It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Prior House

Just a few hours after I posted on this blog that the next step Officer A. Flores would make is to have the staff members of the Prior House rummage through my things that is exactly what happened. On Tuesday April 25th while i was working Ms. Sandoval of the Prior House went threw my belongings with a fine tooth comb and now there is a 1000 dollars missing from my savings. Now I could go file a police report and recover the stolen monies that I was trying to use fr an attorney and a home but you can bet Officer A. Flores will make sure nothing is done with that police report has he has done so many times before. I will never see my missing savings again because Ms. Sandoval continues to do bidding for Officer A. Flores and my ex-husband Gregory Marshall as she has been doing since I entered the Prior Home owned by Crosspoint INC. These people claim to be helping but what they are doing is hurting people. For example another Veteran staying at the home wanted an overnight pass to see her family and Ms. Sandoval refused to give it to her, she said you need to take this program seriously. This veteran has two jobs and works more than eighty hours per week. I think that is a clear cut indication this woman is wiling to go to great lengths to dig herself out of a hole and stand on her own two feet. So what is Ms. Sandoval talking about? I would have to have her same sickness to understand. What these women need is encouragement and positive reinforcement. What they are getting from Ms. Sandoval is a striping of self esteem and self worth there is always something wrong everyone in her eyes and no one is doing good or doing well. She is one of those people Anthony Robinson describes as sucking the energy and life from people. I think it highly important for all these women in this house to be able to see their family and keep those connections apart of their lives. It is very sick of Ms. Sandoval to use these connections with family as a method of control and manipulation. We are not possessions or inantimont objects, we are veterans who have earned the right to be treated with respect and this woman has an inability to treat us with that respect. This woman was then told by Ms. Sandoval that if she decided to take an overnight to see her family her things would be packed up and placed on the street and she would be out for good. Just like she threatened all veterans in the house that if they work too many hours they would be kicked out of the house. She said that the VA would kick us out of the house. So who is she to say what the VA will do is she a VA employee? NO SHE IS NOT. However what she is; is a bully. She is without integrity compassion, and empathy and this is not the job for person lacking in all these things.

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