It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, May 10, 2021

Ted Cruz porn pervert

 It is Ted Cruz that sends me pictures on Instagram and Facebook of women in compromising positions he also sends me pictures of women dancing and erotic manners telling me to cooperate with the rape that him and my ex-husband and Joaquin Castro are subjecting me to making it clear what they are doing taunting me knowing that while I’m being sexually assaulted and raped I will not stay and I’ll get in my vehicle and drive around that’s exactly what they’re trying to make happen. Obviously they have arranged for something to happen to me while I’m driving around and I’m sure they’ve called their dirty police officers instructing them to pull me over because earlier today I was told that I was going to prison and I would be brutally and savagely tortured and beaten while I was in prison because Ted Cruz thinks that he’s all powerful the zodiacs killer thinks he’s above the law invincible and nobody can touch him


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