It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

I want to be safe I want to be able to sleep and eat and stay out of rain

I want to be safe I want to be able to sleep and eat and stay out of rain

When can I be pulled to safety? I have been out here since yesterday without a functional phone. And I was put on the streets on June 4th and told it wouldn't take long for us to collect evidence and watch the disgusting behavior of the Castro Brothers and their 1000s of friends attacking me. ore than three months is long time when you go without food bathing and sleeping. When you are arrested for committing no crime. It is a long time when you ask the mayor to talk and he calls behavioral health simply because I asked to speak to him. Being accosted in that fashion surely has earned me a bath and good nights sleep yes?
 I have no way of being heard when I scream for my life as these criminals are sent at me to attack me. There were dozens last night I was petrified. I need help now not later not two months from now. They will attack harder and stronger knowing I can not take their pictures and send them to agents. They know I have no way of telling who is taking my life now that McManus has fried my phone I am in serious danger these sick people that approach me all day long no longer have a reason to hold back from taking my life, beating on me, and whatever else their sick minds may think up.
I think I have suffered enough for this case I have been nearly starved to death. I early fell out from heat exhaustion, I have been physically and verbally assaulted. My doctors have colluded with the San Antonio city Officials and did not provide adequate care.....the list goes on and on. When can I have safety and the simple things others take for granted like a bath, bed, food, clean clothes? Are you going to tell me I have not earned these essentials for sustaining life? 

We have tested this Mayor for months waiting for him to do the right thing and rectify this situation he has created and he simply is incapable of doing the right thing. There is no pulse there at all and I need help from a real human with a beating heart someone who understands and empathizes with the tremendous ordeal I have been subjected to for years. Please before I am attacked by one of these criminals and loose the only thing I have left, my life. Please pull me out now.


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