It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

Tamer Morsi working with Castro Monsters

tamer morsi i didnt know about castro brothers helping him i thought he was doing it all not the case

Tamer Morsi instruction
In Michigan just before I boarded a bus to come to Texas I was served with two PPO orders from Hubert and Karri Robertson. These PPOs were odd and peculiar because the contents were not only full of lies they were also complied with things I had not done. For example the weapon that Hubert Robertson gave to Jerry Alexander was removed from my home in November, because Hubert feared that he would get caught and because Tamer Morsi had completed a divorce that I did not know was taking place. Tamer Morsi then instructed Karri and Hubert that if they were married one could not be forced to testify against the other. They were married that month November of 2013. It’s clear to me they were desperately making sure I did not successfully open my daycare before the court date of the divorce; at which time Tamer Morsi told his numerous perjurious lies. Tamer then instructed the Robertson’s to file these PPOs first he wanted to use it against my character when I got to Texas and second in the state of Texas you can not open a daycare if you have had a PPO filed against you. 
In these PPO was included a Facebook book message that I received from one of my children it is still there for looking at. It said, “mom, these things are being used against you….” then it went on from there I do not remember the exact wording. So why do they get to slap me with a PPO because I am receiving messages from one of my children? This clearly illistrates that Karri Robertson was hacking into my facebook and several of my email accounts. She also hacked into my daughter Ariel’s email accounts and pulled several of her messages to and from me and put these in the PPO request. There were no threats of any kind in any of these messages and I assure you Karri Robertson had no legal right to be in any of these accounts. She proved to the courts that she was gaining access in an unauthorized manner. I sure would like to know what Judge Schmit was thinking.
  I filed a police report regarding the stolen and unregistered weapon that had been placed in my home and the Bay City Michigan police department had begun an investigation.  Jerry Alexander disclosed that the month of November he had removed the weapon from the home and took it to Hubert Robertson’s Aunt Mary’s house and she hid the stolen unregistered weapon in her safe. Bay City police department visited her home and when she refused to answer the door and cooperate with their investigation they left a card on her door regarding the details of their inquiry. That card was included in a PPO request against me. So where is the threat first of all and was I the one that was at Mary’s house? NO I was not. So I am not allowed to file a police report regarding a crime committed against me? Really? Clearly it is I that should be granted a PPO against these two individuals. I had not gone anywhere near either of them since June of the previous year. I have a copy of the email Tamer Morsi sent to Gregory Marshall and Karri Robertson instructing them to file these PPOs with false acquisitions contained. Also a copy of that email was sent three times to the Texas State Bar association when I was filing complaints against Tamer Morsi. When the state bar received phone calls from Secretary Castro and Congressman Castro they did no investigation at all. 
There were much more false acquisitions in these PPO requests and I fully documented these. Karri Robertson had been visiting my neighbors Dec. 2013 through March 1st 2013 and while at their homes she would tap into my WIFI account and two of my previous neighbors will be happy to testify to this. The Nesbit family right next door may not be as cooperative Mrs. Nesbit was helping Karri the most of all neighbors she actually opened all the blinds on the windows of her home to allow Karri to watch my children and I walk to the bus stop for school. There were many evenings that Karri Robertson was walking door to door to each of my neighbors showing them the falsified documents that Tamer Morsi had given her including lies that I had been abusive to my children and husband. Two of my wonderful neighbors argued with her and told her that she was full of it because not only had they known for years but if I had been an abusive person their children would not love me as much as they did. Their argument was if Dawn was such an abusive person their girls wouldn’t be begging each and every day to go hang out at Dawn’s house because children have an uncanny sense as to good and bad people. 

