It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Sept. 14th and 15th Chief William McManus out o control.

My enemies have just fried my phone I have no way of communicating or documenting what is happening. I was chased by many aggressive minions last night I was terrified and had no where to go to hide I could not document it and let anyone know what was happening I used Instagram when the phone would let me. I am now on the streets in the pouring rain no where to go and I still have minions chasing me the rain is making it freezing cold and the city is flooding. I have no reprieve a wonderful demonstration of  what a monster the Mayor Ron Nirenberg is.
 Chief William McManus didn't like me announcing his embezzlement of the SAPD pension fund and he began with deleting the memory of my game and freezing the phone camera. It went from there I struggled with a reoccurring black screen and the phone was flashing one screen to another. This is not the first time Chief William McManus has done this making it obvious it was him. There is a pattern here me began this little game in 2014 and he has fried at least one of my phones per year sometimes more than that.
I was followed by many scary minions last night on foot and in vehicles. They were aggressive and very scary. They were taking pictures of me a they passed by the vehicle would stop then move on after a pause. The fact that their windows were rolled down made me wonder if they may lift a weapon to aim. The emergency number screen kept coming up which made me frightened that I was in serious danger. opposed to non serious danger if that makes any sense. I have used 911 more than once in the last two years and my calls disappear from the computer systems and if I get an officer at all; that officer makes it clear they are not there to help me but to help McManus so as you can imagine I have no intention of using the 911 dispatch and certainly not the non-emergency dispatch in this city. It will do me more harm than good. Now with that said it sheds light on why McManus would have done that several times last night. It is likely he had an officer waiting to attack. Perhaps he had several officers ready to take me to behavioral health yet again. That is highly likely and now I know why the emergency screen was coming up and I see his diabolical plan clearly. That is the first time he attempted to manipulate me by using the emergency services screen at least he is thinking of new things all his old tactics were getting very borrowing and redundant. His out of control behavior and the fact he fried the phone completely is an obvious acting out of guilty and panic this man is too unstable to be in a position of power and most certainly should not be carrying a loaded weapon. He is desperate to keep his crimes secret so he has taken extreme measures to make sure I stop telling the nation about his crimes not only committed against me but also those committed against the city in general.
Perhaps when I told details about automobiles being towed unlawfully it was actually his idea which caused more of his angry outbursts. At the end of the day Julian Castro is the one that put these unlawful policies and procedures in place to have stolen vehicles impounded and to have tourist vehicles impounded requiring both groups to pay outrageous amounts of money to retrieve their own property.
Gee McManus I have not yet told the story of the giant stickers in the windows of all residents causing a major obstruction of vision to the drivers. You see back home an officer only need look at a license plate to see if the vehicle in question is legal. Here in Texas an officer has to look in three sometimes four different places on a vehicle to see if it is legal. It's time consuming for the officer and distracts them from keeping an eye on the driver to ensure they are not posing a threat to the well being of the officer. Also the numerous large stickers this city is requiring is impeding the vision of the drivers both peripheral and central vision. These numerous and large stickers are causing the entire vehicle to become one large blind spot. Sorry I hit that auto Officer but as you can see my windshield is one big blind spot. Welcome to San Antonio good luck driving blind folded.
I need help I am now running from minions, (officers and criminals), in the freezing rain I am exhausted wet cold and hungry.

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