It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Big idea of showing me everybody hates Jesus Christ Rise Sunshine Mon, Apr 29, 11:36 AM to partnerships, PD, Fake, General, me, Fake, malvarado, press, media, mbanks, mass, Mummx4, printandgo, pperez, mummx3, mkirichenko, kinderego, Ariel, police, pgarcia He was pushing around the preacher and he took the mic out of his hand he was spitting on him he put his hands on him and physically assaulted him acting like an idiot those two black women were flipping off the preacher screaming and yelling at the gay man who is guilty of assault and battery. I continuously try to file a police report about this incident and apparently the websites for all of the police departments in Miami have an inability of accepting an online police report I haven't been able to file any reports this is religious persecution. I ended up getting a video of this moron who told me that you Jesus Christ loves him but nobody's allowed to preach about Jesus Christ in his City apparently he owns South Beach Miami and nobody is allowed to stand on a sidewalk or in a park preaching the word of God. Our country stands for the exact same opposite and I don't think this gay man's from our country and I don't think that he has any authority to be telling people they're not allowed to preach the word of God you don't put your hands on people you don't spit on them you don't grab the mic out of their hand he was all over this man. And I know which team this is and your preacher needs to file please reports of salt because I'm going to do it

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