It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, September 29, 2018

All my phones were stolen

Earlier this day I had hundreds of minions all over me all day long and I had very disturbing interactions with VIA bus drivers that haunt me to the end of my days. They were screaming at me as if they had some sort of authority over me simply because they were communicating with Christopher Wray via text message apparently doing favors for a idiopathic criminal makes them important and authoritative. These VIA employees have prove over the last two years they have no moral compass at all. I have filed complaints against them only to have the Castro Brothers and Christopher Wray call VIA and tell them to ignore the complaints and throw them in the trash and in the last year the employees have done just that. The drive of the 648 actually called VIA headquarters and attempted to get VIA security and Transit Police over to the bus to take me away because he claimed that I was violated some make believe rule of riding the bus simply to go no where he said that the bus doesn't go no where near Walmart he lied. I got off on Sonterra next to my dentist office and I walked threw two parking lots and was at Walmart he has serious issues.

While I was at Walmart I sat at McDonald's and I attempted to use two of my phones to make Instagram postings and Joaquin Castro was still manipulating my phones and blocking me from doing anything at all I was able to post comments to Instagram and the phone shut down and went black he nearly fried it and I could see what was coming and the fact my time with the brand new phone was limited. I couldn't take pictures and I couldn't write memo's of course I was assuming this was Joaquin Castro because last night I told a story about a dirty thing he did earlier this year and immediately someone entered my phone and instagram pictures were disappearing and I was unable to post or use anything in the phone. Then security guards were being called at the Rivercenter Mall and at the Marriot riverwalk so if I wanted to know who the new devil was in the phone I would have to ask them and actually get a truthful answer which would never happen.

The evening of Sept. 28th and morning of Sept 29th I was being followed all over the city by dirty off duty SAPD. 1900 hours I was at the North Star Mall and there was two physically fit men taking pictures of me they were using small black box type cameras they reminded me of the cameras you would use for surveillance to mount on the wall.

I let the mall got on the bus and went down town I got off the bus downtown walked pass hardrock cafe and then went to the rivercenter mall. When I reached the starbucks there was a park police officer there loitering as if he were waiting for me. I sat at the table that are in the mall that belong to starbucks. Shortly after I was sitting there a tall man with grey hair and black rimmed glasses who was physically fit came and sat at a table that was two tables away sat facing me across from me staring me down. He sent out texts messages and soon three other men joined him. I was hoping they were agents that were investigating as I often hope but NO these were off duty SAPD. There was a SAPD sergeant that showed who was on duty they were calling him Phil. He sat across from me with his back facing me. I tried to ignore these tyrants as I listened to them saying I think she's the one. Yea you know exactly who I am and you all have following all over this city on and off duty I have pictures of all your plates in my phones and listed on my social media accounts. That's exactly why your attacking me right now.
I decided to leave because around 2330 the inside of Starbucks filled with Park Police a dozen police hanging out and loitering and it is Friday night and I am sure they would have plenty to do out there. Harassing me is more interesting and the scout that was there when I got was still there that's more than two hours of loitering.
I left starbucks and it was nearly midnight the grey haired man with birth control glasses sent out a text message I would learn the hard way he was notifying one of his flunkies. And actually he was notifying several of them. I sat at the bench by Margaritiaville on the river walk for about an hour and then I walked to a bench that I have laid on it before; it is half way between street level and riverwalk level and I was there the previous evening when officer kind woke me up. I sat there talking hoping my phones could actually hear me even though all seven of them had been fried at this point and I had to take the battery out of the two new ones hoping all the data wouldn't be destroyed like before. A young man walked into this area and he was walking right towards me making it obvious is objective was to come right to my location. He threw his arm in the air and said sorry, sorry I will go this way and went back the way he came. Not real smart he is making their devious plan obvious he should have just kept walking straight through. You see I have been awake for three days at this point only getting small cat knapps on the bus not really enough to keep myself going and not healthy at all. My enemies were using the cameras on the VIA transit buses to watch me and that is also the way they knew which drivers to contact.
When I finally fell asleep they attacked I was extremely exhausted and they knew when I fell asleep I was going to sleep hard not waking up when they took my bag. I woke up approximately at 0500 and my colorful bag had been missing. Of course I panicked slightly my phone were in their the evidence of the Mayor and the President of the united states hacking into my electronics. I looked around and the bag had been left at the bottom of the steps near by and when I looked in the bag all my phones had been taken they even took the chargers and a pair of earbuds that they don't even need. How nice of them to leave the bag. Last year when Julian and Joaquin Castro sent someone to steal my bag it was done just like this except I was at SAC on the campus and they took the bag and left leaving me with nothing but the cloths on my back to fend for myself. Once again my licence and debit cards have been taken and important paperwork. Last year what motivated the Castro Brothers to take the bag is when I was posting on this blog I would begin typing events that had slight inaccuracies in them then I would back those corrections before publishing them using the journals. So you see it was the journals that were the motivating factor in the attack last year. This year they left the journals. Obviously making it clear it is a different person pulling the puppet strings. Christopher Wray and Mayor Ron Nirenberg. I have no phones now no evidence and no way to document what they are doing. No way to call for help if I am attacked no way to talk to agents at the other end. No way to connect with my guardian angel and no way to contentiously update my Instagram and no only reason I even started that thing was so I could give agents information for investigating. I am a sitting duck and last night/early this morning they could have easily cut my throat and I don't put it pass any of these sociopaths. There are so many dirty cops in this town it's like living in hell itself. This city is full of sociopaths right down to the school teachers. 
And even though I don't have anyway of accomplish anything out here and I can't scream for help the investigating agents will leave me out here to die to continuously be attacked by my numerous enemies to be stalked harassed and hunted like an animal. Thanks for all your help. no one should be tortured to this degree you wouldn't let your agents be tortured and starved like this and this morning they were sending even more sexual deviants at me because now I can't take pictures and I don't have phones that can bluetooth to my attackers phone. So why not have me sexually assaulted further than I have already been that's what kind of a perverted monster the mayor is. It's amazing how the thief knew exactly what bag to go into to find the phones that because all these sociopaths are using the cameras unlawfully. A couple of months ago I was going to leave the phones with Officer Dozier I guess I am lucky he refused to take them because he is a traitor to our country and would have given them to the Mayor and Christopher Wray.

Well wish me luck out here being attacked by all the puppets of the Castro Brothers including the Director of the FBI Christopher Wray sociopathic pervert. Does the president of the united states understand that he too is a puppet on strings being manipulated by the Castro Brothers they have been playing him like a violin since he was put int he oval office I look back on all of it now it is obvious. They had every intention of doing the same to Hillary if she got in there. Lucky she didn't get there I would be dead now. Then again she tried in failed there is no telling maybe it would have been another botched attempt my luck will eventually run out feels like that is what is happening.

Bumblebee when you saw what they were doing why didn't you send someone to take the phones before they could get them? Am I doing all this crap for nothing? Is this all a waste of life? It feels like a waste of life!! Agent McSneaky I am so angry with you.

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