It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, May 5, 2023

Repeat of Texas,

while I was in Texas playing these stupid games with them they left the phone in my path that they wanted me to use it had a fake Twitter a fake Instagram a fake Facebook they had complete and total control I received calls I made calls the calls went to agents. the service never shut down for 5 months there was never in it interruption in service. at one point in time when things were going south for them some Latino called me demanding his phone it didn't make any sense 4 months after I found it. it was fake. tthat's what they're talking about when they say that they had me contained in a bubble as they tell all of you that I am in a bubble. none of my messages get through my phone calls don't go to anybody but agents and dirty cops and people like Rory Vance who is not an agent or a cop he's just an idiot dog. a man I call urine because Robin Williams called him urine a Russian spot he's staying at the Hamilton inn currently in Arcadia driving a black jeep he designed all of these websites he designed truth tthey we're able to gain access to all of my phones so when I was using the memo and trying to speak to the memo to type in the text and the story that needed to be told for documentation they would change what it was saying. they do this to a lot of people they did it to Donald Trump they did it to Justin Bieber they did it to a lot of people if you see a statement made a message sent and it looks like gibberish it's these idiots accessing people's phones and making sure what they are attempting to put into social media is eligible. the morons are still doing it even though they were called out on it so many times they were told to stop doing it and they refuse to stop doing it like a gray called Towson and a lamb who is fat and disgusting called Greg Marshall a dog who is a moron and doesn't know how to talk to people right and talks to them as if he's their authority will remains. that man never has any professionalism he never has a kind word for anybody he literally doesn't know how to talk right he thinks yelling at people and treating them as if he is there supervisor as if he is a dictator is the only way to get people to do what he wants indicating he does not have control and he continuously loses his temper trying to gain control Rory Vance is the most useless dog you will ever meet.. Thomas Boyle is another one who doesn't know how to talk to people right can't calm down and loses his temper so easily. when you're losing your temper that easily you will never have control of anybody or any situation they will be the ones in control it's a weakness character flaw it's a personality defect it's weakness. and when you have such weaknesses other people can gain control easily and Thomas Boyle is one of those people. Thomas Boyle doesn't have a lot of skill he has to go to the CIA and get help manipulate somebody access to somebody he has to go get help from the CIA. all of them were switching identities on they would have a picture of an individual but it was the wrong name sometimes it would be the wrong name wrong picture and somebody else's address so as I was using I was gaining some good information that I needed. I would use the good information go to their homes and ask for the certain individual I would have a printed copy of the information from I would do a video interview with the individual asking for Christopher deck d e c h the man that just drove past me his name is urine and I went to his house and got an interview with him he claimed that his name is Christopher deck d e c h and he did go to Iraq the war after enlisting in the US army but he is not a cop. I don't think anything he said was valid I don't think he went to Iraq fighting in the war he's definitely not a cop I was told he was the one that designed and I started to wonder if he was a double or a triple agent who didn't really want my demise. but since we got on the road he has proven that he's an idiot he's a psychopath. as I would go to each home talking to individuals there was a woman who claimed to be Christopher deck's mother who works at the school system in la vernia I ended up at her house she was laughing in my face and talking about dirty cops that woman isn't idiot I don't know who you are I never did figure out what your name is I'm pretty sure it's Michelle Vance you need to learn to act right you think this is funny stupid? Andrea the fake cop who happens to be a police officer right here in this town Arcadia and pulled up next to me last night because she's a cop for a day in this city because the police chief was moronic enough to allow that woman to carry a loaded weapon and drive around a police cruiser and she's not actually a cop at all she never went to the police academy. she is a criminal and I have the evidence of her criminal activity while she was a police officer in San Antonio Texas. Andrea doesn't know how to talk to people right Andrea talks to them as she as if she's an authority over them she has no respect for anybody she does not speak respect. please officers took an oath to protect and serve but she didn't take no off and she talks to every single person as if she is their authority. let me explain to you that you are a public servant you're not their authority you're a serving them providing a service any civilian not wearing a uniform is your authority they have authority over you you have a job because they exist and you better learn to talk with respect Andrea I have had enough of your s*** Andrea. so with I was able to find my children and it was actually a God that told me to go see them. would you like to know which God too bad. so I went to visit my children's home and there was a setup waiting for me some child that wasn't mine at all came out to the driveway asked if he could help me now that is the phrase that all of them use can I help you that indicate you are my enemy and you are a part of this conspiracy you are working with congressman Castro senator Ted Cruz Greg Marshall boiled gecko and that team of idiots that's what that phrase means. and when you say it to me then I immediately know that you are my enemy. don't make the mistake of saying. also from the information and the I was able to build my first envelopes able to print up their pictures sometimes it was the name that they were using while they were in jail or at Haven for Hope like Stephanie Walker it was a picture of her and the name she was using I don't know that's her actual name. everybody's using fake names because that Barbie doll Russian FBI agent that doesn't belong in our country told everybody to use fake names every time I visited the FBI the agents were using fake names. now it's important to know if we're going to repeat taxes I had several different vehicles while in Texas and I was driving. occasionally I would have to use the bus but I certainly didn't have to walk 10 miles to get to a location to complete these tasks. do you see that stupid gecko allowing me to purchase a vehicle then how are we repeating everything that happened in Texas? I was able to gain employment and maintain employment so how are we repeating everything that happened in texas? she's playing you for a fool. I was giving money while I was on the streets sometimes $100 bills sometimes $150 once I was given 285 I worked in investigation about a phone scam and I ended up with $560 during that investigation into a phone scam. they didn't conduct the investigation properly there was a man named John that was supposed to be working undercover with these individuals that were running a phone scam. now go ahead and look at my credit history see the phones that were purchased and the phone numbers associated with the purchases I didn't make the purchase they did using my name using me taking me with them. all of those phone numbers were used by sapd and dirty agents and spies to steal my identity and build fake social media. I was told that because I was a CI in the investigation that all of those charges on my credit report those charges for those phones would be taken care of and it would be wiped away. see eyes get paid I never got paid. that's how stupid the gecko is people now go Trace those phones that are on my credit report you'll find the history of the purchase you'll find the phone numbers follow the phone numbers see where the phones went they were supposed to go to Germany and run the same scam that they were running in the United States. follow those phone numbers see what accounts were opened see what line of credit was opened in my name John doesn't know how to do his job John needs to go where he belongs prison

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