It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Dirty Slimy Cops

This is officer Williams she was one of the seven officers who decided that they needed to gang up on and hand cuff a woman who committed no crime. The sergeant and there was two sergeants who will loose those strips threatened me and I stepped in the road to cross the street to get away from him. He threatened to do me bodily harm. The off duty extremely obese Latino officer was in the garage waiting for me knowing I was going to be taking pictures. He called his comrades that were in the substation sitting on their butts when they were suppose to paroling the streets that’s when they all came out attacking me and threatening to put their hands on me. 
The off duty officer did put his hands on me and he got up in my face grabbed my arms and it hurt he put them behind my back I committed no crime. The sergeant said that he needed to see my ID he has no legal right to ask anyone for their ID unless they have broken the law. These morons did not even flinch when I told them that FBI told me to take the pictures of the people that have been stalking me all over the city. Those plates belong to these idiot sociopaths. 
You wanna know why I say idiots I was arguing with the sergeant that parking garage is open to the public. He said yes but people have to pay to park there. SO? I had to keep repeating it then he said that it is owned by a private owner. SO WHAT? That private owner opened it to the public. They don’t even know the law. Then he said “well Walmart is owned by a private owner”. That’s right Einstein and Sam opened it to the public and everyone is welcome in his store. They truly do not understand the law people that is scary. 
Then they have all been told that they need to contact SGT. Vasquez in the Chief’s office any time they came in contact with me. The man didn’t ask if I had done anything wrong he told his dirty cops to write me a citation and they pull bogus crap out of their asses and that is what all police officers in this city do and there are hundreds who are harassed and falsely arrested daily. Notice no one wrote the sergeant a citation for threatening to do me bodily harm. 
The female officer with red hair and blues I tried to talk to. She kept saying I think I talked to you before on the river. You better hope you never dealt with me because you are guilty of stalking and harassing you are seriously guilty of official oppression. I asked her what the policy is about an officer off duty and out of uniform stalking someone and grabbing them and assaulting them. She said we are always on duty. What a .....NO YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS ON DUTY AND YOU HAVE A GOD COMPLEX THAT IS GOING TO KNOCKED BACK DOWN TO SIZE BY ROBERT MUELLER. What a stupid statement people they think they can get away with lying? NO 
Officer Williams I have been dealing with for years she sent one of her pals at me and he had the same instruction as the other criminals that came at me keep her from taking pictures and make the moves on her see if you can have sex with her. This officer is sick and she is guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice. She helped to implement psychological warfare on me she is very sick. 
Officer Dolupus or something close to that I can’t remember the important thing is the agents know exactly who he is. I have been dealing with this moron for years as well he is stupid enough to believe the Chief’s high school games that I am stalking Officer Dech. Wow you are so simple. This is going to be so very funny when we are done. I already told the story that the moron asked if I talked to him. You have been stung in a sting and I am so happy to see you will never be an officer of the law ever again. I personnel vote that only people who have a brain can be officers of the law. 
Let me say one more time that was a Sergeant that was arguing with me that the garage is open to the public he really didn’t know and he was fed the bull crap line that it is privately owned, by the Castro Brothers he didn’t have enough sense to figure out one has nothing to do with the other. No more strips, the other loose of strips is the sergeant who boldly told me he was going to grab me and put his hands on me. Remember america just because a dirty cop tells you have to talk to them don’t believe their lies YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TALK TO THEM JUST WISH THEM A GOOD DAY AND WALK AWAY OFFICERS ARE OUT OF CONTROL IT”S TIME US ANTS RISE UP AND PUT A STOP TO VIOLATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS> 

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