It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, February 20, 2017

Tamer Morsi Attorney for San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign

Tamer Morsi has a habit of telling the courts that he has served the opposing party when in fact he has not. Tamer Morsi also enjoys calling and threatening the opposing parties in the cases he represents. This attorney also deduces in his simple brain that he will be able to pull the wool over judges eyes for example the original petition states that I obtained passports for myself and my children and he had a federal Marshall searching my home in Michigan for passports that never existed.  I am quite sure that the federal government keeps clear and concise records of who applies for and receives passports when the truth of this matter comes to light I am sure the courts will be none to happy to learn that Tamer Morsi had a Federal Marshall searching for phantom documents abusing the system and wasting the time of Federal Officers this is a ridiculous state of affairs and a perfect example of the manner in which the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign operates their non-profit.
Tamer Morsi attempted to file a contempt case against me in 2015 in was successful in the end but showed resilience. You see he petitioned the courts in May 2015 and when going into court had not served the opposing party and the case would not be heard.
In June 2015 the again petitioned the courts and when going in front of the judge was asked did you petition the opposing party; he response was "Well I sent her an email". The judge said his case would not be heard until he completed proper process service. Did Tamer Morsi attorney at law really think that an email was proper process service?
In July 2015 he once again attempted to petition the courts for contempt this time he had a receipt he had paid someone to do proper process service. A picture was taken of service that had been placed on my door however I never received the services so I wonder was it placed there a picture taken then the service notice was also taken. I was not in court and had no idea anything was happening. I then had a warrant for my arrest. I was taken from my place of employment to the court house in February 2016 I was taken as witness and nothing more and I went in front of the judge at that time I had with me all the police reports of Tamer Morsi threatening and stalking me the judge was none too happy and you can bet she will never forget the name Tamer Morsi.
When we had to go to court on March 4th 2016 and I had the displeasure of being face to face with Tamer Morsi he made the statement "when you were arrested"; I informed him I was never arrested he not only looked disappointed but angry. It is plain to me that all those attempts of getting himself in a court of law against me without my knowledge was so I would be arrested and thrown in jail. Was Tamer Morsi of such a simple mind that he did not understand proper process service, or was daft enough to think he was going to pull the wool over the courts eyes? Under what ever presumption he was functioning under he did a bang up job making himself and the SAFC appear to be group of fools and of course that is what they are. This man manipulates the system repetitively and gets away with it and that is why he continues to practice law in this manner.
The contempt was not honored and the judge was not happy with the behavior of Tamer Morsi and she was ready to throw the original orders out because they were written so poorly. During the hearing Tamer Morsi tried to tell the courts I should be found guilty because I have been telling people that a man that raped and beat on me for ten years not only has our children (which he is hiding from me), but he is also teaching parents classes. Because I am telling my story Tamer Morsi feels they could loose their grant money for the SAFC. The judge rolled her eyes and this is yet another female who will never forget nor never like Tamer Morsi. Anyone else seeing a pattern here? Wait until I tell you about the attorneys I had free consultations with that do not like him and told me point blank he is a dirty attorney. And you guessed it they are females.
Tamer Morsi I am not responsible for the grant monies of the SAFC and the courts are going to hold me accountable when those grants are pulled back they are going to hold you accountable. What did I ever sign that stated I would keep your lies secret so you could keep your grant money? Use some of that grant money to buy common sense dealing with you is exhausting it is very difficult to bring myself down to your mental capacity to deal with you.
This man now is giving free legal advice on Fridays at the SAFC office. Well I guess you get what you pay for. He will be advising people to lie in a court of law and to make up things that don't exist. Then when the truth comes to light he will stand before the judge and say well your honor I didn't know it was a lie I was going forth based on what my client told me. More lies and the people who excepted his advice and counsel will be left holding the bag and their lives will be ruined. The SAFC are advertising these seminars for legal advise at all the half way houses and homeless shelters in San Antonio they are targeting women whom they will victimize in the same capacity they have attacked myself. The advertisment states The Neighborhood Place and it has the phone number for the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and when you call you get Gregory Marshall on the phone asking you to register. This is fraud either you are or you are not the neighborhood place there is no grey area. The reason these men have created this false advertisement is because none of these women they are targeting would ever go to a place called the Fatherhood Campaign for legal help especially considering a majority of them are being attacked and victimized by the fathers of their children. Theses men keep committing one felony after another and getting away with it.

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