It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Susan team

someone started sorting my pictures for me this is Susan's team obviously they entitled the folders Susan Susan has a very large vast team she is a CIA operative that doesn't have much of a brain no common sense she likes to talk snarky to people talk down to them and then announce that she owns people in an entire city New York New Jersey last year when I entered the city some snarky nasty woman said let me explain it to you slowly you've just entered a city that we own and we own all the people here. apparently I was supposed to feel intimidated I was supposed to be scared with her nasty snarky comment but what it made me do is feel concerned for all the people in New York New Jersey do they know that they're owned? just because they're doing favors for you you own them well if you own them Susan or whoever said it then you better be paying their bills for them. that's when I started announcing very loudly in the city of New York New Jersey that someone said that she owns you and you do whatever she says if that's the case and you've been doing favors for a CIA operative then all of you need to register to be a citizen based agent and get your back pay not just your pay but get your back pay from the first time the CIA operative ever told you to do anything the first time they asked you to sign up for an app with an ID and a password and received notifications from the app they owe you money every time you do a favor for them you're supposed to be paid a citizen based agent makes up to a 161,000 annually get your pay nobody has too much money. the other reason you need that registration for citizen-based agent is when we go to a court of law you don't want to be charged with collusion and obstruction of justice if you have the registration for citizen based agents status then you can hold that up in a court of law and tell the courts that you were doing what you were told to do as a citizen and a lay person you are not required to know the law you cannot be held accountable for breaking a law that you didn't know existed if a CIA operative is telling you to do something then of course you're going to assume they would not instruct you to do something against the law to violate the constitution to violate anybody else's civil rights you cannot be held accountable as a lay person you don't have an education in law but if you don't have that registration for citizen-based agent status then you can't defend yourself you need that so you're not indicted and it's only the CIA operative that told you to do it that will be indicted and all of her stupid agents that you see in these pictures

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