It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Frank Castro Jr. profile lets look at what kid of person this is

Here we have Frank Castro Jr.s profile he put online for all to see.
Let's review it together so we can see what kind of person Frank really is. There are lots of lies here and I will only be able to point out a small portion.  
So, in the beginning, he says that he is a co-parenting specialist and I have talked to Frank several times about my children and I still have not seen or spoken to my children in 3 years is that what you call co-parenting? Taking my children into your office weekly and interrogating them telling them their mother is crazy(a lie), is that apart of your wonderful program. Telling them they will never see their mother again?, I guess that is what the SAFC really does, eliminates Moms and Dads become the only thing children have even when they are abusive. 
I see Frank has had a lot of jobs and attended colleges and yet never finished. I am sure there is a reason for this. 
NOW we get to the really good stuff--Frank says he served 6 short years in the Navy and he lists himself as retired. Wow really? I served 8 years and I was nowhere near retirement, I didn't have nearly enough points. You must have been one amazing soldier to retire after only 6 years.
Frank says he was in both the Marines and the Navy........really Frank? 
Did it ever occur to you that all our veterans out here can see your lies? Well, let me point it out to everyone else. Frank was a medic in the Navy. The Marines don't have medics so they use the Navy Medics when they go to combat. Frank claims he went to combat with a Marine battery. What really happened is they dragged him along with them so he could bandage their wounded. Basically is was not trained the way the marines were for those combat missions, and that is why they keep us medics at the back of the formations when we are beating feet because we become a liability otherwise. Sorry, that is just the way it works. 
So you see he may have gone with those Marines but in no way does it make him a marine. 
Is anyone else wondering if he lied about going to combat? So am I. 
So you taught advanced infantry training? What do medics know about infinity? I knew how to clean my weapons and I was a marksman. Does that make me qualified to teach infinity? Wow, you truly are amazing and you did all in 4 active years and 2 reserve years. Take a bow Frank you can teach all us half-stepping soldiers a thing or two; my hat goes off to you. 

You'll see education mean certificates right? There are none listed that may be the only truth he told.
There's more, lots more but I'm over it.
Tamer Morsi stood in a court of Law and tried to convince the Judge that because Frank Castro Jr. said I emotionally distressed then something must be wrong with me. 
He called me emotionally distressed one month after the SAFC ripped my children from my arms. Good Job pointing out the insanely obvious Frank do you have a certifications for that?
What mother would not be emotionally distressed when her babies were taken from Michigan to Texas by a man who was guilty of abuse and has a sociopathic disorder? Good luck boys trying to convince the general public that I am a bad person because I became emotionally distressed when separated from my children whom I had never been separated from one single day of their lives until the very unstable SAFC stepped in. You see people who are healthy emotionally have emotions and sometimes allow others to see those emotions. I do understand now that none of the members of the SAFC would understand this because obviously, they do not have these kinds of emotions and cannot begin to understand that it is quite healthy. 
You don't like the word unstable? Have you seen the police reports?

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