It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Mysterious man running from Starbucks when I arrive

When I arrived at the Starbucks in Leon Springs this man was sitting in the corner just computers and phones and whatever else was laying out he was working on something the moment I walked any packed it all up in a very big hurry he departed from the store and went to his vehicle as fast as he could wasn't very fast cuz I got the pictures. I have no idea who this person is and I have no idea why they didn't want to be in the same store as I was in. They know who I am apparently.

Meet Lane

When I arrived at Leon Springs Lane was called to show up at the Starbucks for stalking and harassing. As he walked past me I took a picture because I was told to do so. Lane then was shaking his head at me as if I'm the one that should be judged. Lane is the one who's guilty of stalking and harassing and bullying an innocent woman a mother fighting for her children yet he's arrogant enough to think that I am the seed of his demise. Lane is in serious legal trouble because of the choices he made the choices to break the law and have no respect the Constitution of the United States. Lane decided to help dirty politicians to attack an innocent woman to hide their crimes he decided collusion and obstruction of justice was okay. Yet Lane is shaking his head at me. Lane needs therapy

Dominion minions

June 26th planes all day long

Dominion minions

two waters from target starbucks and one water from rim starbucks two waters from leon springs starbucks and now my arm hurts how many times do i have to be poisoned by starbucks psychos before I start seeing a serious agency shutdown of these stores instead of art of war mouth flapping?
While at The Rim Starbucks I was instructed to take pictures of people at Starbucks because they were minions sent in just stalking harass. Apparently these minions are not aware of the process they couldn't understand why I was taking pictures of them and they said they could keep me from taking pictures. They contacted the employees of Starbucks and told them that I was taking pictures and it made them uncomfortable. The employee then approached me and asked me if I was taking pictures and told me that I was not allowed to do so. In other words she thought that she could violate my civil rights. She also thought that I would obey her instructions and not follow the instructions of agents who were telling me to take the pictures. Please know these are the same people getting in their vehicles and chasing me all over the city of San Antonio with little sense to understand it stalking and harassing is against the law it's a crime. And the dim-witted psycho employee told me I can't take pictures because it makes people uncomfortable apparently it doesn't matter if I'm uncomfortable when they're stalking and harassing and terrorizing me. There is no law against taking pictures. Rodney King had to go through a beating to prove that pictures and videos are just fine in fact they are needed. I'd like to see these people who feel so uncomfortable with the pictures tell police officers they're not allowed to have body cams running while they're talking to them because it makes them uncomfortable. It's the exact same principle.
I certainly don't appreciate my civil rights being violated I don't appreciate these people who are monsters attacking a mother fighting for her children getting in my face and the last two days that's exactly what's been happening people screaming in my face becoming upset with me. It's not me who's breaking the law it's you. And very soon you will suffer the consequences of your choices to break the law the entire nation will know that you are bullies that you are monsters Who attack an innocent woman fraternity politicians. Perhaps you'll get a little sentiment and pity due to the fact that Joaquin Castro and Julian Castro are lying to you telling you that I'm attacking them no such thing has ever happened it's them attacking me unlawfully hacking into my electronics collecting my mail the list is long it's up to you to understand that you're being lied to it's up to you to make the right choice and decide that what they ask you to do is wrong ethically and it's illegal.
Does anyone else find it amazing that the woman that approached me and told me that I can't take pictures is the same one who put poison in the water that I asked for a while I was at Starbucks? I think it's a hideous situation. The lawsuit that Starbucks was subjected to stated that the employees are not to act and it in dignified Manner and treat anybody in it in dignified manner. They're not allowed to violate people's rights and that's exactly what they're doing they're violating the lawsuit. That's a serious offense. Apparently the retraining that happens to the Starbucks employees was worthless and had no effect.
While I was in the Dominion I had hundreds of people stalking and harassing me and they seem to be quite justified in doing so. They are completely unaware that this is the Mueller probe and they will not get away with their crimes.
They are completely unaware and ignorant to the fact that their actions will be included in the Probe the entire nation will see what they have been doing they will be ashamed and judged for their demonic actions bullying in attacking an innocent woman. That savings account and retirement fund a have will have to be liquidated to pay for their defense attorney. And they're going to be very hard-pressed to find a defense attorney because most attorneys are smart enough not to go up against Robert Mueller even our president no is enough not to go up against Robert Mueller. What is it that our president said when he found out he was being investigated by Robert Mueller if these people had any sense they would share his sentiment.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

everywhere i go these people are sick

poisoned by starbucks employee

The Starbucks employee door for the last 10 days every time I walk into the bathroom the same employee that called police officers and lied to them and said that there was an issue in the store that they had a locked in which was a lie. This Starbucks employee decided it was okay to put drugs poison in my coffee she was smiling a stupid smile when a woman offered to buy me a coffee a woman who I thought was a good Samaritan which is actually just a demon helping my enemies to slowly kill me I started to feel the side effects just minutes after finishing the coffee I could barely walk down the street to my blood pressure is out of control and it feels as though the ground is moving a bit of a euphoria that makes me feel like I'm about to fall over not what I consider a positive affect. This is intent to do bodily harm this isn't meant to stop my heart from beating. I look forward to her looking at a criminal conviction I look forward to her going to prison going to prison as well. What in this insane persons mine makes this bouquet. Why is it that she doesn't have a moral compass telling her that she should not do it because it's not right. She needs therapy and medication she's unfit to be a member of society. She's a danger. Anybody willing to put drugs away for a very long time.
 does Starbucks have cameras? Would anybody like to look at the cameras to see what she was doing to the coffee she was going to deliver me?


Facial recognition isn't it a wonderful thing new technology



Some of these factors were brought in from out of town they're staying at the local motels one of them has having tired of problems. A little bit of karma driving his pickup truck and erratic manner all over the city stalking and harassing an innocent woman he got what he deserved now he's going to get criminal charges as well