Rell Rice Austin texas keeping me from FBI

rell rice minion in austin texas kept me from going to fbi

July 29th heading to Temple on foot
I headed north on research blvd. I figured as long as I heading north I would get there. I would stop during the hottest part of the day and sit it out so I didn’t die then I would keep walking all other hours. I stopped at three different stores looking around mostly to cool off but I am in desperate need of shoes I am still wearing the sandals that gave me blisters and lesions. I saw at least two people that were watching me like a hawk. It’s obvious they are friends of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and I am pretty sure they are hoping I’ll do something wrong I am also sure that weather I do anything or not they will be saying that I am doing something wrong. Generally when they have done this to me I play games with their heads i pick something up carry it around the store and leave on the other side of the store then they contact security and say i have taken something and no such thing has happened. I really should quit playing with like this but the temptation is too much for me.
I started walking down research blvd. and I stop to rest at a large office building and a really nice security office stopped to ask where I was headed. I tell her and she goes to her office and prints a google map with directions. How nice of her right? NO. She was contacted by them they wanted to know where I was going and when she printed the map she made sure she was mapping me into the direction of the next minion; Mike Lucius. 
I walked 9 miles and I see the scout checking on my location and giving details to my enemies. A little white 4 door car at this point I have only seen this one four or so times but I will be seeing it a lot after this. In 4 miles Mike pulls over and asks me if I want a ride and of course I except the path I was walking was getting rather dangerous I ended up on a ranch and I know only enough about Texas wildlife to avoid it. So I got myself on the side of the highway and kept making my way. When I was with Mr. Rice I saw the GPS pointing towards temple and I thought that may be a sign from well never mind. It was a sign from my enemies leading me to Mike and silly me although Temple had a really nice VA they don’t have a FBI field office there. 
The story about Mike is a long one but the important thing that is I learned he is fast friends with the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and he has been helping them with things like ex..I was trying to rent a home in my children's’ school district and the managing agent was in Stone Oak and Mike called that Cold Well Banker location and told them not to rent to me. He kept saying to me when I brought up the subject matter that VA vouchers are very hard to get I had two VA vouchers that I was going to use them to get that house. It didn’t matter how hard they are to get I already had them and I was trying to close the deal with that house when he made the call to ruin my efforts. 
He drove me to Temple and he was on time frame when I got there I learned why he had to get me there at a certain time they had a surprise waiting for me. 

Julain Castro and Christopher Wray playing games with VIA

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

via again julian is out of control

  1. VIA at it again
    Via Bus driver are at it again I took the number 10 at 630 this morning and stayed on the bus the circle. The VIA bus driver was contacted and then was staring me down as if I had done something wrong. Apparently it is OK for VIA bus drivers to use their phones to text as long as they are contacting a Sheriff to get on the bus and help him stare me down as if I am a criminal. The VIA bus driver put on his sun glasses when their was no sun out as if that wasn’t obvious to camouflage his intimidation tactics. I don’t know what is on that route that is upsetting everyone so much but that you for making me so very powerful. I intend on finding out today.

Locked in my house 2017

julian hacking in accounts and shutting me down

  1. Locked in my home SAPD Officer trying to take my life.
    On May 22nd 2017 I stayed in my home that evening and someone showed up outside my windows shinning a flash light through all the windows and trying to open doors and windows. It was Officer A. Flores of the SAPD South Substation this was his first attempt taking my life while I lived in my home at 726 W Magnolia st in San Antonio Texas. He had made threats previous to this and did not follow through with as much intent until this day and this was the first evening of a 34 consecutive attempts to obtain access to my home with a loaded weapon with the intent to kill me.
    In the front of my home during this nightmare was Officer Christopher Dech and in the back of my home was two officers whom I believed to be SWAT but I am unclear. Officer Christopher Dech was the only officer I had contact with while locked in my home. SGT. Gilliman from the Chief’s office was in charge of this mess. Officer A. Flores gained access to my home on 4 different evenings and one day during this circus Gilliman called an investigation.  The officers outside my home keeping me alive and being my guardians took Officer Flores downtown, pulling from windows and a couple of times walking him out of my home. He was questioned and talked to by the Chief’s staff and then released again to return to my home knocking on windows and attempting to open them. This catch and release game at my expense played out from May 22nd to July 25th during that time I was trapped in my home I ran out of food and my electricity was shut off. I nearly starved to death and was begging all involved Officers to bring me food. These Officers were ordered to not help me and give me no food.  
    While locked in the home and communicating with Officer Dech he was telling me various things about what was happening and what was going to happen in my case however some of these things were lies. Officer Dech had been lied to by SGT. Gilliman and he repeated them believing SGT. Gilliman. For example Dech and I were made to believe that my employer, landlord, utility provider, and my parents were informed of what I was going through and this never happened. My employer was yellow cab and I stayed in my home believing that the Chief’s office had done the right moral thing and talked to yellow cab supervisors, they had no idea what was happening and came to get the yellow cab believing that I was simply unreliable and irresponsible. Same thing happened with my Landlord I was served with an eviction and it went through the courts. I never picked up the phone and called my landlord because SGT Gilliman lied and said he had talked to him. I lost everything …………Good news I saw Officer Flores at the golf course while I am on the street being chased and stalked hunted like a wild animal I have no safe place to be but apparently Officer Flores has lost nothing his home his paycheck, his auto, his golf club membership, he doesn’t even appear to have been brought up on charges. Come one come all to San Antonio you know that constitution thingy you hold so dear rip it up and burn it when you reach this city because it’s no good here.

