It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 29, 2024


awn Marshall To:Dawn Neering Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 3:52 PM They filled up the casino and then Shanna worm a woman who works for the CIA named Susan agent Andrea FBI sapd supervisor named Andrea and a few others threw a fit because I was at the casino they instructed their husbands their boyfriends and some very special criminal agents to find a rapist so that I would leave the casino. I always dig in my heels and I'm not going to reward bad behavior I don't care how much it hurts if you want me to leave then I'm not leaving it was amazing how I watch these people who are supposed to be spies who are supposed to be the elite throwing a fit running through the casino yelling and waving their arms about yelling at their husbands because they were supposed to force me to leave the casino. Just to get me to leave the casino. They had their special security officer named Crystal harassing me stalking me attacking me verbally just to get me to leave the casino because they had all their specials coming into the casino and I wasn't allowed to be there to see them so they made up excuses and made up my bad behavior as a cause for me to be removed from the casino I didn't have any bad behavior please go ahead and look at those cameras and take care of your FBI idiots your CIA twits and the criminals at large who are cold-blooded Killers for example a sovereign who killed a 10-year-old little boy who needs to go to the moon and immediately THIS IS THE SAME IDIOT THAT WAS AT THE DRURY ST PAUL AND HIS WHORE RAN THREW THE LOBBY PHYSICALLY ATTACKING ME THEN CALLING THE POLICE CLAIMING MY BEHAVIOR WAS ODD AND UNUSHUAL YOU CAN SEE HER ON THE CAMERAS GRABING ME WHEN I WAS LEAVING TRYING TO KEEP ME THERE BECAUSE SHE HAD POLICE OFFICERS COMING DID THEY SHOW UP MORON? THAT IS THE SAME NASTY WOMAN STOMPING HER FOOT CRYING I DONT WANT HER TO HAVE SERVICES IN MIAMI THEY DELETED MY RECORDS SO I WOULD NOT GET SERVICES. AN UNDERCOVER CAME INTO THE SHELTER TELLING ME TO OPEN ANOTHER BANK ACCOUNT WHEN I DID THEY WERE YELLING AND SCREAMING I WOULD NEVER GET BENEFITS AGAIN ALL TO DO FAVORS FOR THE WHORE WITH THAT SOVEREIGN STOMPING LIKE A CHILD

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