It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Jan. 4th In comes Shannon and Kasberg to the salvation army to take me by force.

I don't have a copy of the Emergency Detention at this time but will have soon. \
As usual Shannon lied on legal documents and said I was a threat to chief McManus and that I threatened him she pulled this out of her Buttocks. No such thing has ever taken place.
I was taken to South West General on Thursday Jan. 04th 2018, I arrived at 10:30am. I requested to be transfered to the VA Medical Center as I always do and it was denied; in the end it turned out to be a good thing. Lucky me I did not have to be seen by Nurse Seely she had spoken with the Chief during my Dec. 1st visit here and told to put in for a court order to keep me defiantly and she followed the man's block of instruction and she told me a lie; Dr. Miller was the one that ordered it. I found out that the clock stops on weekends and it looks as though Shannon and the Chief were counting on this.

I was at the Salvation Army making arrangements to find a place to go from there.
Vanessa and Mary Ann of the salvation army told shannon that I was being outed because I had broken rules this is a lie and shannon and her small mind tried to use it against me. Of course they are outing 15 women at once and this is happening the day after they received bad press how very coincidental. My recording didn't take in my phone but we can all look into the recording in Kasbergs phone no seriously everyone look at Kasbergs phone. Strange Bird he is.
Shannon cuffed me and said it was procedure. Really Shannon I have dealt with you before and you said it was not necessary to cuff me then were you violating policy and procedure or protocol? So I was not a danger on Dec. 1st but now all of sudden I am a danger. I have never ran from any officer and never from her either. I confronted the Chief on that day and now I have not gone anywhere near the man since Dec. 1st and now I need to be cuffed what will the judge think?
Let me explain what she is doing. Somewhere along the line I stated that I don't ever want to be cuffed it would be extremely upsetting to me. She was given this directive in hopes that I would have an angry outburst. Yes it was very upsetting and she never answered fully why I was being detained. I am sorry but telling me that my paranoia is concerning to her is not a reason to detain someone and the fact she thinks I am paranoid is nothing more than her opinion. She was lying they were praying and betting that I would have a huge angry outburst sorry to disappoint I am not that dumb. Shannon was so incompetent that I slipped out of those cuffs twice. Did I run? No of course not. I did beg Officer Henderson to put them back on me before I was accused of doing something wrong or off. After all this woman is such a loose cannon she would accuse me of resisting. NO Dear time to own your own incompetence you can't even put cuffs on properly. WOW.
Shannon wanted me to explain the discord I was having with my teenage daughter. It is on this blog and I have explained it so a 5th grader could understand, I am not able to lower my mentality any further than this for Shannons' sake. Look what she is doing; trying to claim something is wrong with me because I am not getting along with my teenager.
After this Shannon said that I was concerned about my eleven year old daughter being naked in bed with brothers and father. Well Shannon is a mother of three and if she doesn't find this concerning I have to say I am concerned about her parenting skills and her ability to decipher between right and wrong. At eleven little girls start puberty and they need to be taught of about covering their body and having discretion.  Girls are more likely than boys to develop precocious puberty. So yes as a mother I am highly concerned. So what you driving at Shannon? Showing all, you have no sense? Well you have succeeded in your endeavour
Shannon is grasping at straws and she drives one after another nail into the coffin of her career.
Then Kasberg piped in and tried to help the drowning Shannon by saying "What about the fact you are claiming officers were shooting at you". (you and your lack of sense never stop amassing me). I informed Kasberg that I have never said any such thing and he had better be careful how he is wording things because that is coming from his mouth as out and out lies. I could tell that Kasberg was taken back the fact that he was not scaring me or intimidating me. Sorry it takes more than you; I saw your true colors in June last year.
In June when I took peaceful warrior mode and listened rather than trying to be heard I heard this: Kasberg thinks he is above other officers because he; wears street clothes, drives where ever he wants in the city, and he claims to be the Chiefs' right hand man. Will you be the new Chiefs' right hand man?
Then Shannon told me that I sent out more emails to Real estate agents demanding that he buy me a house after Dec. 11th. First I never demanded anything. Second he and his sergeant asked me what I wanted from him and I was very specific about what I wanted. Third I did not send any emails to any real estate agents after Dec. 1st thank you very much. If an email was sent it was someone presuming my identity, it was most certainly not me.

Shannon listed on the emergency detention that I am a threat to Chief McManus. Really when did I ever threaten the Chief where is the proof I have not done any such thing. There is no proof it is a fable and you can bet these people will attempt to manifest proof out of thin air when we are headed to judge and jury.
I continued to ask Shannon why I was being taken in and all she could say was that she was concerned about my paranoia and then she wrote on the detention that I threatened the Chief. I didn't see it myself but that is what Dr Miller told me it said and unlike Shannon and Kasberg, I think he doesn't lie and tell fables.
Shannon also mentioned the recent police reports that I had filed and she said they weren't founded. How the heck would she know if I had been assaulted? Is it odd that is what I put in my phone about the ex-husband trying to file police reports against me when I went to see my children? I find her choice of words very interesting the same exact words I used????????????

Although it was not your intent, you helped me out I needed more witnesses and something else very valuable I got. Your intent was not to help me but that is what you did because my God is greater than you all.
Does anyone find it odd Shannon showed up at Salvation Army the very day I was going to get my own place and coincidentally I had an exit for the next morning? Because the employees had been communicating with the Mayor, Chief of Police, and Julian & Joaquin Castro violating my privacy. The employees lied and said they were exiting me because I violated policies. I never violated and policies or rules of the salvation army they were exiting me because the Chief of Police asked them to do so. I find that highly odd. Not only was that taking place but I had been working for a entire week when they grabbed me there sure nipped that in the bud. Oh no she is being a productive member of society and rebuilding herself quick stop her before she gets up off rock bottom. It will come back ten fold I promise.  

When I meant with Dr. Miller I shared with him the story line Nurse Seely had given me in December and he said the exact thing I had said at the time; "I have never met you before now". Thank you doctor that is the very thing I said. In the end Dr. Miller said that my mind kept going to a negative place about this whole situation. Yes Doctor your right I was having trouble keeping an upper chin about it. As usual hind sight is 20/20. I often wish I could say "that's exactly how I thought it would turn out, darn it". 

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