It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Monday evening Sept. 17th

It started at 2100 hours and went to 0030 hours when I took a ride with the Taxi driver Toni.
The drug dealer and his girlfriend showed up.
Two Park Police on bikes rode slowly by
Two men walking on the side walk stopped in front of me and were going to say something i gave them the look.
Four men walked by they were clearly here from out of town. They were having a conversation about what they saw at 7am that morning they said they saw 20 to 30 homeless people all sleeping at some location. They were talking about Travis Church because that is where they go I believe they don't get ticketed when there not sure the details of that. Obviously these men have been informed I am homeless why else would they be having that conversation as they walk pass.
Three young people walked pass me having a conversation that they have heard me talking to myself. LOL are you sure I am talking to myself? What makes you think no one is listening to me? Whether I had some peoples listening or not I probably would work through these issues aloud. Zig Ziglar says that it is fruitful to talk to ourselves because no one knows our problems to be solved like ourselves do. Talk away if that man says it's OK then it must be OK
Older Latino man kept walking pass three times at least. He sat down behind me. Normally I would get up and move away but this evening I am standing my ground.
There were several homeless people walking pass that I see on a regular basis but they made it obvious they were there because I was sitting on the steps.
Several city workers are driving pass turning around the turn about and doing it again.
Several police officers are driving by and some of them are SAPD.
Kyle homeless crack head; wip my penis out in public has walked pass three times last time I saw him was under the bridge by Casa Rio. Luckily I didn't have to talk to him.
All Star Taxi number 1
Last night I mentioned a man eating sitting behind me left his trash there and rode a scooter around and around. He's back to eat leave trash and now he is riding a rented bike around and around.
SAPD bike cop rode down Alamo street went down commerce in-front of me stopped at the light. he pulled out his phone and waited for a notification. It's my guess he is waiting for a picture to show on Instagram. He is unaware his Chief fried my phone and my account is also locked up. Why doesn't he know this?
Two helicopters flying over head it has to be after 2200 by now they are circling back and forth on the other side of the Hilton. back and forth and back and forth. usually they get closer and at 1600 and 1700 they were circling me at the Menger hotel it looked like spectrum, channel 12 and or 5. The helicopters of channel 12 and 5 look very similar.
These helicopters are different they don't make as much noise. Or it's the noise on the street that is creating a sound confusion.
A drug addict yelling gibberish he is a tall man that I have seen before he is clearly high on drugs I find it confusing that park police were able to direct this man this way when he is barely coherent.
I asked someone the time 2230 there is now a homeless lady I have seen a dozen times or so I think someone is rewarding her with food to come near me she always has a bag of fast food when she comes and sits near me.
Yellow Cab 373 has come back again Toni. I am still disturbed with how filthy his cab is.
Mall security just walked through clicking his tongue in disgust. That's OK I don't like you either.
Two people walked up and asked if I smoke MOEDOAN nope sure don't sounds like something that comes of out the lord of rings. They have what looks like a joint.
yellow cab 365 pulls up and pauses
San Antonio Taxi 239 (Jon) has driven by this evening at least 5 times. The last time I saw Jon he had quite a look of disdain for me I sure don't know what I did to him.
ETI taxi number 8 syheed or something like that. I have had many issues with this man but recently it has become clear to me he had agreed to do something pretty distaste full and had perhaps been saying some highly derogatory things about me. Someone important is upset and doesn't like him....OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!! OK lets just send him back to his own country.
Yellow cab 373 just showed up again telling me he is coming back at 0200. OK! who told this man that I would be willing to become intimate with him and why is he foolish enough to believe it?
SAPD detective in a white car drove down Losoya rubbing necking as he passed. It could be an auction car car but there is a computer lit up by the council.
Shopping cart lady is passing by and by. I have talked to her she uses a fake accent and talks ghetto she looks white?????
Park Police officer is riding down Alamo Street he stops in middle of the intersection looking around like an owl, I have never seen him before. He is clearly looking for his target should I scream I am here over here.
Park Police Cruzer driving slowly by it is now 2300 hours
small white four door car driving by stopped in front of me 8739 partial.
A minion whom I have had a lot of interaction with and have had enlargements with, has walked up to me he is asking how I am doing and he is swaying back and forth on his feet. His eyes are barely open. He is counting money he gives me two dollars and says take care. I have no idea what that was about. Because I have given him food and cigarettes I guess. He is clearly high and or drunk. It's a pattern with homeless I am learning. I met two homeless men that don't drink or do drugs but they have anger issues and may have reality issues as well.
2330 yellow cab 133 I was upset I know him and it's upsetting he is helping to attack me he drives by and by and at one point he sat at the turn around through a green light so he could put his brights on me directly across from me.
I told you about the 5 Mexican little boys on scooters that had the audacity to come back and get to less than two feet away with their scooters. it's sad look at how generation X is acting and the fact they don't know the difference between right and wrong.
Bald Mexican man older asking if I am alright stopping right in my space I told him sternly I was alright so he would go away and he came back ..LORD HEAR MY PRAYER
2345 there were about 9 different autos pulling up to the light at commerce and Alamo Street beeping loud and continuous they were out of control.
Yellow Cab 198 kept driving by shinning his brights on me driving by over and over again.
Silver car 4 door this man was completely out of his mind he kept pulling up in front of me rolled down his window and waved me to come to his car. Heck no I am not going to your car. He came back three times in front of me doing this. A older Latino man with a Goethe. plate number GFS 7856 so he drove down Alamo st. parked and walked up to me wanting to share a smoke with me i said no it took me a minute to realize he was the one in the silver car. 
1976 camaro sky blue 2 Mexicans be careful boys a lot of these minions smash into each other because they are too worried about me and don't drive right restoring that won't be easy.
Two couples came to stand in front of me they were obviously well to do and they were from; I believe Mexico they spoke proper Spanish and I was able to understand some of what they were saying because it was proper Spanish. They were dressed well and unique I was making jokes they look like a boy band ....well they really do. Obviously friends of Castro's or their parents are.
Yellow Cab 90 the usual over and over again back and forth.
Little Black four door car pausing long time at light partial plate 0442

Currently I have several minions in the library getting too close it is clear their objective is to make me uncomfortable so I will stop what I am doing and leave. Time is up be back soon.

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