It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Julian Castro has no control

Julian Castro has made many angry phone calls to his brother telling him to stop breaking the law and he has told him to stop asking others to break the law IE the individuals that Joaquin Castro has instructed to assault myself.
Joaquin is still breaking the law and he is still using Facebook to talk to others asking them to break the law and do unthinkable things to me. At this point Joaquin Castro is looking more like a miss behaved child and less like a brother. He has no regard or concern for his brothers' career. Julian Castro can not get control of his own brother and he can not get the man to function with a moral compass; so how will he be able to run an entire country?
When all this is brought to a court of law the country will be left asking if Joaquin Castro is capable of all these ghastly things and he is breaking all these laws then what is his brother capable of? I am of course asking the same question Julian Castro sitting ideally by watching what his brother is doing the phone calls, the text messages, the Facebook communications, and many many other vices to manipulate the system both criminal infractions and criminal offenses and he does nothing to stop him and bring him to justice.
My three small children are the ones who are suffering the most and if he cares not about my children then he certainly will not care about the rest of the children suffering in this great nation. My children are suffering at the hand of his brother and friends and he just lets them take his name in vain getting various people to break the law and violate policies and procedures of their professional positions it is an extreme case of Official Oppression.   
Is this incapable man who we want sitting in the Oval Office at any time in this country's' future? 

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