It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, February 26, 2017

 Here in this page of the transcription you see the courts advising Dawn Neering that she should be on her best behavior because Tamer Morsi had lied to the courts stating that I was harassing Gregory Marshall and saying "BAD" things about Tamer Morsi. He infact used the terminology "BAD" in a Winnie voice like a child. However what the court was unaware of was I was making statements about what Tamer Morsi was doing in and out of a court of law they are statements of fact and if there is anything he considers to be derogatory it is because he was conducting himself unbecoming of an attorney of law. I am not guilty of name calling or what ever it is Tamer Morsi would have the courts believe. I am not guilty of harassing Gregory Marshall I want nothing to do with this man and I want all ties to him severed however the courts were unable to see this due to the lies told by both Gregory Marshall and Tamer Morsi. Welcome to San Antonio you have no rights and if someone says something slandering and derogatory about you they need not provide evidence at all and the courts will lean to their side.
 Here you see the courts have been swayed to believe that I have some anger issues. In the courts this day I was angry and emotional what the judge was not informed of is that I was taken into a very small room and surrounded by two large men that have been threatening, stalking, and harassing me. They also have been sending their family and friends to stalk and harass me. In this small room Tamer Morsi told me that I would never see or speak to my children again unless I agreed to one on one counseling with the man that beat me and raped me for ten years. Is this the way the San Antonio courts operate court proceedings?, does San Antonio have no sense of family or justice. How embarrassing for San Antonio because I will scream it to the mountain tops. I am sorry your honor this is not your fault these were lying and you had no way of knowing they were lying to you

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