It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 3, 2023

Lady Gaga is a jerk

some nasty nasty mouth keeps yelling at me to open my phone so they could deliver a threat to me they gave me an ad or an article about a woman that was kicked out of her storage unit even though she made all the payments. in other words they're going to repeat here at this casino what they did to me at the mystically casino and have me kicked out in the middle of the night Rory Vance Christopher duck Thomas worm some Susan that works for the CIA Danielle Nagel Kate and her lovely Jason all conspired and having me kicked out of a casino and now they are threatening me once again they claim that I was picking up vouchers off the floor and they claim that I was also taking vouchers out of the machines and every time I went to cash out of voucher they claim that it was somebody else's money however all you have to do is look at the cameras and you can see that I was pulling cash out of my own bag and putting it in the machines pretty easy to look at the cameras there's always an eye in the sky at a casino. so in other words Lady Gaga and Andrea and that stupid gecko think that they are going to go ahead and ruin another casino they've already put their people working at this casino and they are already dipping into the pool in other words embezzlement that ice cream eating Asian b**** the gecko seems to think that she can do whatever she wants and get away with it they're claiming that it's not lawful for me to walk up to a machine and press cash out if there's 20 cents there they're claiming they can kick me out and claim that my behavior is odd and that I'm guilty of theft I spent more than $100 unfortunately I lost it and they're telling me they're going to kick me out anyway they'll find some excuse to have me kicked out they're going to claim that the Mystic Lake Casino is connected to this casino even though it's not even the same tribe they don't even associate with one another and they're going to claim that because I received a no trespassing that was delivered to me by Ted Cruz the worst Senator that ever lived that I can't be in this casino it happened more than a year ago I went to rebuttal what had happened because their security officers were threatening me harassing me and accusing me of doing things that I hadn't done I was using the casino as shelter as sanctuary because they had taken my bank account and Roy Vance continuously told me over and over again that he was going to use my bank account to fund his vacation in Minnesota he was in Minnesota because I was there he was in Minnesota to go to the Eagan Police Department property room in steal my property so if that's a vacation for Rory Vance I wonder what it is he does in a business trip now they think they're going to repeat what they did with mystically Casino ruining that casino walking around the casino accessing the machines and forcing them to pay out for their criminals like Prince who was there so now I'm receiving continuous non-stop threats and I'm being told that I have to grab my luggage and go for a walk in the wilderness we're in the middle of nowhere I don't know the area and they tell me that I can't stay here because they own it apparently the gecko Lady Gaga Andrea Danielle Nagel or came to Michael and Rory Vance and his stupid nasty woman Michelle apparently all Old Miss casino and they're going to control the activity in the casino including putting their criminals to work in the casino and I am receiving continuous non-stop threats that not only will I be kicked out but then I will be apprehended by police officers for an emergency detention claiming that my behavior is odd but it's not odd at all that they're threatening me there's nothing odd about that right it's okay your your behavior is normal Lady Gaga when you're on the rail system in Los Angeles kicking the seats swearing and throwing a fit drinking too much falling over stumbling don't threaten me again Lady Gaga

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