It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Travis Church Minions

When I attended this church to my dismay I saw a lot of minions. I asked about Castro Brothers general generic conversation to see what happened. They take s lot of pride in their Castro Brothers and revere them as some sort of San Antonio lords it was sickening.
Here's the strange and disturbing thing. They were telling me the Castro Brothers life story and the story I was being told was completely different from everything I have read. According to several members of the church and employees their mother was nothing more than a maid. I asked didn't she run for political office and not make it? NOPE..Didn't she work to get her college education when the boys were young? NOPE....wasn't she a lobbyists who had an active and strong role in the community? NOPE...Then they said their Dad died young and he was in construction. I asked wasn't he a teacher? NOPE ....
Either I have been reading the wrong articles or these people are completely uninformed.  I don't know their mother and I am guessing I won't like her considering her boys have destroyed my life attacked me every way a person can be attacked and tried to have me killed. On top of that they have ruined my children's childhood and forced them into an abusive situation where they are trapped. However these people at the church have taken away every accomplishment of their mother. That's very disturbing. I wonder why they are so uninformed and if it was the articles that were misleading who is this woman really was there fluff added in these articles and if she was such a strong community influence why doesn't the community know that?
Something doesn't add up.
Julian Castro[4] was born in San Antonio, Texas, the son of Maria "Rosie" Castro and Jessie Guzman.[5] He is the identical twin brother of current United States Representative Joaquín Castro;[4] Julian is one minute older than Joaquín: they were born at 2:40 and 2:41 AM, respectively.[6]
Their mother was a Chicana political activist who helped establish the Chicano political party La Raza Unida,[7] and who ran unsuccessfully for the San Antonio City Council in 1971.[4] Castro once stated, "My mother is probably the biggest reason that my brother and I are in public service. Growing up, she would take us to a lot of rallies and organizational meetings and other things that are very boring for an 8-, 9-, 10-year-old".[8] His father, Jessie Guzman, is a retired mathematics teacher and political activist. Never married, Rosie and Jessie separated when Castro and his brother were eight years old.[7] Castro's Texan roots trace back to 1920, when his grandmother, Victoria Castro, joined extended family members there as a six-year-old orphan from northern Mexico.[
This is a huge difference from what the members of the church were saying I don't see maid listed here 

But here it is their grandmother was a maid it's like playing a game of telephone. the people of the church take such pride in the Castro brothers and they don't even have their story right they did indeed strip Rosie of all her life's accomplishments and hard work nope she was not in politics just a maid ...careful who you take information from it may not be valid not sure how to feel about this I'll revisit it later.
Ms. Castro::
No, I think that my guardian's family had already crossed over and so when my mother's mother died, they then brought over their two girls, Trinidad and Victoria Manuela. So, mother went to school up until about the fourth grade and she always told a story that was really interesting to me. And the reason she left fourth grade was that apparently some people felt that she had stolen things, some rosaries or something, and so she was pulled out of school and then she never, basically, went back. But, my mother, despite the fact that she went only to fourth grade, could read and write both Spanish and English. I mean, she was literally self taught, but she wound up, you know, being a maid. And, as you can imagine, probably another reason that I was interested in social justice issues was because she earned so little as a maid. We are talking about sometimes bringing home eight dollars a day for your whole days work and she did a lot of work in Alamo Heights and that area.

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