It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 17, 2018

September 16th evening

September 16th all night long I had minions coming at me including three park police being very rude.

2000 hours I got off bus went to river walk and was immediately being followed I went to the River Walk Plaza and then went across street to court house to take a break.
Several people passed by and some officers drove by soledad and market street. I walked down market went down riverwalk and then I walked down commerce. I went to bus stop and sat down there was a young man talking loudly about drugs and renting women out he said something to this effect to me and I told him what I thought of him and walked away. I went to the Harley Davidson store to hide and the homeless man who got in an argument with me about taking pictures showed up with in minutes. I walked away from him to get on a bus again and decided that was no way to hide since they were using the cameras. I walked down St. Mary's was followed and passed by several familiar automobiles. I stopped at the esquire to use the bathroom. A familiar woman entered the bathroom as I was leaving. I walked down to lucky's and asked a man the time it was 2254 hours. Two park police were in there being nasty dirty looks and derogatory comments. I get upset because of their nasty mouths and their bad attitudes but they don't know how to act right and I will have to let go and let GOD some things can't be fixed.
I sat at the square in front of the church at a table I had avoided going into Lucky's I didn't want to contend with the Park Police attitudes. Soon I was being passed by several vehicles both on sides via market st and commerce st.
Two different helicopters showed up circling. Two park police showed up and started going down commerce waking up all the sleepers on the side walks. They started giving out tickets. It started here and all night long they were giving out camping tickets and this is new behavior for park police I assure you. They stopped and starred at me for a long time and shinned a flash light at me. There wasn't much they could say or do to me because first the park was still open for a few minutes I think because there was two tables full of people not far from me. As they headed down the side walk being rude and nasty to the homeless I got up and walked away to save myself from more harassment.

I ended up at the McDonalds downtown I sat on the steps next to the McDonalds and this is where all the fun began. I had minions all over the place and there was minions I had not seen in more than a month being brought of retirement. Isaiah (friend of London SAPD officer showed up), he told me about his vehicle being towed. He showed up to his auto the previous week where he had parked it by travis park. Transit Police was there and a tow truck. Isaiah walked up to the officer and said that's my vehicle. He identified it with the keys and the officer said to the tow truck driver is it OK if he takes is vehicle? The tow truck driving said no. The vehicle was not connected to the tow truck and there was no light on the vehicle placed by the tow truck driver. Mean while Isaiah called the tow truck company and explained the situation to them. The woman on the phone said loudly "He didn't put the light on it yet?" making it clear that he should have been able to take his vehicle if he didn't put the light on it. The excuse of the tow truck driver is he had already inputted it into the system. That shouldn't matter. You don't input it into the systems until you have claimed it by hooking it up and putting the light on it. This towing company has a contract with the city and it is clear these drivers work on commission. The lady at the towing company started to double talk Isaiah lying and saying she doesn't know....well if she doesn't know how these things work shouldn't she get another job? So his vehicle was taken and he was left standing there. He had to download a uber app to get home and this whole ordeal costed him more than 300.00 dollars. He said that he regrets not calling SAPD to the seen because he believes that it is their jobs to protect and serve his rights were being violated. I didn't want to tell him that here in San Antonio officers don't actually protect and serve anybody but dirty politicians they are instructed to attack victims like him and I and they comply with these unlawful orders daily. You know when people are having experiences like this downtown they will stop coming downtown and the businesses' revenue will be reduced dramatically. They will go dancing elsewhere like stone oak or on I-10 near the medical center and the businesses downtown will start to suffer because of the crooked and dirty practices of the Mayor and Chief of Police.
Before Isaiah departed for the evening he pointed out that he noticed how many people had entered my bubble. I call it my personnel space and he calls it a bubble. It's nice when others notice. First it confirms it is happening and second it sends the message to me that my boundaries that I am trying to maintain are in fact healthy. 

I had yellow cabs stopping and asking with I wanted to go home with them I had some homeless men stopping by bothering me and I had a mall security officer walking by and saying derogatory comments. I had three park police officers on their bikes riding by calling me names. It was that same officer that had demanded my ID and to have access to my phone two years ago. I would just as soon avoid him but it is difficult when he is searching me out.

At 0200 a little red car kept driving by beeping several times he drove by.

I pointed out about a week ago how Julian Castro was abusing the system and using government owned drones to follow and watch me in San Antonio. If he were smart he would stop doing it at this point but I can't say the man is smart.

This morning I was yelled at by park police. Three officers in the boat as apposed to the usual one. The female screamed at me I needed to get up. I was sitting up so I stood. Then she said that I had to go up to street level and get off the riverwalk. So now I can't be on the riverwalk so apparently that is crime too. I ran across four different homeless people who had gotten tickets for sleeping on sidewalks and one of them told me that when they go see the magistrate they have to go jail for day for the ticket. Does that make any sense? Does it cost money to put people in jail. You know park police think they are covering their butts with this brand new behavior. Last month when I got these tickets it is easy to see how little tickets were written compared to this month. then they will look at how many were written last year and then they will bring my pictures of campers to a court of law. Sorry Park Police you have made your behavior very clear as to the retaliation that it is. You have not helped yourself your going to go into a court of law and try to convince a judge and jury that there is nothing odd about the spike in tickets after I pointed out all the campers. Go right ahead and insult the judges intelligence and see where that gets you.

This morning after dealing with the freezing cold and the nasty park police I was very upset to say the least and I threw a tiny fit. Try to understand what I am going through and the fact that I should be pulled out of this mess. I am not going to be able to maintain emotional intelligence a 100% percent of the time. I am asking for understanding. 

Now may not be time but soon I will tell my funny WE FIX IT story and my understanding of guardian angels. The streets are making me hard sometimes I find things keep them and don't feel bad at all. Strange.

It is getting harder to continue like this and although I feel bad about becoming angry this morning at the same time the expectations of how much you think I can endure are upsetting. I am not wonder woman. I am very understanding about the amount that is needed for you to keep your promise I will never have to hear circumstantial but an occasional reprieve would make the difference in the world. POWs never got reprieves never mind.

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