbally just to get me to leave the casino because they had all their specials coming into the casino and I wasn't allowed to be there to see them so they made up excuses and made up my bad behavior as a cause for me to be removed from the casino I didn't have any bad behavior please go ahead and look at those cameras and take care of your FBI idiots your CIA twits and the criminals at large who are cold-blooded Killers for example a sovereign who killed a 10-year-old little boy who needs to go to the moon and immediately THIS IS THE SAME IDIOT THAT WAS AT THE DRURY ST PAUL AND HIS WHORE RAN THREW THE LOBBY PHYSICALLY ATTACKING ME THEN CALLING THE POLICE CLAIMING MY BEHAVIOR WAS ODD AND UNUSHUAL YOU CAN SEE HER ON THE CAMERAS GRABING ME WHEN I WAS LEAVING TRYING TO KEEP ME THERE BECAUSE SHE HAD POLICE OFFICERS COMING DID THEY SHOW UP MORON? THAT IS THE SAME NASTY WOMAN STOMPING HER FOOT CRYING I DONT WANT HER TO HAVE SERVICES IN MIAMI THEY DELETED MY RECORDS SO I WOULD NOT GET SERVICES. AN UNDERCOVER CAME INTO THE SHELTER TELLING ME TO OPEN ANOTHER BANK ACCOUNT WHEN I DID THEY WERE YELLING AND SCREAMING I WOULD NEVER GET BENEFITS AGAIN ALL TO DO FAVORS FOR THE WHORE WITH THAT SOVEREIGN STOMPING LIKE A CHILD


Big idea of showing me everybody hates Jesus Christ Rise Sunshine Mon, Apr 29, 11:36 AM to partnerships, PD, Fake, General, me, Fake, malvarado, press, media, mbanks, mass, Mummx4, printandgo, pperez, mummx3, mkirichenko, kinderego, Ariel, police, pgarcia He was pushing around the preacher and he took the mic out of his hand he was spitting on him he put his hands on him and physically assaulted him acting like an idiot those two black women were flipping off the preacher screaming and yelling at the gay man who is guilty of assault and battery. I continuously try to file a police report about this incident and apparently the websites for all of the police departments in Miami have an inability of accepting an online police report I haven't been able to file any reports this is religious persecution. I ended up getting a video of this moron who told me that you Jesus Christ loves him but nobody's allowed to preach about Jesus Christ in his City apparently he owns South Beach Miami and nobody is allowed to stand on a sidewalk or in a park preaching the word of God. Our country stands for the exact same opposite and I don't think this gay man's from our country and I don't think that he has any authority to be telling people they're not allowed to preach the word of God you don't put your hands on people you don't spit on them you don't grab the mic out of their hand he was all over this man. And I know which team this is and your preacher needs to file please reports of salt because I'm going to do it



My social media is guarded and closed off to the masses Inbox Rise Sunshine Attachments Fri, Apr 19, 1:16 PM to partnerships, PD, Fake, General, Fake, malvarado, press, media, mbanks, mass, Mummx4, pperez, mummx3, mkirichenko, printandgo, me That's how I find out the new people that have joined us and if I'm experiencing pain when I receive the picture I automatically think they are the ones causing the pain. Sometimes it's not the case sometimes people are framing others calling them out for things they're not doing these women might just be spectators that just join this circuit I don't know
Rise Sunshine Attachments Fri, Apr 19, 1:14 PM to partnerships, PD, Fake, General, me, Fake, malvarado, press, media, mbanks, mass, Mummx4, mummx3, mkirichenko, printandgo, pperez Tracy kolovich did of the video how nice for her she also owns a small business and Burnsville Minnesota and apparently that's where she's from that's where she grew up she sent me there several times because Oliver plans were going to have to attack me while in, the Dakota county jail she was calling everybody welcome now I knew she didn't walk alone because I overheard her talking to herself the way that I talked to myself. And she was arguing with them the same way that I need to argue with them and a constant basis. Chloe Oliver was in the Bexar county jail she was being used she had slept with a married man and somebody was really giving it to her. She was instructed to act insane in the Bear county jail so she continuously got out of her body during a lockdown and went to the phone talking on the phone. One particular day she was walking past me going to phone and she said out loud they said I have to stay in my bunk I can't go to the phone they said I had to stay in my bunk. At that moment I knew what was happening with her I was told that her sister is Taylor and it was Taylor's husband that she slept with I don't know if the information was accurate but that's the information I received. Chloe Oliver also gave me a lot of information for example she said Allah the devil are both a black cat Allah and the devil are using a black cat. She woke me up in the middle of the night just to tell me this I immediately became offended how can my father be a black cat a cat is a woman. So I'm not sure who was offended but now if we think about it the Devil can enter anybody's hat including a black cat. So obviously Allah is the same thing because isn't Allah a god? at one point in time Chloe Oliver was walking around with her hair hanging in front of her face and she would walk around like that two other inmates did the exact same thing they were teasing the girls I called them the girls and they walk with me and they were teasing them. Some of the new inmates that were coming in would also do this with their hair and come right in my face asking me questions of course everybody was laughing it was funny. Tony Parker also visited the jail while I was there it was a woman named Priscilla on Ghana I can't remember her last name it'll come to me in a short time. Priscilla had many walking with her and Priscilla used to tell the officer I have mental issues I'm just talking to myself I have mental issues I have issues I'm talking to myself when her silhou would talk to herself the tone of her voice would change her micro expressions would change you could tell when there was more than one. The micro expressions change the body language changes and the tone of the voice changes and if you listen enough and listen closely the vocabulary is also different. There was a particular rap song that was playing and someone changed the lyrics. Someone said using Priscilla that's not what that song says what are you doing? Then another deeper voice using Priscilla would say well I fixed the song okay. Then of more softer voices from Priscilla would say you sound like Red Rover. Then her voice would become deep and she would say don't you call me Red Rover I don't want to be called Red rubber don't you compare me to Red Rover. Priscilla had difficulty bathing she couldn't make herself get in that shower she always had her arm across her chest covering her breast and a hand over vagina. Priscilla was suffering the same thing that I suffered. She looked exactly like Janet neering she looks so much like my mother. One particular evening Priscilla was using an ink pen to itch her ear and she got ink all over her ears and all over her face and somebody kept itching her ears or making them irritated and she would keep using the wrong end of the pen to scratch the irritation and her ears were completely full of ink. I called the ink in the jails demon Ink because it is a catalyst for demons. One evening when I was listening to Priscilla the entertainment in the jail she took her uniform off she balded up into a ball and she was shooting like a basketball she had the perfect form and the following through when throwing of her uniform turned basketball. I gave her some of the pictures that I was drawing I was drawing pictures of the saint Saint of death the saint that let you know worship have respect and fear for. The saint that is supposed to protect us after death. Everybody in the jail destroying pictures of her. I was staring at a beautiful picture of her that one of the inmates Drew very talented. We are given limited resources in the jail to draw. Now they've taken away our Apex and we can't do that anymore either. I have a hundred other stories about the Bexar county jail that need to be towed they need to be told