Julain Castro kept shutting down twitter over and over again

Temple Texas August 2017

temple texas police terrible

Temple Texas VA Medical Center and the VA Police doing favors for Castros
I arrived at the Temple VA about 9am on Monday Morning July 31st when I arrived I took a break in the lobby area and was writing in my journals. One of the valet parkers came over and sat next to me for just a minute then he went back to his desk and started texting someone something. I am gonna guess she is just sitting in lobby writing in a notebook why do want me to watch her? Something like that ..
I went to the break area where there was smoking allowed and I asked a couple of Nurses if there was a back gate for the base. They asked why i wanted the back gate, I told them my ex-husband was watching me and I didn’t want him to see me leaving the base. That didn’t do me any good one of the Valet from the front of the hospital followed me back to the break area and the moment I said all that he was texting like a kid on Christmas morning. I guess it just doesn’t matter what I do and weather or not I have electronics on me. 
I walked about 8 blocks off base and stopped and talked to a store clerk about the local FBI field office and he looked it up on his phone. His phone was glitching at first and wouldn’t let us type it in and then when we got it I learned that Waco was the closest field office. 
I was now going back to base and figuring out how to get to WACO. my enemies thought I was going to see a doctor and visit the legal department because in front of Mike’s phone that’s what I said but I had no intention of doing so. Isn’t that funny the Castro brothers are calling all over the VA trying to get behavioral health to grab me and I wasn’t going anywhere near a doctor. 
I did stop and ask a VA police officer about the shuttle to WACO and he was acting weird and sizing me up not far into our conversation I could tell he had received a call from my enemies. His name is Officer Bragg. For the rest of the time I was at Temple he kept following me around texting and when it was later in the day he was in his cruiser following and watching me. 
I almost had a ride from a fellow veteran but when he went to get his car someone stopped him and told him not to give me a ride because he could get in trouble and may loose his spot in temporary housing. So I walked.

JR Rodriguez

The man that raped me as a favor to Castro Brothers 

This man is guilty of rape. He did not beat me until I bruised and bleeding but what he did is rape. The psychological warfare as usual as Julian Castro instructs them all to partake in. He couldn’t stop himself from boasting about having a special and personnel relationship with Julian Castro. It was SAPD Officer Diaz that went out and found this man who is medicated for his psychosis and instructed him to attack me as a favor to the Castro Brothers. I lot happened when I was in the grasp of this man and one of the most upsetting things was when Julian and Joaquin Castro instructed him to make a video of me indisposed without my knowledge. And that is Stephanie’s Law and I am going to make sure the castro brothers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for this. They had videos of me or that they claimed were me they were sending to all their pals on facebook and yes it was the pals they were sending to chase, stalk and harass me. They perverted friends of the Castro’s would position themselves so they were in ear shot of me talking to each other about a video of me they were watching. The agents convinced me that it was someone who looked like me that they passing off as being me, but knowing how sick my ex-husband is you never know what the video was. And that ladies and gentleman is how very sick the Castro Brothers are do you want them controlling any aspect of our government? Do you want these highly sick men running our country I assure you what one does the other follows suit. There is more to the J.R. story and I will tell it and it will turn your stomachs.