It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, October 4, 2024

Daisy P Chapp the freak

so Daisy p chap is not her real name however that is the moron that is playing games with theft and trying to set me up for stealing things and thinks that she can rally all of the residents and the employees against me as she came into my house and said we will just have her kicked out of the shelter. so Daisy I want to know who we is I'll go ahead and get all of your Wii and put them in front of the world in front of a firing squad. tthese are the idiots that break into people's homes and are guilty of home invasion the CIA contracts them to break into certain homes and the CIA tells them if you're caught then we don't know who the hell you are and you will go to prison. tthis particular individual he uses this name is the one that was guilty of home invasion was hiding under a bed there was a helicopter flying over top of the house shining the spotlight into every window they didn't actually catch her she stayed there for a very long time until she finally left the house when the helicopters were gone. they're recluse they're sloppy and they're stupid and I'm sick of their stupid damn games I'm guilty of stealing no that's you that's what you do you going to rally the whole shelter against me and accuse me of stealing something??? llady Gaga should probably get better people working for her when we were in California that moronic cop that killed Stephanie was having a huge argument with Stephanie's sister and she's from Katy Texas Katy Texas she's from Katy Texas she went to San Antonio had herself put on the police force. then she said let's use my sister my sister gets on my nerves we can use my sister then they decided to kill her now they're playing a game and lying saying the woman never existed and they didn't really kill anybody then why you having a huge loud argument in California in front of Lady Gaga who was stomping her foot throwing a fit because you are giving full disclosure and confessional in front of everybody. oh Lady Gaga is not very good at picking her team of criminals. that moronic cop that killed Stephanie is still trying to tell everybody that Stephanie was never a real woman and he never really killed anybody that's a lie he's a moron why do I have to listen to that sapd moron why the hell are we still dealing with that stupid white dog guilty of police brutality and should be in prison. that moronic white dog shooting people in the back of the head and no investigation gets done by sapd that stupid moronic dog putting things in my path thinking that I'm going to take them or mess with them then genie Torres comes out and says who touched this who moved it oh you want to play games there's cameras stupid

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