It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, February 2, 2018

July 21st I went to DOJ and chief mcmanus and congressman Castro called an attorney there

On July 21st 2017 I was still locked in my house because officer Flores was trying to kill me I decided that I had had enough and I was going to get help I was going to the FBI and the Department of Justice I had not eaten in 10 days and Chief McManus and Sergeant Gilliam refused to give me food. Their intentions to throw me under the bus and do their best to make me look crazy one of the several things that I have listed on the Blog is them taking in my neighbors and telling my neighbors to lie about witnessing several police officers in my house and outside of my house. I walked 7 miles to the Department of Justice Office in San Antonio on July 21st it was nearly 100 degrees out side however I had been locked in a house with no air conditioning so I was acclimated. A man headed me up off the pass his name was Mike he said he wanted to give me a ride but he was actually sent by Congressman Castro. I got into the office of the Department of Justice and ask to speak to an attorney the attorney that I got have received a phone call from Congressman Castro and Chief McManus warning her about me she didn't have enough sense to realize that these men were trying to cover their tracks and cover crimes she had no sense at all. She decided that she was fearful of a hundred pound woman and decided to talk to me behind bulletproof glass she continuously explained over and over again why she was talking to me behind bulletproof glass I didn't ask, I didn't want to know, I didn't care, what I needed this woman to do was to listen to me about the crimes committed against me by sapd and she had no listening skills whatsoever she did not listen to a word out of my mouth. she left me and said oh I'll get you a bottle of water but what she was really doing was calling officers of the mental health unit to come and get me. That was part of the block of instruction she received from Chief McManus and the Congressman.  I had done nothing wrong it was unlawful of her it was on unethical of her it was amoral of her I don't want this Department of Justice attorney anywhere near my case the woman doesn't have a lick of common sense obviously if she's going to explain to me 4 times why she's talking to me behind bulletproof glass she's doing something wrong that's not policy it's not procedure. Let me also add that she was the third attorney I talked to at the Department of Justice and the other two attorneys I talked to sat right next to me in the lobby active listening to me and giving me a block of instruction, for example; "I need you to take all this to the FBI".

Still talking about July 21st personally if I was that doj attorney and I received a call from Congressman Castro and chief McManus I would be insulted I would be offended because after my vast college education experience and training I should be able to tell when somebody is mentally unstable I don't need men like Congressman Castro and Chief McManus telling me that somebody's insane truly after talking to somebody with that kind of education and experience I would be able to tell if they are mentally unstable so she has no common sense obviously she doesn't need these men telling her who's mentally unstable apparently she was not trained and educated enough to make her own evaluation and she took what these men said and judged me before I has walked through the door. I do not ever want to have an interaction with this attorney again and she is the reason I have not asked the DOJ for help since that day. 
I left the DOJ without finishing my conversation with this woman. I had not eaten in ten days and I walked 7 miles with no water I was barely vertical barely alive and this woman took the word of the congressman and chief when they lied to her and said that I was mentally unstable and may attack her I was luckly to be alive and I needed her help but I got was a woman acting a fool. Telling me over and over again why she was speaking to me in the room with the glass protection. That is her guilt shinning through she knew she was wrong and by explaining it over and over again she thought she could get through this without suffering the consequences of her actions.

The man named Mike had an underlying agenda, terrorizing and stalking as directed by congressman castro. I was convinced I was going to die I had no food and no money thanks to SAPD causing me to loose everything and thanks to the fact I had been locked in my home to for two months with a mad man outside my windows attempting to get in and kill me. This man Mike said he would give me food and would give it to me only if I should him my breasts and that is what congressman castro told him to do. When I left the DOJ office this man was in his car talking to Congressman Castro. He said he is a teacher and he had gone through custody battle and that makes it obvious he worked with the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign. 

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