It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 29, 2024

malpractice and civil rights violations at the shelter

they wanted a list it Yahoo / Sent Dawn Marshall From: To: Dawn Neering , Ariel Robertson , , Andrew Garza , Policechief and 4 more... Wed, Jun 12 at 4:30 PM I am currently at the Franklin Assessment Shelter it is almost 2 days I have gone threw a physical you will be happy to know. Today at noon when I went to the clinic for examination and a blood work up there are very serious issues that need to be addressed. It is not lawful for a Nurse Practitioner to be referring to herself as a doctor. If she wants to be referred as a Doctor then it is of the upmost importance she use proper terminology and call things what they are. when i was talking to the nurse she was referring me to their clinics knowing that I am a veteran. She then asked if I told the social worker and case worker that I am a veteran. She informed me in the state of New York has special services and shelters for veterans I was never offered any of these services. I was never directed to the Veterans Administration. I don't know where it is. They refuse to help people file for health and human services EBT and Medicaid. I have never been in a shelter that refuses to help people fill out all the necessary forms. When visiting the clinic today the nurse told me that she considers anxiety and depression to be mental illness and she labels people ill. I am here to tell you that is not mental illness and I don't take this labeling lightly you shelter employees should not be so judgmental belittling and ridiculing those asking for help. Telling someone that is depressed they have mental illness does not help their state of mind their depression in part is caused by low self esteem. There was a woman in San Antonio Texas working at a horrible abusive clinic they called "The Center", she labeled people and diagnosis them without a PHD. This woman is an international spy that has no business working in the medical field at all. The woman calling herself a doctor is Kadian T Forbes, NP the nurse was calling her a doctor she was calling herself a doctor. She was unable to say BLOOD WORKUP, she kept thinking she was correcting me by saying blood test. She truly had never heard the terminology BLOOD WORKUP. when i asked if they still do the intradermal test for TB she called it an insert or implant. That TB test is an intradermal injection that we call a wheel this nurse calling herself a doctor continued to call it an implant. Then she was very threatening when she said "I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS A LONG TIME", so for a long time this woman has been telling people she is a doctor with a PHD and she does not know the proper names for things. while I was trying to make the doctor understand the difference between intradermal injection and an implant she told me that the lab results do not arrive before a person is transferred to another shelter. She claims the lab is so slow that they can not get the results in 21 days time. You understand that the entire reason these tests are conducted so all others at the shelter are not infected with communicable diseases? For a Nurse lying about being a doctor to not be able to see how serious this is, that is an extremely serious issue. For many decades while we used the intradermal injection testing it only took 3 days to get the results now you have moved to a method that takes a month? How many people will be infected with in a month? This Ms. Forbes then said that a psychiatric evaluation would be conducted I was very surprised and taken back that a shelter clinic had the funding to do just an extensive test that is very expensive and labor intensive. There are usually 3 visits required to complete a full and through psychiatric evaluation. Then she was struggling between assessment and screening. That makes more sense then once again she called it a psychiatric evaluation again. I had to explain to a woman claiming to be a doctor that it is 450 questions, essay questions, 4 hour oral interviewing process, questioning if she wants people to believe she is a doctor shouldn't she know these things. Many of these tests will ask the same question worded differently several times in the process which I am sure you know. I don't mean in insult anyone's intelligence the way the nurse impersonating a doctor did to me. The doctor claiming to be doing psych screening is YuanFang Chen who claims to be a MD is he actually a psychologist or is it another criminal impersonating someone with an PHD? there are serious issues at your clinic. Danielle Nagel just announced she said it because she was not going to give me the results so I would be denied all services at this shelter any other shelter and the Veterans Administration, she lied because she has a bad habit of stomping on the floor crying "I don't want her to have services".

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