It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Baseball season is opening

How amazingly coincidental that President Trump decided to open the baseball season and as training started and they were together they became positive with covid-19. Let's review do you think they were all eating the same food served by the same restaurant or service? And why do you think so many staff members and athletes ended up positive with covid-19. I've had covid-19 three times possibly more once you have the antibodies it doesn't last nearly as long or affect you in quite a debilitating way. It's in the food that's where I got it it's also in the instant coffee that I bought from HEB. So why do you think it is all these baseball players in their steps have covid-19? They don't want baseball season to open they also want President Trump to look like he is trying to open things too quickly trying to ruin him. Don't worry the covid-19 virus is not nearly as serious as the media is trying to make it look. If I had to choose a virus I would choose covid-19 over bronchitis or laryngitis any day. Bronchitis and laryngitis made me much more miserable it lasted longer and it was much more painful. It's the ventilators and the medical professionals who are killing covid-19 patients. The truth always comes out in the end.

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