It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 16, 2023

The Greyhound bus station and Food Mart

so here at Food Mart is another one of the idiots and he's working as a security officer this is one of your Texas scum sapd officers and that means the city of San Antonio will go down for all of their crimes they're committing here he's chasing me around the store treating me like a criminal and I've got to listen to people say all of them were told that I have no money that's no good reason to be chasing someone around treating them like a criminal this is the idiot dating the rat this is the idiot that likes to poison people causing them to defecate diarrhea and have sharp shooting pains through their urethra then when they go to try to find a bathroom this moron shuts down all of the convenience stores and the gas stations and there's Latino clerks at the door telling me that I'm not allowed to go in that day I had to throw away my pants and I'm homeless on the street sleeping on the sidewalk and Universal Studios while this idiot that you see pictured here was staying at the Hilton in universals City Universal Studios do you think he really deserves that because I don't and I don't think the rest of the world is going to believe that he deserves that. on that particular day 1 hour after I had my incident I sat on a bench and watched a head-on collision it was a black SUV and a red burgundy Dodge Charger. the red burgundy Dodge Charger hit the sign for the Shell gas station at the intersection in Universal Studio City. the man that got out of the vehicle had to crawl away from it please officer showed up in an ambulance showed up he refused to get in the ambulance and refuse to go to the hospital even though you could see that he was disorientated even though you could see that he was actually injured and he looked a lot like Kyle Jacob. and even after Kyle Jacob suffered to head on collision he doesn't learn a lesson the car was totaled and very soon all of his assets will be gone what do the elite fear the most poverty. so as you can see Kyle Jacob hasn't stopped his stupid s*** he hasn't stopped jumping around making my hand hurt making me thirsty having his stupid friend bidding and drinks. call Jacob is too stupid to stop and I got a feeling the next head on collision that he's in he won't be crawling away from it you won't be moving don't talk over top of me you ugly fat Latino. then I walked across the street because I needed a bathroom and I thought that it was Public Transportation terminal come to find out it's a Greyhound bus station that they closed down. so as I'm walking around reading the signs on the door a police officer walks up to harass me and stalk me. so he's overhears me talking about we have to go all the way to Mission Street to go to a Greyhound bus station he contacts all of the idiots that just arrived here in San Francisco and tells them that I am going to the Greyhound to get a bus ticket to get the hell out of here because all your Texas scum are here and they're going to ruin this city like they ruin every city we go to. so now all of your Texas scum are jumping around a Greyhound bus station making sure that I can't get a ticket or that I am overcharged and have to pay three times the amount anybody else pays. he's sending out text messages he's jumping around telling everybody now let's watch the activity shall we your Texas scum are idiots Fisherman's Wharf there is a hotel over there that's pretty expensive and I think it's called the ireu all of your idiots are staying there including the rat several FBI agents in that Latino that we've been talking about that stupid Latino walked right up to me stood next to me smiling like a moron wanting me to get his picture. unfortunately I didn't get his picture and it wouldn't have turned out anyway it would have been all fuzzy because of a Christopher Nino who is a waiter at a restaurant over there at Fisherman's Wharf let's go ahead and go see if we can go out to eat

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