It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Hipaa violated by Chief Mcmanus reported

Chief McManus violated Hipaa on many counts in my case; the first incident was Dec. 01st 2017  when he called Lisa Brown at South West General and told her to file a court order to hold me against my will and he informed her what diagnosis I should be labeled with. She then called the ER and told the staff to take me to the second floor and admit me based on what Chief McManus had told her and not based on whether I was actually a danger to myself or others. Emergency Detention is based on whether a person is a danger to themselves or others. When I was there she called Nurse Seeley and told her to diagnosis me with the suggestion made by Chief McManus. after the third time I was taken to behavioral health on the order of Chief McManus several doctors found that I did not have any signs and systems pertaining to this diagnosis. No one is suppose to be labeled by a medical professional without proper observation I saw Nurse Seeley for 5 minutes and I was transferred from South West General less than 12 hours of being there. At no time did nurse Seeley make any orders or tests to rule out a medical condition. She slapped that diagnosis on me simply because Lisa Brown director of behavioral health told her to; not because I was showing signs and systems of the particular disorder, but because they chose to use their positions to do a favor for Chief McManus.
On Jan. 4th you will see in a recorded conversation that Officer Shannon took me to emergency detention because she stated I was paranoid. She based her opinion of fabricated events that do not exist in reality, I did none of the things this woman accused me of doing for example contacting the Chief and his staff I did no such thing. 
When I asked Officer Shannon why she lied on the Detention from Dec. 1st 2017 she said it was in previous police reports. First it most certainly is not and second police reports have nothing to do with medical records. When my ex-husband contacts SAPD lying about a disorder he should be brought to justice I should not be labeled for the rest of my life with my ex-husbands delusions and lies. However I am unclear if the police reports she exist i do not think so. The lies Officer Shannon told are still in my medical records and there is nothing supporting the things she said they are lies.
Officer Shannon sent two officers harassing me on Jan. 03rd Jon Sago said this; "It is perfectly legal and OK for Chief McManus to call all your doctors in charge of your care". If Officer Jon Sago really believes this then I think the DOJ needs to take the time to correct and retrain this officer on what the HIPAA clearly states and what the laws are. This is highly concerning when Officer Shannon, Officer Kasberg, and Officer Jon Sago think they can rewrite laws to cover the crimes of their police Chief. It's highly concerning that the Chief thinks he can bully me and others into a state of submission abusing his position with the help of Congressman Castro who has no business making the phone calls he makes including the phone call to me. This harassment is continuing and other officers have been sent to question me in this matter by the grace of god they were unable to find me and harass me in the manner that so many others officers have done. I need help with this serious situation I am one woman fighting for my children and my civil rights.


  1. An FBI agent told me a long time ago that I have to do follow-up I have to collect police report I have to call the IRS and follow up on complaints that I have filed today I did so I talked to Sergeant Matthew Murray who said he's going to call me back and let me know what the status of my complaint is I would like to make a bet I would like to put money on the table my complaint will be nowhere in their system he will call me back and say Don I don't see any complaint that you filed in the last 3 months even though you said that you filed them November December and January consecutively continuously filing the complaint there's nothing in our system and that means we're doing nothing will wait until until Sargent Murray calls back. I then will get a hard copy of the follow-up and fax it to the FBI I'm also going to fax it to the Department of Justice a police department misconduct and let them know that although I continuously over and over again file is a complaint nothing is being done then I'm going to go ahead and print all of those emails dozens of them that I've sent to the mayor's office and let the Department of Justice and FBI headquarters know that the mayor decided not to do his job either.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I went to Prue Road substation talk to a detective about the abusive situation the filth that my children are living in the fact that I am not allowed to talk to them to see them to even so much as receive a recent picture of them even though there's a court orders that state I am supposed to stay a part of their lives. This detective said that a CPS investigation would be done that it would begin mysteriously that investigation never started mysteriously Congressman Castro and chief McManus have a way of making things go away. My children are now left in an abusive situation living in filth and they have no help because of Congressman Castro and his sick ways of manipulating the system my children need help. All of this is about my children at the core of all of this of Chief McManus and Congressman Castro manipulating the system and mayor Ron not doing his job at the core of all of this is three small children and they're all that matter and all of you will lose your jobs and the media attention will be Nationwide and you just remember one thing three small children that's why

  4. Several of the minions have been sent at me to assault me threaten me and just generally bother me all have something in common. That would be a drug court probation officer that they have in common that particular probation officer is the one supplying the minions to Congressman Castro and chief McManus and now we have yet another person who will be found guilty of official oppression violating the policies and procedures of their position and breaking the law in general another life ruined by Congressman Castro and chief McManus I know little Quest to attack one small woman and keep her away from her three small children.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Here we are well after c o b and Sergeant Matthew Murray never returned my phone call as he said he would give me 2 hours and I will call you back is what he said. It's not surprising at all because this is not the first time that I've received the runaround from internal affairs. I suspect that I will never receive a return phone call from Sergeant Matthew Murray you would think he would have the decency to call me and tell me that my complaint was removed from the system and he can't seem to see it another thing that's not surprising nor would it be the first time it's happened to me. And these things just continue to happen and who could stop them whose job is it the city manager and the mayor who continue to do nothing they're getting paid to do nothing people aware be aware all taxpayers

  7. Here we are well after c o b and Sergeant Matthew Murray never returned my phone call as he said he would give me 2 hours and I will call you back is what he said. It's not surprising at all because this is not the first time that I've received the runaround from internal affairs. I suspect that I will never receive a return phone call from Sergeant Matthew Murray you would think he would have the decency to call me and tell me that my complaint was removed from the system and he can't seem to see it another thing that's not surprising nor would it be the first time it's happened to me. And these things just continue to happen and who could stop them whose job is it the city manager and the mayor who continue to do nothing they're getting paid to do nothing people aware be aware all taxpayers

  8. Since the mayor can't do his job and allows Congressman Castro to tell him when to do something or when not to do something perhaps the city needs a mayor who can actually do his job without allowing a dirty Congressman to tell him how to run a city. Perhaps the mare doesn't understand that he is the one that supposed to be doing his job and not allowing Congressman Castro to tell him when to do to his job and what not to do his job this city needs a new Mare and I'm going to make sure Ken Paxton is aware of that.

  9. I filed an internal affairs complaint on November 18th by walking into their office and giving them the complaint I mailed a complaint on December 8th from the hospital that I was staying at. I'm December 11th I walked into Eternal Affairs again handing them another complaint in writing. Just before Christmas I went on the computer and filed a complaint online through at the Internal Affairs office. I have never had a response a phone call no investigation is being done I talked to Matthew Murray yesterday who was supposed to call me back yesterday still no return phone call. Today I also filed several ethics complaints against Congressman Castro because he thinks he can make any phone calls he likes including phone calls to the hospital and the doctors who are providing care for me. Not only were the Congressional ethics Department notified but the medical review board Health and Human Services and my civil rights operation. Of course all of these complaints will disappear when he makes more phone calls and says oh she's crazy I've got my evaluation
