It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, February 20, 2017

The young member of San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign that follows mothers

I several occasions on been followed and stalked by a young member of SAFC he drives a small white 4 door volts wagon car. License plate HTS 9679.
I moved from a one bedroom apartment to a three bedroom home that needed work. As I was working on the home and cleaning it the windows were open, this white car parked across the street and this young man circled the home on foot. He was taking pictures of the home threw the open windows and pictures of me as well. I stayed that this a short spell and I saw this car more three times.
I then moved to a home on Crockett St. near downtown. Once again I saw this white car and this young man. More than once he parked at the church across the street or parked on olive St. and proceeded to watch the home. He also was seen by my two roommates walking around the Crockett street home. 
I made several moves after this one and each time I saw the white car with the young man driving it and of course the SAFC members always knew where I was because of my phone and the fact they were hacking it; as long as I had a phone I was never going to successfully hide from these group of dysfunctional men.
When I was working at Superior Health Insurance I would walk through the parking for my breaks and my lunch. Coincidently I would see my ex-husband driving through the parking lot at the very moment that I was walking through the lots and parking garage. But now it is clear to me because I was given detailed information about phone hacking and how precisely the hacker is able to pinpoint the location of the phone. My ex-husband was driving through at that moment because he knew where and when I was there. I am sure there were many times he was driving through my place of employment and I did not even notice him. And if you are wondering "YES it scared the heck out of me".
And because of my phone they knew that I was renting a room at a friends house in the Medical Center and that is when they sunk screws in the tires of my car the same day that I sent an email to the Mayors office.
I was foolish enough to think I could keep moving around so to avoid these men and their attacks and as long as I had a phone I would never be successful in my ventures.

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